Class BarcodeSvmDetectorSettings

BarcodeSvmDetectorSettings class

Barcode detector settings.

public sealed class BarcodeSvmDetectorSettings


static HighPerformance { get; }High performance detection preset.
static HighQuality { get; }High quality detection preset.
static MaxQuality { get; }Max quality detection preset.
static NormalQuality { get; }Normal quality detection preset.
RegionLikelihoodThresholdPercent { get; set; }Sets threshold for detected regions that may contain barcodes.
ScanWindowSizes { get; set; }Scan window sizes in pixels.
SimilarityCoef { get; set; }Similarity coefficient depends on how homogeneous barcodes are.
SkipDiagonalSearch { get; set; }Allows detector to skip search for diagonal barcodes.

See Also