Discreet3dsLoadOptions class

Discreet3dsLoadOptions class

Load options for 3DS file.

Inheritance: Discreet3dsLoadOptionsLoadOptionsIOConfig

The Discreet3dsLoadOptions type exposes the following members:


initConstructor of Discreet3dsLoadOptions


file_formatGets the file format that specified in current Save/Load option.
encodingGets or sets the default encoding for text-based files.
Default value is null which means the importer/exporter will decide which encoding to use.
file_systemAllow user to handle how to manage the external dependencies during load/save.
lookup_pathsSome files like OBJ depends on external file, the lookup paths will allows Aspose.3D to look for external file to load.
file_nameThe file name of the exporting/importing scene.
This is optional, but useful when serialize external assets like OBJ’s material.
gamma_corrected_colorA 3ds file may contains original color and gamma corrected color for same attribute,
Setting this to true will use the gamma corrected color if possible,
otherwise the Aspose.3D will try to use the original color.
flip_coordinate_systemGets or sets flip coordinate system of control points/normal during importing/exporting.
apply_animation_transformGets or sets whether to use the transformation defined in the first frame of animation track.

See Also