Class GltfSaveOptions

GltfSaveOptions class

Save options for glTF format.

public class GltfSaveOptions : SaveOptions


GltfSaveOptions(FileContentType)Constructor of GltfSaveOptions
GltfSaveOptions(FileFormat)Constructor of GltfSaveOptions


ApplyUnitScale { get; set; }Apply UnitScaleFactor to the mesh. Default value is false.
BufferFile { get; set; }The file name of the external buffer file used to store binary data. If this file is not specified, Aspose.3D will generate a name for you. This is ignored when export glTF in binary mode.
DracoCompression { get; set; }Gets or sets whether to enable draco compression
EmbedAssets { get; set; }Embed all external assets as base64 into single file in ASCII mode, default value is false.
Encoding { get; set; }Gets or sets the default encoding for text-based files. Default value is null which means the importer/exporter will decide which encoding to use.(Inherited from IOConfig.)
ExportTextures { get; set; }Try to copy textures used in scene to output directory.(Inherited from SaveOptions.)
ExternalDracoEncoder { get; set; }Use external draco encoder to accelerate the draco compression speed.
FallbackNormal { get; set; }When GLTF2 exporter detected an invalid normal, this will be used instead of its original value to bypass the validation. Default value is (0, 1, 0)
FileFormat { get; }Gets the file format that specified in current Save/Load option.(Inherited from IOConfig.)
FileName { get; set; }The file name of the exporting/importing scene. This is optional, but useful when serialize external assets like OBJ’s material.(Inherited from IOConfig.)
FileSystem { get; set; }Allow user to handle how to manage the external dependencies during load/save.(Inherited from IOConfig.)
FlipTexCoordV { get; set; }Flip texture coordinate v(t) component, default value is true.
ImageFormat { get; set; }Standard glTF only supports PNG/JPG as its texture format, this option will guide how Aspose.3D convert the non-standard images to supported format during the exporting. Default value is Png
LookupPaths { get; set; }Some files like OBJ depends on external file, the lookup paths will allows Aspose.3D to look for external file to load.(Inherited from IOConfig.)
MaterialConverter { get; set; }Custom converter to convert the geometry’s material to PBR material If this is unassigned, glTF 2.0 exporter will automatically convert the standard material to PBR material. Default value is null This property is used when exporting a scene to a glTF 2.0 file.
PrettyPrint { get; set; }The JSON content of GLTF file is indented for human reading, default value is false
SaveExtras { get; set; }Save scene object’s dynamic properties into ’extra’ fields in the generated glTF file. This is useful to provide application-specific data. Default value is false.
UseCommonMaterials { get; set; }Serialize materials using KHR common material extensions, default value is false. Set this to false will cause Aspose.3D export a set of vertex/fragment shader if ExportShaders

See Also