RvmSaveOptions class

RvmSaveOptions class

Save options for Aveva PDMS RVM file.

Inheritance: RvmSaveOptionsSaveOptionsIOConfig

The RvmSaveOptions type exposes the following members:


initConstructor of RvmSaveOptions
initConstructor of RvmSaveOptions


file_formatGets the file format that specified in current Save/Load option.
encodingGets or sets the default encoding for text-based files.
Default value is null which means the importer/exporter will decide which encoding to use.
file_systemAllow user to handle how to manage the external dependencies during load/save.
lookup_pathsSome files like OBJ depends on external file, the lookup paths will allows Aspose.3D to look for external file to load.
file_nameThe file name of the exporting/importing scene.
This is optional, but useful when serialize external assets like OBJ’s material.
export_texturesTry to copy textures used in scene to output directory.
file_noteFile note in the file header.
authorAuthor information, default value is ‘3d@aspose’
creation_timeThe timestamp that exported this file, default value is current time
attribute_prefixGets or sets the prefix of which attributes that will be exported, the exported property will contains no prefix, custom properties with different prefix will not be exported, default value is ‘rvm:’.
For example if a property is rvm:Refno=345, the exported attribute will be Refno = 345, the prefix is stripped.
attribute_list_fileGets or sets the file name of attribute list file, exporter will generate a name based on the .rvm file name when this property is undefined, default value is null.
export_attributesGets or sets whether to export the attribute list to an external .att file, default value is false.

See Also