VertexElementType enumeration

VertexElementType enumeration

The type of the vertex element, defined how it will be used in modeling.

The VertexElementType type exposes the following members:


BINORMALBinormal vector, see VertexElementBinormal
NORMALNormal vector, see VertexElementNormal
TANGENTTangent vector, see VertexElementTangent
MATERIALMaterial index, see VertexElementMaterial
POLYGON_GROUPPolygon group index, see VertexElementPolygonGroup
UVTexture UV coordinate, see VertexElementUV
VERTEX_COLORVertex color, see VertexElementVertexColor
SMOOTHING_GROUPSmoothing group, See VertexElementSmoothingGroup
VERTEX_CREASEVertex crease, See VertexElementVertexCrease
EDGE_CREASEEdge crease, VertexElementEdgeCrease
USER_DATAUser data, usually for application-specific purpose, See VertexElementUserData
VISIBILITYVisibility for components, see VertexElementVisibility
SPECULARSpecular colors, see VertexElementSpecular
WEIGHTBlend weights, see VertexElementWeight
HOLEHoles, see VertexElementHole

See Also