
All rendering related classes are defined in this namespace


DescriptorSetUpdaterThis class allows to update the IDescriptorSet in a chain operation.
DriverExceptionThe exception raised by internal rendering drivers.
EntityRendererSubclass this to implement rendering for different kind of entities.
EntityRendererKeyThe key of registered entity renderer
GLSLSourceThe source code of shaders in GLSL
IBufferThe base interface of all managed buffers used in rendering
ICommandListEncodes a sequence of commands which will be sent to GPU to render.
IDescriptorSetThe descriptor sets describes different resources that can be used to bind to the render pipeline like buffers, textures
IIndexBufferThe index buffer describes the geometry used in rendering pipeline.
IPipelineThe pre-baked sequence of operations to draw in GPU side.
IRenderQueueEntity renderer uses this queue to manage render tasks.
IRenderTargetThe base interface of render target
IRenderTextureThe interface of render texture
IRenderWindowIRenderWindow represents the native window created by operating system that supports rendering.
ITexture1D1D texture
ITexture2D2D texture
ITextureCodecCodec for textures
ITextureCubemapCube map texture
ITextureDecoderExternal texture decoder should implement this interface for decoding.
ITextureEncoderExternal texture encoder should implement this interface for encoding.
ITextureUnitITextureUnit represents a texture in the memory that shared between GPU and CPU and can be sampled by the shader,
where the Texture only represents a reference to an external file.
More details can be found
IVertexBufferThe vertex buffer holds the polygon vertex data that will be sent to rendering pipeline
InitializationExceptionExceptions in render pipeline initialization
PostProcessingThe post-processing effects
PushConstantA utility to provide data to shader through push constant.
RenderFactoryRenderFactory creates all resources that represented in rendering pipeline.
RenderParametersDescribe the parameters of the render target
RenderResourceThe abstract class of all render resources
All render resources will be disposed when the renderer is released.
Classes like Mesh/Texture will have a corresponding RenderResource
RenderStateRender state for building the pipeline
The changes made on render state will not affect the created pipeline instances.
RendererThe context about renderer.
RendererVariableManagerThis class manages variables used in rendering
SPIRVSourceThe compiled shader in SPIR-V format.
ShaderExceptionShader related exceptions
ShaderProgramThe shader program
ShaderSetShader programs for each kind of materials
ShaderSourceThe source code of shader
ShaderVariableShader variable
StencilStateStencil states per face.
TextureCodecClass to manage encoders and decoders for textures.
TextureDataThis class contains the raw data and format definition of a texture.
ViewportA IRenderTarget contains at least one viewport for rendering the scene.
WindowHandleEncapsulated window handle for different platforms.


BlendFactorBlend factor specify pixel arithmetic.
CompareFunctionThe compare function used in depth/stencil testing.
CubeFaceEach face of the cube map texture
CullFaceModeWhat face to cull
DrawOperationThe primitive types to render
EntityRendererFeaturesThe extra features that the entity renderer will provide
FrontFaceDefine front- and back-facing polygons
IndexDataTypeThe data type of the elements in IIndexBuffer
PixelFormatThe pixel’s format used in texture unit.
PolygonModeThe polygon rasterization mode
PresetShadersThis defines the preset internal shaders used by the renderer.
RenderQueueGroupIdThe group id of render queue
RenderStageThe render stage
ShaderStageShader stage
StencilActionThe stencil test actions
TextureTypeThe type of the ITextureUnit