Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData Class Reference

Class for storing HIBC LIC secondary and additional data. More...

Inherits System::Object.

Public Member Functions

HIBCLICDateFormat get_ExpiryDateFormat () const
 Identifies expiry date format. More...
void set_ExpiryDateFormat (HIBCLICDateFormat value)
 Identifies expiry date format. More...
System::DateTime get_ExpiryDate () const
 Identifies expiry date. Will be used if ExpiryDateFormat is not set to None. More...
void set_ExpiryDate (System::DateTime value)
 Identifies expiry date. Will be used if ExpiryDateFormat is not set to None. More...
System::String get_LotNumber ()
 Identifies lot or batch number. Lot/batch number must be alphanumeric string with up to 18 sybmols length. . More...
void set_LotNumber (System::String value)
 Identifies lot or batch number. Lot/batch number must be alphanumeric string with up to 18 sybmols length. . More...
System::String get_SerialNumber ()
 Identifies serial number. Serial number must be alphanumeric string up to 18 sybmols length. More...
void set_SerialNumber (System::String value)
 Identifies serial number. Serial number must be alphanumeric string up to 18 sybmols length. More...
System::DateTime get_DateOfManufacture () const
 Identifies date of manufacture. Date of manufacture can be set to DateTime.MinValue in order not to use this field. Default value: DateTime.MinValue More...
void set_DateOfManufacture (System::DateTime value)
 Identifies date of manufacture. Date of manufacture can be set to DateTime.MinValue in order not to use this field. Default value: DateTime.MinValue More...
int32_t get_Quantity ()
 Identifies quantity, must be integer value from 0 to 500. Quantity can be set to -1 in order not to use this field. Default value: -1 More...
void set_Quantity (int32_t value)
 Identifies quantity, must be integer value from 0 to 500. Quantity can be set to -1 in order not to use this field. Default value: -1 More...
void ParseFromString (System::String secondaryDataCodetext)
 Instantiates secondary and additional supplemental data from string format according HIBC LIC specification. More...
bool Equals (System::SharedPtr< System::Object > obj) override
 Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified SecondaryAndAdditionalData value. More...
int32_t GetHashCode () const override
 Returns the hash code for this instance. More...
 SecondaryAndAdditionalData ()
System::String ToString () const override
 Converts data to string format according HIBC LIC specification. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from System::Object
 Creates object. Initializes all internal data structures. More...
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API ~Object ()
 Destroys object. Frees all internal data structures. More...
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API Object (Object const &x)
 Copy constructor. Doesn't copy anything, really, just initializes new object and enables copy constructing subclasses. More...
Objectoperator= (Object const &x)
 Assignment operator. Doesn't copy anything, really, just initializes new object and enables copy constructing subclasses. More...
ObjectSharedRefAdded ()
 Increments shared reference count. Shouldn't be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector. More...
int SharedRefRemovedSafe ()
 Decrements and returns shared reference count. Shouldn't be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector. More...
int RemovedSharedRefs (int count)
 Decreases shared reference count by specified value. More...
Detail::SmartPtrCounter * WeakRefAdded ()
 Increments weak reference count. Shouldn't be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector. More...
void WeakRefRemoved ()
 Decrements weak reference count. Shouldn't be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector. More...
Detail::SmartPtrCounter * GetCounter ()
 Gets reference counter data structure associated with the object. More...
int SharedCount () const
 Gets current value of shared reference counter. More...
 Implements C# lock() statement locking. Call directly or use LockContext sentry object. More...
 Implements C# lock() statement unlocking. Call directly or use LockContext sentry object. More...
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool Equals (ptr obj)
 Compares objects using C# Object.Equals semantics. More...
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API ptr MemberwiseClone () const
 Analog of C# Object.MemberwiseClone() method. Enables cloning custom types. More...
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API const TypeInfoGetType () const
 Gets actual type of object. Analog of C# System.Object.GetType() call. More...
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool Is (const TypeInfo &targetType) const
 Check if object represents an instance of type described by targetType. Analog of C# 'is' operator. More...
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API void SetTemplateWeakPtr (uint32_t argument)
 Set n'th template argument a weak pointer (rather than shared). Allows switching pointers in containers to weak mode. More...
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool FastCast (const Details::FastRttiBase &helper, void **out_ptr) const
 For internal purposes only. More...
bool Equals (float const &objA, float const &objB)
bool Equals (double const &objA, double const &objB)
bool ReferenceEquals (String const &str, std::nullptr_t)
bool ReferenceEquals (String const &str1, String const &str2)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from System::Object
typedef SmartPtr< Objectptr
 Alias for smart pointer type. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from System::Object
static bool ReferenceEquals (ptr const &objA, ptr const &objB)
 Compares objects by reference. More...
template<typename T >
static std::enable_if<!IsSmartPtr< T >::value, bool >::type ReferenceEquals (T const &objA, T const &objB)
 Compares objects by reference. More...
template<typename T >
static std::enable_if<!IsSmartPtr< T >::value, bool >::type ReferenceEquals (T const &objA, std::nullptr_t)
 Reference-compares value type object with nullptr. More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
static std::enable_if< IsSmartPtr< T1 >::value &&IsSmartPtr< T2 >::value, bool >::type Equals (T1 const &objA, T2 const &objB)
 Compares reference type objects in C# style. More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
static std::enable_if<!IsSmartPtr< T1 >::value &&!IsSmartPtr< T2 >::value, bool >::type Equals (T1 const &objA, T2 const &objB)
 Compares value type objects in C# style. More...
static const TypeInfoType ()
 Implements C# typeof(System.Object) construct. More...

Detailed Description

Class for storing HIBC LIC secondary and additional data.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SecondaryAndAdditionalData()

Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData::SecondaryAndAdditionalData ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Equals()

bool Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData::Equals ( System::SharedPtr< System::Object obj)

Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified SecondaryAndAdditionalData value.

objAn SecondaryAndAdditionalData value to compare to this instance.
true if obj has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.

◆ get_DateOfManufacture()

System::DateTime Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData::get_DateOfManufacture ( ) const

Identifies date of manufacture. Date of manufacture can be set to DateTime.MinValue in order not to use this field. Default value: DateTime.MinValue

◆ get_ExpiryDate()

System::DateTime Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData::get_ExpiryDate ( ) const

Identifies expiry date. Will be used if ExpiryDateFormat is not set to None.

◆ get_ExpiryDateFormat()

HIBCLICDateFormat Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData::get_ExpiryDateFormat ( ) const

Identifies expiry date format.

◆ get_LotNumber()

System::String Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData::get_LotNumber ( )

Identifies lot or batch number. Lot/batch number must be alphanumeric string with up to 18 sybmols length. .

◆ get_Quantity()

int32_t Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData::get_Quantity ( )

Identifies quantity, must be integer value from 0 to 500. Quantity can be set to -1 in order not to use this field. Default value: -1

◆ get_SerialNumber()

System::String Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData::get_SerialNumber ( )

Identifies serial number. Serial number must be alphanumeric string up to 18 sybmols length.

◆ GetHashCode()

int32_t Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData::GetHashCode ( ) const

Returns the hash code for this instance.

A 32-bit signed integer hash code.

Reimplemented from System::Object.

◆ ParseFromString()

void Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData::ParseFromString ( System::String  secondaryDataCodetext)

Instantiates secondary and additional supplemental data from string format according HIBC LIC specification.

secondaryDataCodetextFormatted string.

◆ set_DateOfManufacture()

void Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData::set_DateOfManufacture ( System::DateTime  value)

Identifies date of manufacture. Date of manufacture can be set to DateTime.MinValue in order not to use this field. Default value: DateTime.MinValue

◆ set_ExpiryDate()

void Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData::set_ExpiryDate ( System::DateTime  value)

Identifies expiry date. Will be used if ExpiryDateFormat is not set to None.

◆ set_ExpiryDateFormat()

void Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData::set_ExpiryDateFormat ( HIBCLICDateFormat  value)

Identifies expiry date format.

◆ set_LotNumber()

void Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData::set_LotNumber ( System::String  value)

Identifies lot or batch number. Lot/batch number must be alphanumeric string with up to 18 sybmols length. .

◆ set_Quantity()

void Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData::set_Quantity ( int32_t  value)

Identifies quantity, must be integer value from 0 to 500. Quantity can be set to -1 in order not to use this field. Default value: -1

◆ set_SerialNumber()

void Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData::set_SerialNumber ( System::String  value)

Identifies serial number. Serial number must be alphanumeric string up to 18 sybmols length.

◆ ToString()

System::String Aspose::BarCode::ComplexBarcode::SecondaryAndAdditionalData::ToString ( ) const

Converts data to string format according HIBC LIC specification.

Formatted string.

Reimplemented from System::Object.