AustraliaPostSettings | AustraliaPost decoding parameters. |
AustraliaPostSettingsInternal | |
AztecExtendedParameters | Stores special data of Aztec recognized barcode |
BarCodeConfidence | Contains recognition confidence level |
BarCodeExtendedParameters | Stores extended parameters of recognized barcode |
BarCodeReader | BarCodeReader encapsulates an image which may contain one or several barcodes, it then can perform ReadBarCodes operation to detect barcodes. |
BarCodeRecognitionException | General exception thrown by BarCodeReader, inherited from BarCodeException |
BarCodeRegionParameters | Represents the recognized barcode’s region and barcode angle |
BarCodeResult | Stores recognized barcode data like SingleDecodeType type, string codetext, BarCodeRegionParameters region and other parameters |
BarCodeResultInternalCalls | |
BarcodeSettings | The main BarCode decoding parameters. |
BarcodeSettingsInternal | |
BarcodeSvmDetectorSettings | Barcode detector settings. |
BaseDecodeType | Base class for MultyDecodeType and SingleDecodeType. |
BaseExtendedParameters | Basic class for extended parameters of recognized barcode storing |
Code128DataPortion | Contains the data of subtype for Code128 type barcode |
Code128DataPortionInternal | |
Code128ExtendedParameters | Stores special data of Code128 recognized barcode |
Code128SubType | Contains types of Code128 subset |
DataBarExtendedParameters | Stores a DataBar additional information of recognized barcode BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader(“c:\\test.png”, DecodeType.DATABAR_OMNI_DIRECTIONAL); for(BarCodeResult result : reader.readBarCodes()) System.out.println(“BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeTypeName()); System.out.println(“BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText()); System.out.println(“QR Structured Append Quantity: " + result.getExtended().getQR().getQRStructuredAppendModeBarCodesQuantity()); |
DataMatrixExtendedParameters | Stores special data of DataMatrix recognized barcode |
DecodeType | Specify the type of barcode to read. |
DotCodeExtendedParameters | Stores special data of DotCode recognized barcode |
GS1CompositeBarExtendedParameters | Stores special data of GS1 Composite Bar recognized barcode |
MaxiCodeExtendedParameters | Stores a MaxiCode additional information of recognized barcode |
MultyDecodeType | Composite decode type. |
OneDExtendedParameters | Stores special data of 1D recognized barcode like separate codetext and checksum |
Pdf417ExtendedParameters | Stores a MacroPdf417 metadata information of recognized barcode |
ProcessorSettings | ProcessorSettings allow to recognize barcodes with multi-threaded increasing of performance |
QRExtendedParameters | Stores a QR Structured Append information of recognized barcode |
Quadrangle | Stores a set of four Point s that represent a Quadrangle region. |
QualitySettings | QualitySettings allows to configure recognition quality and speed manually. |
QualitySettingsInternal | |
RecognitionAbortedException | Represents recognition abort exception which is thrown in timeout exceeding during recognition with BarCodeReader. |
RecognitionOptions | |
SingleDecodeType | Single decode type. |