

A3DObjectThe base class of all Aspose.ThreeD objects, all sub classes will support dynamic properties.
A3dwSaveOptionsSave options for A3DW format.
AmfSaveOptionsSave options for AMF
AnimationChannelA channel maps property’s component field to a set of keyframe sequences
AnimationClipThe Animation clip is a collection of animations.
AnimationNodeAspose.3D’s supports animation hierarchy, each animation can be composed by several animations and animation’s key-frame definition.
ArbitraryProfileThis class allows you to construct a 2D profile directly from arbitrary curve.
AssetInfoInformation of asset.
AxisSystemAxis system is an combination of coordinate system, up vector and front vector.
BindPointA BindPoint is usually created on an object’s property, some property types contains multiple component fields(like a Vector3 field), BindPoint will generate channel for each component field and connects the field to one or more keyframe sequence instance(s) through the channels.
BoneA bone defines the subset of the geometry’s control point, and defined blend weight for each control point.
BonePoseThe BonePose contains the transformation matrix for a bone node
BoundingBoxThe axis-aligned bounding box
BoundingBox2DThe axis-aligned bounding box for Vector2
CShapeIFC compatible C-shape profile that defined by parameters.
CameraThe camera describes the eye point of the viewer looking at the scene.
CancellationThis class allows you to manually abort a load/save task.
CircleA Circle curve consists of a set of points in the edge of the circle shape.
CircleShapeIFC compatible circle profile, which can be used to construct a mesh through LinearExtrusion
ColladaSaveOptionsSave options for collada
CompositeCurveA CompositeCurve is consisting of several curve segments.
CompositeCurve.SegmentThe curve segment
CubeFaceDataData for each face of the cube map texture.
CullFaceModeWhat face to cull
CurveThe base class of all curve implementations.
CustomObjectMeta data or custom objects used in 3D files are managed by this class.
CylinderParameterized Cylinder.
DeformerBase class for SkinDeformer and MorphTargetDeformer
DescriptorSetUpdaterThis class allows to update the IDescriptorSet in a chain operation.
Discreet3dsLoadOptionsLoad options for 3DS file.
Discreet3dsSaveOptionsSave options for 3DS file.
DishParameterized dish.
DracoFormatGoogle Draco format
DracoSaveOptionsSave options for Google draco files
DriverExceptionThe exception raised by internal rendering drivers.
DummyFileSystemRead/write operations are dummy operations.
EllipseAn Ellipse defines a set of points that form the shape of ellipse.
EllipseShapeIFC compatible ellipse shape that defined by parameters.
EndPointThe end point to trim the curve, can be a parameter value or a Cartesian point.
EntityThe base class of all entities.
EntityRendererSubclass this to implement rendering for different kind of entities.
EntityRendererFeaturesThe extra features that the entity renderer will provide
EntityRendererKeyThe key of registered entity renderer
ExportExceptionExceptions when Aspose.3D failed to export the scene to file
ExtrapolationExtrapolation defines how to do when sampled value is out of the range which defined by the first and last key-frames.
FMatrix4Matrix 4x4 with all component in float type
FVector2A float vector with two components.
FVector3A float vector with three components.
FVector4A float vector with four components.
FbxLoadOptionsLoad options for Fbx format.
FbxSaveOptionsSave options for Fbx file.
FileFormatFile format definition
FileFormatTypeFile format type
FileSystemFile system encapsulation.
FontFileFont file contains definitions for glyphs, this is used to create text profile.
FrustumThe base class of Camera and Light
GLSLSourceThe source code of shaders in GLSL
GeometryThe base class of all renderable geometric objects (like Mesh, NurbsSurface, Patch and etc.).
GlobalTransformGlobal transform is similar to Transform but it’s immutable while it represents the final evaluated transformation.
GltfLoadOptionsLoad options for glTF format
GltfSaveOptionsSave options for glTF format.
HShapeThe HShape provides the defining parameters of an ‘H’ or ‘I’ shape.
HollowCircleShapeIFC compatible hollow circle profile.
HollowRectangleShapeIFC compatible hollow rectangular shape with both inner/outer rounding corners.
Html5SaveOptionsSave options for HTML5
IOConfigIO config for serialization/deserialization.
IOUtilsUtilities to write matrix/vector to binary writer
ImageRenderOptionsOptions for Scene and Scene
ImportExceptionException when Aspose.3D failed to open the specified source
InitializationExceptionExceptions in render pipeline initialization
KeyFrameA key frame is mainly defined by a time and a value, for some interpolation types, tangent/tension/bias/continuity is also used by calculating the final sampled value.
KeyframeSequenceThe sequence of key-frames, it describes the transformation of a sampled value over time.
LShapeIFC compatible L-shape profile that defined by parameters.
LambertMaterialMaterial for lambert shading model
LicenseProvides methods to license the component.
LightThe light illuminates the scene.
LineA polyline is a path defined by a set of points with Geometry.#getControlPoints, and connected by Line.#getSegments, which means it can also be a set of connected line segments.
LinearExtrusionLinear extrusion takes a 2D shape as input and extends the shape in the 3rd dimension.
LoadOptionsThe base class to configure options in file loading for different types
LocalFileSystemThe LocalFileSystem will maps the read/write operations to local directory.
MaterialMaterial defines the parameters necessary for visual appearance of geometry.
MathUtilsA set of useful mathematical utilities.
Matrix44x4 matrix implementation.
MemoryFileSystemThe MemoryFileSystem will maps the read/write operations to memory.
MeshA mesh is made of many n-sided polygons.
MeteredProvides methods to set metered key.
MirroredProfileIFC compatible mirror profile.
MorphTargetChannelA MorphTargetChannel is used by MorphTargetDeformer to organize the target geometries.
MorphTargetDeformerMorphTargetDeformer provides per-vertex animation.
NodeRepresents an element in the scene graph.
NurbsCurve[NURBS curve][] is a curve represented by NURBS(Non-uniform rational basis spline), A NURBS curve is defined by its NurbsCurve.#getOrder, a set of weighted Geometry.#getControlPoints and a NurbsCurve.#getKnotVectors The w component in control point is used as control point’s weight, whatever it is a CurveDimension.#TWO_DIMENSIONAL or CurveDimension.#THREE_DIMENSIONAL[NURBS curve]:
NurbsDirectionA 3D NurbsSurface has two direction, the NurbsSurface.#getU and NurbsSurface.#getV, the NurbsDirection defines data for each direction.
NurbsSurfaceNurbsSurface is a surface represented by [NURBS(Non-uniform rational basis spline)][NURBS_Non-uniform rational basis spline], A NurbsSurface is defined by two NurbsDirectionNurbsSurface.#getU and NurbsSurface.#getV.[NURBS_Non-uniform rational basis spline]:
ObjLoadOptionsLoad options for wavefront obj
ObjSaveOptionsSave options for wavefront obj file
ParameterizedProfileThe base class of all parameterized profiles.
ParseExceptionException when Aspose.3D failed to parse the input.
PatchA Patch is a parametric modeling surface, similar to NurbsSurface, it’s also defined by two PatchDirection, the Patch.#getU and Patch.#getV.
PatchDirectionPatch’s U and V direction.
PbrMaterialMaterial for physically based rendering based on albedo color/metallic/roughness
PbrSpecularMaterialMaterial for physically based rendering based on diffuse color/specular/glossiness
PdfFormatAdobe’s Portable Document Format
PdfLoadOptionsOptions for PDF loading
PdfSaveOptionsThe save options in PDF exporting.
PhongMaterialMaterial for blinn-phong shading model.
PlaneParameterized plane.
PlyFormatThe PLY format.
PlyLoadOptionsLoad options for PLY files
PlySaveOptionsSave options for exporting scene as PLY file.
PointCloudThe point cloud contains no topology information but only the control points and the vertex elements.
PolygonBuilderA helper class to build polygon for Mesh Example:
PolygonModifierUtilities to modify polygons
PoseThe pose is used to store transformation matrix when the geometry is skinned.
PostProcessingThe post-processing effects
PrimitiveBase class for all primitives
Profile2D Profile in xy plane
PropertyClass to hold user-defined properties.
PropertyCollectionThe collection of properties
PushConstantA utility to provide data to shader through push constant.
PyramidParameterized pyramid.
QuaternionQuaternion is usually used to perform rotation in computer graphics.
RectA class to represent the rectangle
RectangleShapeIFC compatible rectangular shape with rounding corners.
RectangularTorusParameterized rectangular torus.
RelativeRectangleRelative rectangle The formula between relative component to absolute value is: Scale * (Reference Width) + offset So if we want it to represent an absolute value, leave all scale fields zero, and use offset fields instead.
RenderFactoryRenderFactory creates all resources that represented in rendering pipeline.
RenderParametersDescribe the parameters of the render target
RenderResourceThe abstract class of all render resources All render resources will be disposed when the renderer is released.
RenderStateRender state for building the pipeline The changes made on render state will not affect the created pipeline instances.
RendererThe context about renderer.
RendererVariableManagerThis class manages variables used in rendering
RevolvedAreaSolidThis class represents a solid model by revolving a cross section provided by a profile about an axis.
RvmFormatThe RVM Format
RvmLoadOptionsLoad options for AVEVA Plant Design Management System’s RVM file.
RvmSaveOptionsSave options for Aveva PDMS RVM file.
SPIRVSourceThe compiled shader in SPIR-V format.
SaveOptionsThe base class to configure options in file saving for different types
SceneObjectThe root class of objects that will be stored inside a scene.
ShaderExceptionShader related exceptions
ShaderMaterialA shader material allows to describe the material by external rendering engine or shader language.
ShaderProgramThe shader program
ShaderSetShader programs for each kind of materials
ShaderSourceThe source code of shader
ShaderStageShader stage
ShaderTechniqueA shader technique represents a concrete rendering implementation.
ShaderVariableShader variable
ShapeThe shape describes the deformation on a set of control points, which is similar to the cluster deformer in Maya.
SkeletonThe Skeleton is mainly used by CAD software to help designer to manipulate the transformation of skeletal structure, it’s usually useless outside the CAD softwares.
SkinDeformerA skin deformer contains multiple bones to work, each bone blends a part of the geometry by control point’s weights.
SphereParameterized sphere.
StencilStateStencil states per face.
StlLoadOptionsLoad options for STL
StlSaveOptionsSave options for STL
SweptAreaSolidA SweptAreaSolid constructs a geometry by sweeping a profile along a directrix.
TShapeIFC compatible T-shape defined by parameters.
TextText profile, this profile describes contours using font and text.
TextureThis class defines the texture from an external file.
TextureBaseBase class for all concrete textures.
TextureCodecClass to manage encoders and decoders for textures.
TextureDataThis class contains the raw data and format definition of a texture.
TextureSlotTexture slot in Material, can be enumerated through material instance.
TorusParameterized torus.
TransformA transform contains information that allow access to object’s translate/scale/rotation or transform matrix at minimum cost This is used by local transform.
TransformBuilderThe TransformBuilder is used to build transform matrix by a chain of transformations.
TransformedCurveA TransformedCurve gives a curve a placement by using a transformation matrix.
TrapeziumShapeIFC compatible Trapezium shape defined by parameters.
TriMeshA TriMesh contains raw data that can be used by GPU directly.
TrialExceptionThis is raised in Scene.Open/Scene.Save when no licenses are applied.
TrimmedCurveA bounded curve that trimmed the basis curve at both ends.
U3dLoadOptionsLoad options for universal 3d
U3dSaveOptionsSave options for universal 3d
UShapeIFC compatible U-shape defined by parameters.
UsdSaveOptionsSave options for USD/USDZ formats.
Vector2A vector with two components.
Vector3A vector with three components.
Vector4A vector with four components.
VertexVertex reference, used to access the raw vertex in TriMesh.
VertexDeclarationThe declaration of a custom defined vertex’s structure
VertexElementBase class of vertex elements.
VertexElementBinormalDefines the binormal vectors for specified components.
VertexElementDoublesTemplateA helper class for defining concrete VertexElement implementations.
VertexElementEdgeCreaseDefines the edge crease for specified components
VertexElementHoleDefines if specified polygon is hole
VertexElementIntsTemplateA helper class for defining concrete VertexElement implementations.
VertexElementMaterialDefines material index for specified components.
VertexElementNormalDefines normal vectors for specified components.
VertexElementPolygonGroupDefines polygon group for specified components to group related polygons together.
VertexElementSmoothingGroupA smoothing group is a group of polygons in a polygon mesh which should appear to form a smooth surface.
VertexElementSpecularDefines specular color for specified components.
VertexElementTangentDefines tangent vectors for specified components.
VertexElementTemplateA helper class for defining concrete VertexElement implementations.
VertexElementUVDefines the UV coordinates for specified components.
VertexElementUserDataDefines custom user data for specified components.
VertexElementVector4A helper class for defining concrete VertexElement implementations.
VertexElementVertexColorDefines the vertex color for specified components
VertexElementVertexCreaseDefines the vertex crease for specified components
VertexElementVisibilityDefines if specified components is visible
VertexElementWeightDefines blend weight for specified components.
VertexFieldVertex’s field memory layout description.
VertexFieldDataTypeVertex field’s data type
ViewportA IRenderTarget contains at least one viewport for rendering the scene.
WatermarkUtility to encode/decode blind watermark to/from a mesh.
WeightedModeWeighted mode.
WindowHandleEncapsulated window handle for different platforms.
XLoadOptionsThe Load options for DirectX X files.
ZShapeIFC compatible Z-shape profile defined by parameters.
ZipArchiveFileSystemFile system to provide to the read-only access to speicified zip file or zip stream.


FileSystemFactorySaveOptions and LoadOptions will create a LocalFileSystem for default.
IBufferThe base interface of all managed buffers used in rendering
ICommandListEncodes a sequence of commands which will be sent to GPU to render.
IDescriptorSetThe descriptor sets describes different resources that can be used to bind to the render pipeline like buffers, textures
IIndexBufferThe index buffer describes the geometry used in rendering pipeline.
IIndexedVertexElementVertexElement with indices data.
IMeshConvertibleEntities that implemented this interface can be converted to Mesh
INamedObjectObject that has a name
IOrientableOrientable entities shall implement this interface.
IPipelineThe pre-baked sequence of operations to draw in GPU side.
IRenderQueueEntity renderer uses this queue to manage render tasks.
IRenderTargetThe base interface of render target
IRenderTextureThe interface of render texture
IRenderWindowIRenderWindow represents the native window created by operating system that supports rendering.
ITexture1D1D texture
ITexture2D2D texture
ITextureCodecCodec for textures
ITextureCubemapCube map texture
ITextureDecoderExternal texture decoder should implement this interface for decoding.
ITextureEncoderExternal texture encoder should implement this interface for encoding.
ITextureUnitITextureUnit represents a texture in the memory that shared between GPU and CPU and can be sampled by the shader, where the Texture only represents a reference to an external file.
IVertexBufferThe vertex buffer holds the polygon vertex data that will be sent to rendering pipeline
MaterialConverterCustom converter to convert the geometry’s original material to GLTF’s PBR material.
NodeVisitorA callback to travel through the whole node hierarchy.


AlphaSourceDefines whether the texture contains the alpha channel.
ApertureModeCamera aperture modes.
AxisThe coordinate axis.
BlendFactorBlend factor specify pixel arithmetic.
BoneLinkModeA bone’s link mode refers to the way in which a bone is connected or linked to its parent bone within a hierarchical structure.
BooleanOperationMesh’s Boolean operation
BoundingBoxExtentThe extent of the bounding box
ColladaTransformStyleThe node’s transformation style of node
CompareFunctionThe compare function used in depth/stencil testing.
ComposeOrderThe order to compose transform matrix
CoordinateSystemThe left handed or right handed coordinate system.
CubeFaceEach face of the cube map texture
CurveDimensionThe dimension of the curves.
DracoCompressionLevelCompression level for draco file
DrawOperationThe primitive types to render
ExtrapolationTypeExtrapolation type.
FileContentTypeFile content type
FrontFaceDefine front- and back-facing polygons
GltfEmbeddedImageFormatHow glTF exporter will embed the textures during the exporting.
IndexDataTypeThe data type of the elements in IIndexBuffer
InterpolationThe key frame’s interpolation type.
LightTypeLight types.
MappingModeDetermines how the element is mapped to a surface.
NurbsTypeNURBS types.
PatchDirectionTypePatch direction’s types.
PdfLightingSchemeLightingScheme specifies the lighting to apply to 3D artwork.
PdfRenderModeRender mode specifies the style in which the 3D artwork is rendered.
PixelFormatThe pixel’s format used in texture unit.
PolygonModeThe polygon rasterization mode
PoseTypePose type.
PresetShadersThis defines the preset internal shaders used by the renderer.
ProjectionTypeCamera’s projection types.
ReferenceModeReferenceMode defines how mapping information is stored and referenced by.
RenderQueueGroupIdThe group id of render queue
RenderStageThe render stage
RotationModeThe frustum’s rotation mode
RotationOrderThe order controls which rx ry rz are applied in the transformation matrix.
SkeletonTypeSkeleton’s types.
SplitMeshPolicyShare vertex/control point data between sub-meshes or each sub-mesh has its own compacted data.
StencilActionThe stencil test actions
StepModeInterpolation step mode.
TextureFilterFilter options during texture sampling.
TextureMappingThe texture mapping type for VertexElementUV Describes which kind of texture mapping is used.
TextureTypeThe type of the ITextureUnit
VertexElementTypeThe type of the vertex element, defined how it will be used in modeling.
VertexFieldSemanticThe semantic of the vertex field
WrapModeTexture’s wrap mode.