StencilAction enumeration

StencilAction enumeration

The stencil test actions

The StencilAction type exposes the following members:


KEEPKeep the current value
ZEROSets the stencil buffer value to 0
REPLACESets the stencil buffer to ref where defined in RenderState.stencil_reference
INCREMENTIncrements the current stencil buffer value, clamps to maximum value.
INCREMENT_WRAPIncrements the current stencil buffer value and wrap it to zero when it reaches maximum value.
DECREMENTIncrements the current stencil buffer value, clamps to 0.
DECREMENT_WRAPDecrements the current stencil buffer value and wrap it to maximum value when it reaches zero.
INVERTBit-wise inverts the current stencil buffer value.

See Also