Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes Class Reference

Specifies the type of barcode to encode. More...

Public Member Functions

 EncodeTypes ()=delete

Static Public Member Functions

static System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< BaseEncodeType > > get_AllEncodeTypes ()
 Specifies that data will be checked with all available symbologies. More...
static System::ArrayPtr< System::StringGetNames ()
 Retrieves an array of the names of the encode types. More...
static bool Parse (System::String parsingType, System::SharedPtr< BaseEncodeType > &result)
 Converts the string representation of a BaseEncodeType to its instance. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed. More...
static bool TryParse (System::String parsingType, System::SharedPtr< BaseEncodeType > &result)
 Converts the string representation of a BaseEncodeType to its instance. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed. More...

Static Public Attributes

static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeNone
 Unspecified encode type. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeCodabar
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with CODABAR barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeCode11
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with CODE 11 barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeCode39
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with Code 39 basic charset barcode specification: ISO/IEC 16388 More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeCode39FullASCII
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with Code 39 full ASCII charset barcode specification: ISO/IEC 16388 More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeCode93
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with CODE 93 barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeCode128
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with CODE 128 barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeGS1Code128
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with GS1 Code 128 barcode specification. The codetext must contains parentheses for AI. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeEAN8
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with EAN-8 barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeEAN13
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with EAN-13 barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeEAN14
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with EAN14 barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeSCC14
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with SCC14 barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeSSCC18
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with SSCC18 barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeUPCA
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with UPC-A barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeUPCE
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with UPC-E barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeISBN
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with ISBN barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeISSN
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with ISSN barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeISMN
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with ISMN barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeStandard2of5
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with Standard 2 of 5 barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeInterleaved2of5
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with INTERLEAVED 2 of 5 barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeMatrix2of5
 Represents Matrix 2 of 5 BarCode More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeItalianPost25
 Represents Italian Post 25 barcode. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeIATA2of5
 Represents IATA 2 of 5 barcode.IATA (International Air Transport Assosiation) uses this barcode for the management of air cargo. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeITF14
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with ITF14 barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeITF6
 Represents ITF-6 Barcode. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeMSI
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with MSI Plessey barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeVIN
 Represents VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) Barcode. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeDeutschePostIdentcode
 Represents Deutsch Post barcode, This Symbology is also known as Identcode,CodeIdentcode,German Postal 2 of 5 Identcode, Deutsch Post AG Identcode, Deutsch Frachtpost Identcode, Deutsch Post AG (DHL) More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeDeutschePostLeitcode
 Represents Deutsch Post Leitcode Barcode,also known as German Postal 2 of 5 Leitcode, CodeLeitcode, Leitcode, Deutsch Post AG (DHL). More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeOPC
 Represents OPC(Optical Product Code) Barcode,also known as , VCA Barcode VCA OPC, Vision Council of America OPC Barcode. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypePZN
 Represents PZN barcode.This Symbology is also known as Pharmacy central number, Pharmazentralnummer More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeCode16K
 Represents Code 16K barcode. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypePharmacode
 Represents Pharmacode barcode. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeDataMatrix
 2D barcode symbology DataMatrix More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeQR
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with QR Code barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeAztec
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with Aztec barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeGS1Aztec
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with GS1 Aztec barcode specification. The codetext must contains parentheses for AI. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypePdf417
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with Pdf417 barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeMacroPdf417
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with MacroPdf417 barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeGS1DataMatrix
 2D barcode symbology DataMatrix with GS1 string format More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeMicroPdf417
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with MicroPdf417 barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeGS1MicroPdf417
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with GS1MicroPdf417 barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeGS1QR
 2D barcode symbology QR with GS1 string format More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeMaxiCode
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with MaxiCode barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeDotCode
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with DotCode barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeHanXin
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with Han Xin barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeGS1HanXin
 2D barcode symbology HanXin with GS1 string format More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeMicroQR
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with MicroQR Code barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeRectMicroQR
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with RectMicroQR (rMQR) Code barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeAustraliaPost
 Represents Australia Post Customer BarCode More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypePostnet
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with Postnet barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypePlanet
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with Planet barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeOneCode
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with USPS OneCode barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeRM4SCC
 Represents RM4SCC barcode. RM4SCC (Royal Mail 4-state Customer Code) is used for automated mail sort process in UK. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeMailmark
 Represents Royal Mail Mailmark barcode. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeDatabarOmniDirectional
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with GS1 Databar omni-directional barcode specification. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeDatabarTruncated
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with GS1 Databar truncated barcode specification. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeDatabarLimited
 Represents GS1 Databar limited barcode. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeDatabarExpanded
 Represents GS1 Databar expanded barcode. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeDatabarExpandedStacked
 Represents GS1 Databar expanded stacked barcode. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeDatabarStacked
 Represents GS1 Databar stacked barcode. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeDatabarStackedOmniDirectional
 Represents GS1 Databar stacked omni-directional barcode. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeSingaporePost
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with Singapore Post Barcode barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeAustralianPosteParcel
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with Australian Post Domestic eParcel Barcode barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeSwissPostParcel
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with Swiss Post Parcel Barcode barcode specification. Supported types: Domestic Mail, International Mail, Additional Services (new) More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypePatchCode
 Represents Patch code barcode More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeCode32
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with Code32 barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeDataLogic2of5
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with DataLogic 2 of 5 barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeDutchKIX
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with Dutch KIX barcode specification More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeUpcaGs1Code128Coupon
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with UPC coupon with GS1-128 Extended Code barcode specification. An example of the input string: BarcodeGenerator.Codetext = "514141100906(8102)03", where UPCA part is "514141100906", GS1Code128 part is (8102)03. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeUpcaGs1DatabarCoupon
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with UPC coupon with GS1 DataBar addition barcode specification. An example of the input string: BarcodeGenerator.Codetext = "514141100906(8110)106141416543213500110000310123196000", where UPCA part is "514141100906", Databar part is "(8110)106141416543213500110000310123196000". To change the caption, use Parameters.CaptionAbove.Text = "company prefix + offer code"; More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeCodablockF
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with Codablock-F barcode specification. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeGS1CodablockF
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with GS1 Codablock-F barcode specification. The codetext must contains parentheses for AI. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeGS1CompositeBar
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with GS1 Composite Bar barcode specification. The codetext must contains parentheses for AI. 1D codetext and 2D codetext must be separated with symbol '/' More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeHIBCCode39LIC
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC LIC Code39Standart barcode specification. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeHIBCCode128LIC
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC LIC Code128 barcode specification. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeHIBCAztecLIC
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC LIC Aztec barcode specification. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeHIBCDataMatrixLIC
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC LIC DataMatrix barcode specification. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeHIBCQRLIC
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC LIC QR barcode specification. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeHIBCCode39PAS
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC PAS Code39Standart barcode specification. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeHIBCCode128PAS
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC PAS Code128 barcode specification. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeHIBCAztecPAS
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC PAS Aztec barcode specification. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeHIBCDataMatrixPAS
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC PAS DataMatrix barcode specification. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeHIBCQRPAS
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC PAS QR barcode specification. More...
static System::SharedPtr< SymbologyEncodeTypeGS1DotCode
 Specifies that the data should be encoded with GS1 DotCode barcode specification. The codetext must contains parentheses for AI. More...

Detailed Description

Specifies the type of barcode to encode.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ EncodeTypes()

Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::EncodeTypes ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ get_AllEncodeTypes()

static System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<BaseEncodeType> > Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::get_AllEncodeTypes ( )

Specifies that data will be checked with all available symbologies.

◆ GetNames()

static System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::GetNames ( )

Retrieves an array of the names of the encode types.

A string array of the names of the encode types.

◆ Parse()

static bool Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Parse ( System::String  parsingType,
System::SharedPtr< BaseEncodeType > &  result 

Converts the string representation of a BaseEncodeType to its instance. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.

parsingTypeA string containing a BaseEncodeType representation to convert.
resultAn actual BaseEncodeType returns, when conversion has completed successfully;

otherwise it returns null.

true if s was converted successfully; otherwise, false.

◆ TryParse()

static bool Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::TryParse ( System::String  parsingType,
System::SharedPtr< BaseEncodeType > &  result 

Converts the string representation of a BaseEncodeType to its instance. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.

parsingTypeA string in the format as "Index:-1; Name:None" to convert.
resultAn actual SingleEncodeType returns, when conversion has completed successfully;

otherwise it returns null.

true if s was converted successfully; otherwise, false.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AustralianPosteParcel

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::AustralianPosteParcel

Specifies that the data should be encoded with Australian Post Domestic eParcel Barcode barcode specification

◆ AustraliaPost

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::AustraliaPost

Represents Australia Post Customer BarCode

◆ Aztec

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Aztec

Specifies that the data should be encoded with Aztec barcode specification

◆ Codabar

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Codabar

Specifies that the data should be encoded with CODABAR barcode specification

◆ CodablockF

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::CodablockF

Specifies that the data should be encoded with Codablock-F barcode specification.

◆ Code11

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Code11

Specifies that the data should be encoded with CODE 11 barcode specification

◆ Code128

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Code128

Specifies that the data should be encoded with CODE 128 barcode specification

◆ Code16K

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Code16K

Represents Code 16K barcode.

◆ Code32

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Code32

Specifies that the data should be encoded with Code32 barcode specification

◆ Code39

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Code39

Specifies that the data should be encoded with Code 39 basic charset barcode specification: ISO/IEC 16388

◆ Code39FullASCII

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Code39FullASCII

Specifies that the data should be encoded with Code 39 full ASCII charset barcode specification: ISO/IEC 16388

◆ Code93

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Code93

Specifies that the data should be encoded with CODE 93 barcode specification

◆ DatabarExpanded

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::DatabarExpanded

Represents GS1 Databar expanded barcode.

◆ DatabarExpandedStacked

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::DatabarExpandedStacked

Represents GS1 Databar expanded stacked barcode.

◆ DatabarLimited

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::DatabarLimited

Represents GS1 Databar limited barcode.

◆ DatabarOmniDirectional

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::DatabarOmniDirectional

Specifies that the data should be encoded with GS1 Databar omni-directional barcode specification.

◆ DatabarStacked

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::DatabarStacked

Represents GS1 Databar stacked barcode.

◆ DatabarStackedOmniDirectional

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::DatabarStackedOmniDirectional

Represents GS1 Databar stacked omni-directional barcode.

◆ DatabarTruncated

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::DatabarTruncated

Specifies that the data should be encoded with GS1 Databar truncated barcode specification.

◆ DataLogic2of5

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::DataLogic2of5

Specifies that the data should be encoded with DataLogic 2 of 5 barcode specification

◆ DataMatrix

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::DataMatrix

2D barcode symbology DataMatrix

◆ DeutschePostIdentcode

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::DeutschePostIdentcode

Represents Deutsch Post barcode, This Symbology is also known as Identcode,CodeIdentcode,German Postal 2 of 5 Identcode, Deutsch Post AG Identcode, Deutsch Frachtpost Identcode, Deutsch Post AG (DHL)

◆ DeutschePostLeitcode

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::DeutschePostLeitcode

Represents Deutsch Post Leitcode Barcode,also known as German Postal 2 of 5 Leitcode, CodeLeitcode, Leitcode, Deutsch Post AG (DHL).

◆ DotCode

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::DotCode

Specifies that the data should be encoded with DotCode barcode specification

◆ DutchKIX

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::DutchKIX

Specifies that the data should be encoded with Dutch KIX barcode specification

◆ EAN13

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::EAN13

Specifies that the data should be encoded with EAN-13 barcode specification

◆ EAN14

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::EAN14

Specifies that the data should be encoded with EAN14 barcode specification

◆ EAN8

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::EAN8

Specifies that the data should be encoded with EAN-8 barcode specification

◆ GS1Aztec

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::GS1Aztec

Specifies that the data should be encoded with GS1 Aztec barcode specification. The codetext must contains parentheses for AI.

◆ GS1CodablockF

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::GS1CodablockF

Specifies that the data should be encoded with GS1 Codablock-F barcode specification. The codetext must contains parentheses for AI.

◆ GS1Code128

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::GS1Code128

Specifies that the data should be encoded with GS1 Code 128 barcode specification. The codetext must contains parentheses for AI.

◆ GS1CompositeBar

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::GS1CompositeBar

Specifies that the data should be encoded with GS1 Composite Bar barcode specification. The codetext must contains parentheses for AI. 1D codetext and 2D codetext must be separated with symbol '/'

◆ GS1DataMatrix

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::GS1DataMatrix

2D barcode symbology DataMatrix with GS1 string format

◆ GS1DotCode

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::GS1DotCode

Specifies that the data should be encoded with GS1 DotCode barcode specification. The codetext must contains parentheses for AI.

◆ GS1HanXin

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::GS1HanXin

2D barcode symbology HanXin with GS1 string format

◆ GS1MicroPdf417

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::GS1MicroPdf417

Specifies that the data should be encoded with GS1MicroPdf417 barcode specification


System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::GS1QR

2D barcode symbology QR with GS1 string format

◆ HanXin

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::HanXin

Specifies that the data should be encoded with Han Xin barcode specification


System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::HIBCAztecLIC

Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC LIC Aztec barcode specification.


System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::HIBCAztecPAS

Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC PAS Aztec barcode specification.

◆ HIBCCode128LIC

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::HIBCCode128LIC

Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC LIC Code128 barcode specification.

◆ HIBCCode128PAS

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::HIBCCode128PAS

Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC PAS Code128 barcode specification.


System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::HIBCCode39LIC

Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC LIC Code39Standart barcode specification.


System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::HIBCCode39PAS

Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC PAS Code39Standart barcode specification.

◆ HIBCDataMatrixLIC

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::HIBCDataMatrixLIC

Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC LIC DataMatrix barcode specification.

◆ HIBCDataMatrixPAS

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::HIBCDataMatrixPAS

Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC PAS DataMatrix barcode specification.


System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::HIBCQRLIC

Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC LIC QR barcode specification.


System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::HIBCQRPAS

Specifies that the data should be encoded with HIBC PAS QR barcode specification.

◆ IATA2of5

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::IATA2of5

Represents IATA 2 of 5 barcode.IATA (International Air Transport Assosiation) uses this barcode for the management of air cargo.

◆ Interleaved2of5

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Interleaved2of5

Specifies that the data should be encoded with INTERLEAVED 2 of 5 barcode specification


System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::ISBN

Specifies that the data should be encoded with ISBN barcode specification


System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::ISMN

Specifies that the data should be encoded with ISMN barcode specification


System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::ISSN

Specifies that the data should be encoded with ISSN barcode specification

◆ ItalianPost25

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::ItalianPost25

Represents Italian Post 25 barcode.

◆ ITF14

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::ITF14

Specifies that the data should be encoded with ITF14 barcode specification

◆ ITF6

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::ITF6

Represents ITF-6 Barcode.

◆ MacroPdf417

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::MacroPdf417

Specifies that the data should be encoded with MacroPdf417 barcode specification

◆ Mailmark

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Mailmark

Represents Royal Mail Mailmark barcode.

◆ Matrix2of5

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Matrix2of5

Represents Matrix 2 of 5 BarCode

◆ MaxiCode

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::MaxiCode

Specifies that the data should be encoded with MaxiCode barcode specification

◆ MicroPdf417

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::MicroPdf417

Specifies that the data should be encoded with MicroPdf417 barcode specification

◆ MicroQR

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::MicroQR

Specifies that the data should be encoded with MicroQR Code barcode specification


System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::MSI

Specifies that the data should be encoded with MSI Plessey barcode specification

◆ None

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::None

Unspecified encode type.

◆ OneCode

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::OneCode

Specifies that the data should be encoded with USPS OneCode barcode specification


System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::OPC

Represents OPC(Optical Product Code) Barcode,also known as , VCA Barcode VCA OPC, Vision Council of America OPC Barcode.

◆ PatchCode

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::PatchCode

Represents Patch code barcode

◆ Pdf417

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Pdf417

Specifies that the data should be encoded with Pdf417 barcode specification

◆ Pharmacode

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Pharmacode

Represents Pharmacode barcode.

◆ Planet

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Planet

Specifies that the data should be encoded with Planet barcode specification

◆ Postnet

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Postnet

Specifies that the data should be encoded with Postnet barcode specification


System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::PZN

Represents PZN barcode.This Symbology is also known as Pharmacy central number, Pharmazentralnummer

◆ QR

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::QR

Specifies that the data should be encoded with QR Code barcode specification

◆ RectMicroQR

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::RectMicroQR

Specifies that the data should be encoded with RectMicroQR (rMQR) Code barcode specification


System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::RM4SCC

Represents RM4SCC barcode. RM4SCC (Royal Mail 4-state Customer Code) is used for automated mail sort process in UK.

◆ SCC14

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::SCC14

Specifies that the data should be encoded with SCC14 barcode specification

◆ SingaporePost

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::SingaporePost

Specifies that the data should be encoded with Singapore Post Barcode barcode specification

◆ SSCC18

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::SSCC18

Specifies that the data should be encoded with SSCC18 barcode specification

◆ Standard2of5

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::Standard2of5

Specifies that the data should be encoded with Standard 2 of 5 barcode specification

◆ SwissPostParcel

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::SwissPostParcel

Specifies that the data should be encoded with Swiss Post Parcel Barcode barcode specification. Supported types: Domestic Mail, International Mail, Additional Services (new)


System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::UPCA

Specifies that the data should be encoded with UPC-A barcode specification

◆ UpcaGs1Code128Coupon

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::UpcaGs1Code128Coupon

Specifies that the data should be encoded with UPC coupon with GS1-128 Extended Code barcode specification. An example of the input string: BarcodeGenerator.Codetext = "514141100906(8102)03", where UPCA part is "514141100906", GS1Code128 part is (8102)03.

◆ UpcaGs1DatabarCoupon

System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::UpcaGs1DatabarCoupon

Specifies that the data should be encoded with UPC coupon with GS1 DataBar addition barcode specification. An example of the input string: BarcodeGenerator.Codetext = "514141100906(8110)106141416543213500110000310123196000", where UPCA part is "514141100906", Databar part is "(8110)106141416543213500110000310123196000". To change the caption, use Parameters.CaptionAbove.Text = "company prefix + offer code";


System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::UPCE

Specifies that the data should be encoded with UPC-E barcode specification


System::SharedPtr<SymbologyEncodeType> Aspose::BarCode::Generation::EncodeTypes::VIN

Represents VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) Barcode.