RenderState class

RenderState class

Render state for building the pipeline The changes made on render state will not affect the created pipeline instances.

The RenderState type exposes the following members:


initConstructor of RenderState


blendEnable or disable the fragment blending.
blend_colorGets or sets the blend color where used in BlendFactor.CONSTANT_COLOR
source_blend_factorGets or sets how the color is blended.
destination_blend_factorGets or sets how the color is blended.
cull_faceEnable or disable cull face
cull_face_modeGets or sets which face will be culled.
front_faceGets or sets which order is front face.
depth_testEnable or disable the depth test.
depth_maskEnable or disable the depth writing.
depth_functionGets or sets the compare function used in depth test
stencil_testEnable or disable the stencil test.
stencil_referenceGets or sets the reference value for the stencil test.
stencil_maskGets or sets the mask that is ANDed with the both reference and stored stencil value when test is done.
stencil_front_faceGets the stencil state for front face.
stencil_back_faceGets the stencil state for back face.
scissor_testEnable or disable scissor test
polygon_modeGets or sets the polygon’s render mode.


compare_toCompare the render state with another instance

See Also