RvmLoadOptions class

RvmLoadOptions class

Load options for AVEVA Plant Design Management System’s RVM file.

Inheritance: RvmLoadOptionsLoadOptionsIOConfig

The RvmLoadOptions type exposes the following members:


initConstruct a RvmLoadOptions instance
initConstruct a RvmLoadOptions instance


file_formatGets the file format that specified in current Save/Load option.
encodingGets or sets the default encoding for text-based files.
Default value is null which means the importer/exporter will decide which encoding to use.
file_systemAllow user to handle how to manage the external dependencies during load/save.
lookup_pathsSome files like OBJ depends on external file, the lookup paths will allows Aspose.3D to look for external file to load.
file_nameThe file name of the exporting/importing scene.
This is optional, but useful when serialize external assets like OBJ’s material.
generate_materialsGenerate materials with random colors for each objects in the scene if color table is not exported within the RVM file.
Default value is true
cylinder_radial_segmentsGets or sets the number of cylinder’s radial segments, default value is 16
dish_longitude_segmentsGets or sets the number of dish’ longitude segments, default value is 12
dish_latitude_segmentsGets or sets the number of dish’ latitude segments, default value is 8
torus_tubular_segmentsGets or sets the number of torus’ tubular segments, default value is 20
rectangular_torus_segmentsGets or sets the number of rectangular torus’ radial segments, default value is 20
center_sceneCenter the scene after it’s loaded.
attribute_prefixGets or sets the prefix of the attributes that were defined in external attribute files,
The prefix are used to avoid name conflicts, default value is “rvm:”
lookup_attributesGets or sets whether to load attributes from external attribute list file(.att/.attrib/.txt), default value is true.

See Also