Struct Vector3
Vector3 structure
A vector with three components.
public struct Vector3 : IComparable<Vector3>
Name | Description |
Vector3(double) | Initializes a new instance of the Vector3 struct. |
Vector3(FVector3) | Initializes a new instance of the Vector3 struct. |
Vector3(Vector4) | Initializes a new instance of the Vector3 struct. |
Vector3(double, double, double) | Initializes a new instance of the Vector3 struct. |
Name | Description |
static One { get; } | Gets unit vector (1, 1, 1) |
static UnitX { get; } | Gets unit vector (1, 0, 0) |
static UnitY { get; } | Gets unit vector (0, 1, 0) |
static UnitZ { get; } | Gets unit vector (0, 0, 1) |
static Zero { get; } | Gets unit vector (0, 0, 0) |
Item { get; set; } | |
Length { get; } | Gets the length of this vector. |
Length2 { get; } | Gets the square of the length. |
Name | Description |
AngleBetween(Vector3) | Calculate the inner angle between two direction Two direction can be non-normalized vectors |
AngleBetween(Vector3, Vector3) | Calculate the inner angle between two direction Two direction can be non-normalized vectors |
CompareTo(Vector3) | Compare current vector to another instance. |
Cos() | Calculates cosine on each component |
Cross(Vector3) | Cross product of two vectors |
Dot(Vector3) | Gets the dot product of two vectors |
override Equals(object) | Check if two vector3 equals |
override GetHashCode() | Gets the hash code of Vector3 |
Normalize() | Normalizes this instance. |
Set(double, double, double) | Sets the x/y/z component in one call. |
Sin() | Calculates sine on each component |
override ToString() | Returns a String that represents the current Vector3 . |
operator + | Operator overloading for + |
operator / | Operator overloading for / (2 operators) |
operator == | Equal operator for Vector3 |
explicit operator | |
operator != | Not-equal operator for Vector3 |
operator * | Operator overloading for * (3 operators) |
operator - | Operator overloading for - (2 operators) |
Name | Description |
X | The x component. |
Y | The y component. |
Z | The z component. |
See Also