A3DObject | The base class of all Aspose.ThreeD objects, all sub classes will support dynamic properties. |
A3dwSaveOptions | Save options for A3DW format. |
AmfSaveOptions | Save options for AMF |
AnimationChannel | A channel maps property’s component field to a set of keyframe sequences |
AnimationClip | The Animation clip is a collection of animations. |
AnimationNode | Aspose.3D’s supports animation hierarchy, each animation can be composed by several animations and animation’s key-frame definition. |
ArbitraryProfile | This class allows you to construct a 2D profile directly from arbitrary curve. |
AssetInfo | Information of asset. |
AxisSystem | Axis system is an combination of coordinate system, up vector and front vector. |
BindPoint | A BindPoint is usually created on an object’s property, some property types contains multiple component fields(like a Vector3 field), BindPoint will generate channel for each component field and connects the field to one or more keyframe sequence instance(s) through the channels. |
Bone | A bone defines the subset of the geometry’s control point, and defined blend weight for each control point. |
BonePose | The BonePose contains the transformation matrix for a bone node |
BoundingBox | The axis-aligned bounding box |
BoundingBox2D | The axis-aligned bounding box for Vector2 |
Box | Box. |
CShape | IFC compatible C-shape profile that defined by parameters. |
Camera | The camera describes the eye point of the viewer looking at the scene. |
Cancellation | This class allows you to manually abort a load/save task. |
Circle | A Circle curve consists of a set of points in the edge of the circle shape. |
CircleShape | IFC compatible circle profile, which can be used to construct a mesh through LinearExtrusion |
ColladaSaveOptions | Save options for collada |
CompositeCurve | A CompositeCurve is consisting of several curve segments. |
CompositeCurve.Segment | The curve segment |
CryptoUtils | |
CubeFaceData | Data for each face of the cube map texture. |
CullFaceMode | What face to cull |
Curve | The base class of all curve implementations. |
CustomObject | Meta data or custom objects used in 3D files are managed by this class. |
Cylinder | Parameterized Cylinder. |
Deformer | Base class for SkinDeformer and MorphTargetDeformer |
DescriptorSetUpdater | This class allows to update the IDescriptorSet in a chain operation. |
Discreet3dsLoadOptions | Load options for 3DS file. |
Discreet3dsSaveOptions | Save options for 3DS file. |
Dish | Parameterized dish. |
DracoFormat | Google Draco format |
DracoSaveOptions | Save options for Google draco files |
DriverException | The exception raised by internal rendering drivers. |
DummyFileSystem | Read/write operations are dummy operations. |
Ellipse | An Ellipse defines a set of points that form the shape of ellipse. |
EllipseShape | IFC compatible ellipse shape that defined by parameters. |
EndPoint | The end point to trim the curve, can be a parameter value or a Cartesian point. |
Entity | The base class of all entities. |
EntityRenderer | Subclass this to implement rendering for different kind of entities. |
EntityRendererFeatures | The extra features that the entity renderer will provide |
EntityRendererKey | The key of registered entity renderer |
ExportException | Exceptions when Aspose.3D failed to export the scene to file |
Extrapolation | Extrapolation defines how to do when sampled value is out of the range which defined by the first and last key-frames. |
FMatrix4 | Matrix 4x4 with all component in float type |
FVector2 | A float vector with two components. |
FVector3 | A float vector with three components. |
FVector4 | A float vector with four components. |
FbxLoadOptions | Load options for Fbx format. |
FbxSaveOptions | Save options for Fbx file. |
FileFormat | File format definition |
FileFormatType | File format type |
FileSystem | File system encapsulation. |
FontFile | Font file contains definitions for glyphs, this is used to create text profile. |
Frustum | The base class of Camera and Light |
GLSLSource | The source code of shaders in GLSL |
Geometry | The base class of all renderable geometric objects (like Mesh, NurbsSurface, Patch and etc.). |
GlobalTransform | Global transform is similar to Transform but it’s immutable while it represents the final evaluated transformation. |
GltfLoadOptions | Load options for glTF format |
GltfSaveOptions | Save options for glTF format. |
HShape | The HShape provides the defining parameters of an ‘H’ or ‘I’ shape. |
HollowCircleShape | IFC compatible hollow circle profile. |
HollowRectangleShape | IFC compatible hollow rectangular shape with both inner/outer rounding corners. |
Html5SaveOptions | Save options for HTML5 |
IOConfig | IO config for serialization/deserialization. |
IOUtils | Utilities to write matrix/vector to binary writer |
ImageRenderOptions | Options for Scene and Scene |
ImportException | Exception when Aspose.3D failed to open the specified source |
InitializationException | Exceptions in render pipeline initialization |
JavaXImageCodec | |
KeyFrame | A key frame is mainly defined by a time and a value, for some interpolation types, tangent/tension/bias/continuity is also used by calculating the final sampled value. |
KeyframeSequence | The sequence of key-frames, it describes the transformation of a sampled value over time. |
LShape | IFC compatible L-shape profile that defined by parameters. |
LambertMaterial | Material for lambert shading model |
License | Provides methods to license the component. |
Light | The light illuminates the scene. |
Line | A polyline is a path defined by a set of points with Geometry.#getControlPoints, and connected by Line.#getSegments, which means it can also be a set of connected line segments. |
LinearExtrusion | Linear extrusion takes a 2D shape as input and extends the shape in the 3rd dimension. |
LoadOptions | The base class to configure options in file loading for different types |
LocalFileSystem | The LocalFileSystem will maps the read/write operations to local directory. |
Material | Material defines the parameters necessary for visual appearance of geometry. |
MathUtils | A set of useful mathematical utilities. |
Matrix4 | 4x4 matrix implementation. |
MemoryFileSystem | The MemoryFileSystem will maps the read/write operations to memory. |
Mesh | A mesh is made of many n-sided polygons. |
Metered | Provides methods to set metered key. |
MirroredProfile | IFC compatible mirror profile. |
MorphTargetChannel | A MorphTargetChannel is used by MorphTargetDeformer to organize the target geometries. |
MorphTargetDeformer | MorphTargetDeformer provides per-vertex animation. |
Node | Represents an element in the scene graph. |
NurbsCurve | [NURBS curve][] is a curve represented by NURBS(Non-uniform rational basis spline), A NURBS curve is defined by its NurbsCurve.#getOrder, a set of weighted Geometry.#getControlPoints and a NurbsCurve.#getKnotVectors The w component in control point is used as control point’s weight, whatever it is a CurveDimension.#TWO_DIMENSIONAL or CurveDimension.#THREE_DIMENSIONAL[NURBS curve]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-uniform_rational_B-spline |
NurbsDirection | A 3D NurbsSurface has two direction, the NurbsSurface.#getU and NurbsSurface.#getV, the NurbsDirection defines data for each direction. |
NurbsSurface | NurbsSurface is a surface represented by [NURBS(Non-uniform rational basis spline)][NURBS_Non-uniform rational basis spline], A NurbsSurface is defined by two NurbsDirectionNurbsSurface.#getU and NurbsSurface.#getV.[NURBS_Non-uniform rational basis spline]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-uniform_rational_B-spline |
ObjLoadOptions | Load options for wavefront obj |
ObjSaveOptions | Save options for wavefront obj file |
ParameterizedProfile | The base class of all parameterized profiles. |
ParseException | Exception when Aspose.3D failed to parse the input. |
Patch | A Patch is a parametric modeling surface, similar to NurbsSurface, it’s also defined by two PatchDirection, the Patch.#getU and Patch.#getV. |
PatchDirection | Patch’s U and V direction. |
PbrMaterial | Material for physically based rendering based on albedo color/metallic/roughness |
PbrSpecularMaterial | Material for physically based rendering based on diffuse color/specular/glossiness |
PdfFormat | Adobe’s Portable Document Format |
PdfLoadOptions | Options for PDF loading |
PdfSaveOptions | The save options in PDF exporting. |
PhongMaterial | Material for blinn-phong shading model. |
PixelMapping | |
Plane | Parameterized plane. |
PlyFormat | The PLY format. |
PlyLoadOptions | Load options for PLY files |
PlySaveOptions | Save options for exporting scene as PLY file. |
PointCloud | The point cloud contains no topology information but only the control points and the vertex elements. |
PolygonBuilder | A helper class to build polygon for Mesh Example: |
PolygonModifier | Utilities to modify polygons |
Pose | The pose is used to store transformation matrix when the geometry is skinned. |
PostProcessing | The post-processing effects |
Primitive | Base class for all primitives |
Profile | 2D Profile in xy plane |
Property | Class to hold user-defined properties. |
PropertyCollection | The collection of properties |
PushConstant | A utility to provide data to shader through push constant. |
Pyramid | Parameterized pyramid. |
Quaternion | Quaternion is usually used to perform rotation in computer graphics. |
Rect | A class to represent the rectangle |
RectangleShape | IFC compatible rectangular shape with rounding corners. |
RectangularTorus | Parameterized rectangular torus. |
RelativeRectangle | Relative rectangle The formula between relative component to absolute value is: Scale * (Reference Width) + offset So if we want it to represent an absolute value, leave all scale fields zero, and use offset fields instead. |
RenderFactory | RenderFactory creates all resources that represented in rendering pipeline. |
RenderParameters | Describe the parameters of the render target |
RenderResource | The abstract class of all render resources All render resources will be disposed when the renderer is released. |
RenderState | Render state for building the pipeline The changes made on render state will not affect the created pipeline instances. |
Renderer | The context about renderer. |
RendererException | |
RendererVariableManager | This class manages variables used in rendering |
RevolvedAreaSolid | This class represents a solid model by revolving a cross section provided by a profile about an axis. |
RvmFormat | The RVM Format |
RvmLoadOptions | Load options for AVEVA Plant Design Management System’s RVM file. |
RvmSaveOptions | Save options for Aveva PDMS RVM file. |
SPIRVSource | The compiled shader in SPIR-V format. |
SaveOptions | The base class to configure options in file saving for different types |
Scene | |
SceneObject | The root class of objects that will be stored inside a scene. |
ShaderException | Shader related exceptions |
ShaderMaterial | A shader material allows to describe the material by external rendering engine or shader language. |
ShaderProgram | The shader program |
ShaderSet | Shader programs for each kind of materials |
ShaderSource | The source code of shader |
ShaderStage | Shader stage |
ShaderTechnique | A shader technique represents a concrete rendering implementation. |
ShaderVariable | Shader variable |
Shape | The shape describes the deformation on a set of control points, which is similar to the cluster deformer in Maya. |
Skeleton | The Skeleton is mainly used by CAD software to help designer to manipulate the transformation of skeletal structure, it’s usually useless outside the CAD softwares. |
SkinDeformer | A skin deformer contains multiple bones to work, each bone blends a part of the geometry by control point’s weights. |
Sphere | Parameterized sphere. |
StencilState | Stencil states per face. |
StlLoadOptions | Load options for STL |
StlSaveOptions | Save options for STL |
SweptAreaSolid | A SweptAreaSolid constructs a geometry by sweeping a profile along a directrix. |
TShape | IFC compatible T-shape defined by parameters. |
Text | Text profile, this profile describes contours using font and text. |
Texture | This class defines the texture from an external file. |
TextureBase | Base class for all concrete textures. |
TextureCodec | Class to manage encoders and decoders for textures. |
TextureData | This class contains the raw data and format definition of a texture. |
TextureSlot | Texture slot in Material, can be enumerated through material instance. |
Torus | Parameterized torus. |
Transform | A transform contains information that allow access to object’s translate/scale/rotation or transform matrix at minimum cost This is used by local transform. |
TransformBuilder | The TransformBuilder is used to build transform matrix by a chain of transformations. |
TransformedCurve | A TransformedCurve gives a curve a placement by using a transformation matrix. |
TrapeziumShape | IFC compatible Trapezium shape defined by parameters. |
TriMesh | A TriMesh contains raw data that can be used by GPU directly. |
TrialException | This is raised in Scene.Open/Scene.Save when no licenses are applied. |
TrimmedCurve | A bounded curve that trimmed the basis curve at both ends. |
U3dLoadOptions | Load options for universal 3d |
U3dSaveOptions | Save options for universal 3d |
UShape | IFC compatible U-shape defined by parameters. |
UsdSaveOptions | Save options for USD/USDZ formats. |
Vector2 | A vector with two components. |
Vector3 | A vector with three components. |
Vector4 | A vector with four components. |
Vertex | Vertex reference, used to access the raw vertex in TriMesh. |
VertexDeclaration | The declaration of a custom defined vertex’s structure |
VertexElement | Base class of vertex elements. |
VertexElementBinormal | Defines the binormal vectors for specified components. |
VertexElementDoublesTemplate | A helper class for defining concrete VertexElement implementations. |
VertexElementEdgeCrease | Defines the edge crease for specified components |
VertexElementHole | Defines if specified polygon is hole |
VertexElementIntsTemplate | A helper class for defining concrete VertexElement implementations. |
VertexElementMaterial | Defines material index for specified components. |
VertexElementNormal | Defines normal vectors for specified components. |
VertexElementPolygonGroup | Defines polygon group for specified components to group related polygons together. |
VertexElementSmoothingGroup | A smoothing group is a group of polygons in a polygon mesh which should appear to form a smooth surface. |
VertexElementSpecular | Defines specular color for specified components. |
VertexElementTangent | Defines tangent vectors for specified components. |
VertexElementTemplate | A helper class for defining concrete VertexElement implementations. |
VertexElementUV | Defines the UV coordinates for specified components. |
VertexElementUserData | Defines custom user data for specified components. |
VertexElementVector4 | A helper class for defining concrete VertexElement implementations. |
VertexElementVertexColor | Defines the vertex color for specified components |
VertexElementVertexCrease | Defines the vertex crease for specified components |
VertexElementVisibility | Defines if specified components is visible |
VertexElementWeight | Defines blend weight for specified components. |
VertexField | Vertex’s field memory layout description. |
VertexFieldDataType | Vertex field’s data type |
Viewport | A IRenderTarget contains at least one viewport for rendering the scene. |
Watermark | Utility to encode/decode blind watermark to/from a mesh. |
WeightedMode | Weighted mode. |
WindowHandle | Encapsulated window handle for different platforms. |
XLoadOptions | The Load options for DirectX X files. |
ZShape | IFC compatible Z-shape profile defined by parameters. |
ZipArchiveFileSystem | File system to provide to the read-only access to speicified zip file or zip stream. |