ITextureCubemap class

ITextureCubemap class

Cube map texture

The ITextureCubemap type exposes the following members:


typeGets the type of this texture unit.
widthGets the width of this texture.
heightGets the height of this texture.
depthGets the height of this texture, for none-3D texture it’s always 1.
u_wrapGets or sets the wrap mode for texture’s U coordinate.
v_wrapGets or sets the wrap mode for texture’s V coordinate.
w_wrapGets or sets the wrap mode for texture’s W coordinate.
minificationGets or sets the filter mode for minification.
magnificationGets or sets the filter mode for magnification.
mipmapGets or sets the filter mode for mipmap.
scrollGets or sets the scroll of the UV coordinate.
scaleGets or sets the scale of the UV coordinate.


loadLoad the data into specified face
saveSave the specified side to memory
to_bitmapConvert the texture unit to TextureData instance

See Also