Class AztecExtendedParameters

AztecExtendedParameters class

Stores special data of Aztec recognized barcode

public sealed class AztecExtendedParameters : BaseExtendedParameters


IsEmpty { get; }Tests whether all parameters has only default values
IsReaderInitialization { get; }Indicates whether code is used for instruct reader to interpret the following data as instructions for initialization or reprogramming of the bar code reader. Default value is false.
StructuredAppendBarcodeId { get; }Gets the ID of the Aztec structured append mode barcode. ID starts from 1 and must be less or equal to barcodes count. Default value is 0.
StructuredAppendBarcodesCount { get; }Gets the Aztec structured append mode barcodes count. Default value is 0. Count must be a value from 1 to 26.
StructuredAppendFileId { get; }Gets the File ID of the Aztec structured append mode. Default value is empty string


override Equals(object)Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified AztecExtendedParameters value.
override GetHashCode()Returns the hash code for this instance.
override ToString()Returns a human-readable string representation of this AztecExtendedParameters.
operator ==Returns a value indicating whether the first AztecExtendedParameters value is equal to the second.
operator !=Returns a value indicating if the first AztecExtendedParameters value is different from the second.


This sample shows how to get Aztec raw values

using (BarcodeGenerator generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.Aztec, "12345"))
using (BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader(@"c:\test.png", DecodeType.Aztec))
    foreach (BarCodeResult result in reader.ReadBarCodes())
        Console.WriteLine("BarCode type: " + result.CodeTypeName);
        Console.WriteLine("BarCode codetext: " + result.CodeText);
        Console.WriteLine("Aztec barcode ID: " + result.Extended.Aztec.StructuredAppendBarcodeId);
        Console.WriteLine("Aztec barcodes count: " + result.Extended.Aztec.StructuredAppendBarcodesCount);
        Console.WriteLine("Aztec file ID: " + result.Extended.Aztec.StructuredAppendFileId);
        Console.WriteLine("Aztec is reader initialization: " + result.Extended.Aztec.IsReaderInitialization);

See Also