BlendFactor enumeration

BlendFactor enumeration

Blend factor specify pixel arithmetic.

The BlendFactor type exposes the following members:


ZEROThe blend factor is vec4(0)
ONEThe blend factor is vec4(1)
SRC_COLORThe blend factor is src.rgba
ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLORThe blend factor is vec4(1) - src.rgba
DST_COLORThe blend factor is dst.rgba
ONE_MINUS_DST_COLORThe blend factor is vec4(1) - dst.rgba
SRC_ALPHAThe blend factor is vec4(src.a)
ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHAThe blend factor is vec4(1 - src.a)
DST_ALPHAThe blend factor is vec4(dst.a)
ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHAThe blend factor is vec4(1 - dst.a)
CONSTANT_COLORThe blend factor is c where c is specified in RenderState.blend_color
ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLORThe blend factor is vec4(1) - c where c is specified in RenderState.blend_color
CONSTANT_ALPHAThe blend factor is vec4(c.a) where c is specified in RenderState.blend_color
ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHAThe blend factor is vec4(1 - c.a) where c is specified in RenderState.blend_color
SRC_ALPHA_SATURATEThe blend factor is min(src.a, 1 - dst.a)

See Also