XpsMatrix class

XpsMatrix class

Class incapsulating MatrixTransform property element features. This element defines an arbitrary affine matrix transformation used to manipulate the coordinate systems of elements.

Inheritance: XpsMatrixXpsObject

The XpsMatrix type exposes the following members:


m11Gets the M11 element.
m12Gets the M12 element.
m21Gets the M21 element.
m22Gets the M22 element.
m31Gets the M31 element.
m32Gets the M32 element.
is_identityGets a value indicating whether this instance is identity matrix.


transform_pointsApplies the affine transformation represented by this Matrix to a specified part of array of points.
transform_pointsApplies the affine transformation represented by this Matrix to a specified array of points.
scaleApplies the specified scale vector (scaleX and scaleY) to this Matrix in order
specified by matrix_order.
scaleApplies the specified scale vector (scaleX and scaleY) to this Matrix in default (Prepend) order.
translateApplies the specified translation vector to this Matrix in order specified by matrix_order.
translateApplies the specified translation vector to this Matrix.
multiplyMultiplies this matrix by the matrix specified by the matrix
in order specified by matrix_order.
multiplyMultiplies this matrix by the matrix specified by the matrix
in default (Prepend) order.
multiplyMultiplies this matrix by the matrix specified by the matrix
in order specified by matrix_order.
multiplyMultiplies this matrix by the matrix specified by the matrix
in default (Prepend) order.
rotateApplies clockwise rotation by angle to this Matrix in order
specified by matrix_order.
rotateApplies clockwise rotation by angle to this Matrix in default (Prepend) order.
rotate_aroundApplies clockwise rotation by angle around the pivot
to this Matrix in order specified by matrix_order.
rotate_aroundApplies clockwise rotation by angle around the pivot
to this Matrix in default (Prepend) order.
transform_pointApplies the affine transformation represented by this Matrix to a specified point.
transformApplies the affine transformation represented by this Matrix to a specified rectangle.
skewApplies specified skew transformation to this Matrix.
resetResets this Matrix to identity matrix.
equalsThe actual implementation.
cloneClones this transformation matrix.

See Also