AustralianPostEncodingTable { get; set; } | AustralianPost encoding table. |
AustralianPostShortBarHeight { get; set; } | AustralianPost short bar height in pixels. |
AutoSizeMode { get; set; } | Specifies the different types of automatic sizing modes. |
AztecAspectRatio { get; set; } | Aspect ratio. |
AztecECIEncoding { get; set; } | Aztec ECI encoding. |
AztecEncodeMode { get; set; } | Aztec encode mode. |
AztecErrorLevel { get; set; } | Error level. |
AztecIsReaderInitialization { get; set; } | Is reader initialization mode for Aztec barcode. |
AztecLayersCount { get; set; } | Aztec layers count. |
AztecStructuredAppendBarcodeId { get; set; } | Aztec barcode ID for structured append mode. |
AztecStructuredAppendBarcodesCount { get; set; } | Aztec barcodes count for structured append mode. |
AztecStructuredAppendFileId { get; set; } | Aztec file ID for structured append mode. |
AztecSymbolMode { get; set; } | Aztec symbol mode. |
BackColor { get; set; } | Background color of the barcode image. |
BarColor { get; set; } | Bars color. |
BarHeight { get; set; } | Height of 1D barcodes’ bars in pixels. Ignored in AutoSizeMode.Nearest and AutoSizeMode.Interpolation modes. |
BorderColor { get; set; } | Border color. |
BorderDashStyle { get; set; } | Border dash style. |
BorderVisible { get; set; } | Border visibility. |
BorderWidth { get; set; } | Border width in pixels. |
CaptionAboveAlignment { get; set; } | Caption above alignment. |
CaptionAboveFontFamily { get; set; } | Caption above font family. |
CaptionAboveFontSize { get; set; } | Caption above font size. |
CaptionAboveNoWrap { get; set; } | Specify word wraps (line breaks) within text. |
CaptionAbovePadding { get; set; } | Caption above paddings. |
CaptionAboveText { get; set; } | Caption text. |
CaptionAboveTextColor { get; set; } | Caption above text color. |
CaptionAboveVisible { get; set; } | Caption above visibility. |
CaptionBelowAlignment { get; set; } | Caption below alignment. |
CaptionBelowFontFamily { get; set; } | Caption below font family. |
CaptionBelowFontSize { get; set; } | Caption below font size. |
CaptionBelowNoWrap { get; set; } | Specify word wraps (line breaks) within text. |
CaptionBelowPadding { get; set; } | Caption below paddings. |
CaptionBelowText { get; set; } | Caption text. |
CaptionBelowTextColor { get; set; } | Caption below text color. |
CaptionBelowVisible { get; set; } | Caption below visibility. |
ChecksumAlwaysShow { get; set; } | Always display checksum digit in the human readable text for Code128 and GS1Code128 barcodes. |
CodabarChecksumMode { get; set; } | Checksum mode. |
CodabarStartSymbol { get; set; } | Start symbol. |
CodabarStopSymbol { get; set; } | Stop symbol. |
CodablockAspectRatio { get; set; } | Aspect ratio. |
CodablockColumns { get; set; } | Columns count. |
CodablockRows { get; set; } | Rows count. |
Code128EncodeMode { get; set; } | Code128 encode mode. |
Code16KAspectRatio { get; set; } | Aspect ratio. |
Code16KQuietZoneLeftCoef { get; set; } | Size of the left quiet zone in xDimension. |
Code16KQuietZoneRightCoef { get; set; } | Size of the right quiet zone in xDimension. |
Codetext { get; set; } | Data to be encoded, different types of BarCode may have different Codetext length restrictions and different charset. |
CodeTextFontFamily { get; set; } | Codetext font family. |
CodeTextFontSize { get; set; } | Codetext font size. |
CodeTextParametersAlignment { get; set; } | Codetext alignment. |
CodeTextParametersColor { get; set; } | Codetext color. |
CodeTextParametersFontMode { get; set; } | Specify FontMode. If FontMode is set to Auto, font size will be calculated automatically based on xDimension value. |
CodeTextParametersLocation { get; set; } | Codetext location. |
CodeTextParametersNoWrap { get; set; } | Switches ’no wrap’ mode. |
CodeTextParametersSpace { get; set; } | Space between the CodeText and the BarCode in pixels. |
CodeTextParametersTwoDDisplayText { get; set; } | Text that will be displayed instead of codetext in 2D barcodes. |
CouponSupplementSpace { get; set; } | Space between barcode and supplement in pixels. |
DataBarAspectRatio { get; set; } | Aspect ratio. |
DataBarColumns { get; set; } | DataBar columns count. |
DataBarRows { get; set; } | DataBar rows count. |
DataMatrixAspectRatio { get; set; } | Aspect ratio. |
DataMatrixColumns { get; set; } | Columns count. |
DataMatrixEcc { get; set; } | Datamatrix ECC type. |
DataMatrixECIEncoding { get; set; } | ECI encoding. Used when DataMatrixEncodeMode is Auto. |
DataMatrixEncodeMode { get; set; } | Encode mode. |
DataMatrixIsReaderProgramming { get; set; } | Used to instruct the reader to interpret the data contained within the symbol as programming for reader initialization. |
DataMatrixRows { get; set; } | Rows count. |
DataMatrixStructuredAppendBarcodeId { get; set; } | Barcode ID for Structured Append mode. |
DataMatrixStructuredAppendBarcodesCount { get; set; } | Barcodes count for Structured Append mode. |
DataMatrixStructuredAppendFileId { get; set; } | File ID for Structured Append mode. |
DataMatrixVersion { get; set; } | DataMatrix symbol size. |
DotCodeAspectRatio { get; set; } | Aspect ratio. |
DotCodeColumns { get; set; } | DotCode columns count |
DotCodeECIEncoding { get; set; } | DotCode ECI encoding |
DotCodeEncodeMode { get; set; } | DotCode Encode Mode |
DotCodeIsReaderInitialization { get; set; } | Is reader initialization |
DotCodeRows { get; set; } | DotCode rows count |
DotCodeStructuredAppendModeBarcodeId { get; set; } | Barcode ID for DotCode structured append mode |
DotCodeStructuredAppendModeBarcodesCount { get; set; } | Barcodes count for DotCode structured append mode |
EnableEscape { get; set; } | Indicates whether explains the character ‘' as an escape character in CodeText property. |
EncodeType { get; set; } | BarCode’s encode type (symbology). |
FilledBars { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value indicating whether bars filled. |
GS1CompositeBarIsAllowOnlyGS1Encoding { get; set; } | If this flag is set, it allows only GS1 encoding standard for GS1CompositeBar 2D Component. |
GS1CompositeBarLinearComponentType { get; set; } | Linear component type: GS1Code128, UPCE, EAN8, UPCA, EAN13, DatabarStacked, DatabarStackedOmniDirectional, DatabarLimited, DatabarOmniDirectional, DatabarExpanded, DatabarExpandedStacked. |
GS1CompositeBarTwoDComponentType { get; set; } | 2D component type. |
HanXinECIEncoding { get; set; } | ECI encoding. |
HanXinEncodeMode { get; set; } | Encode mode. |
HanXinErrorLevel { get; set; } | Error level. |
HanXinVersion { get; set; } | HanXin version. |
IsChecksumEnabled { get; set; } | Enable checksum during generation 1D barcodes. |
ITFItfBorderThickness { get; set; } | ITF border thickness in pixels. |
ITFItfBorderType { get; set; } | ITF border type. |
ITFQuietZoneCoef { get; set; } | Size of the quiet zones in xDimension. |
MaxiCodeAspectRatio { get; set; } | Aspect ratio. |
MaxiCodeEncodeMode { get; set; } | MaxiCode encode mode. |
MaxiCodeMode { get; set; } | MaxiCode mode. |
MaxiCodeStructuredAppendModeBarcodeCount { get; set; } | MaxiCode barcodes count used in structured append mode. |
MaxiCodeStructuredAppendModeBarcodeId { get; set; } | MaxiCode barcode’s id used in structured append mode. |
MicroQRVersion { get; set; } | MicroQR version. |
Padding { get; set; } | Barcode paddings. |
PatchCodeExtraBarcodeText { get; set; } | Specifies codetext for an extra QR barcode, when PatchCode is generated in page mode. |
PatchCodePatchFormat { get; set; } | PatchCode format. Choose PatchOnly to generate single PatchCode. Use page format to generate Patch page with PatchCodes as borders. |
Pdf417AspectRatio { get; set; } | Aspect ratio. |
Pdf417Columns { get; set; } | Columns count. |
Pdf417CompactionMode { get; set; } | Compaction mode. |
Pdf417ECIEncoding { get; set; } | ECI encoding. |
Pdf417EncodeMode { get; set; } | Encode mode. |
Pdf417ErrorLevel { get; set; } | Error level. |
Pdf417IsCode128Emulation { get; set; } | Can be used only with MicroPdf417 and encodes Code 128 emulation modes Can encode FNC1 in second position modes 908 and 909, also can encode 910 and 911 which just indicate that recognized MicroPdf417 can be interpret as Code 128 |
Pdf417IsLinked { get; set; } | Defines linked modes with GS1MicroPdf417, MicroPdf417 and Pdf417 barcodes With GS1MicroPdf417 symbology encodes 906, 907, 912, 913, 914, 915 “Linked” UCC/EAN-128 modes With MicroPdf417 and Pdf417 symbologies encodes 918 linkage flag to associated linear component other than an EAN.UCC |
Pdf417IsReaderInitialization { get; set; } | Used to instruct the reader to interpret the data contained within the symbol as programming for reader initialization. |
Pdf417MacroAddressee { get; set; } | MacroPdf417 barcode addressee name (optional field). |
Pdf417MacroCharacters { get; set; } | Macro Characters 05 and 06 values are used to obtain more compact encoding in special modes. |
Pdf417MacroChecksum { get; set; } | MacroPdf417 barcode checksum (optional field) |
Pdf417MacroECIEncoding { get; set; } | Extended Channel Interpretation Identifiers. Applies for Macro PDF417 text fields. |
Pdf417MacroFileID { get; set; } | Macro Pdf417 barcode’s file ID. |
Pdf417MacroFileName { get; set; } | MacroPdf417 barcode file name (optional field) |
Pdf417MacroFileSize { get; set; } | MacroPdf417 file size (optional field). |
Pdf417MacroSegmentID { get; set; } | Macro Pdf417 barcode’s segment ID. |
Pdf417MacroSegmentsCount { get; set; } | Segments count. |
Pdf417MacroSender { get; set; } | MacroPdf417 barcode sender name (optional field). |
Pdf417MacroTerminator { get; set; } | Used to tell the encoder whether to add Macro PDF417 Terminator (codeword 922) to the segment. |
Pdf417MacroTimeStamp { get; set; } | MacroPdf417 barcode time stamp (optional field). |
Pdf417Rows { get; set; } | Rows count. |
Pdf417Truncate { get; set; } | Whether Pdf417 symbology type of BarCode is truncated (to reduce space). |
PostalShortBarHeight { get; set; } | Postal short bar height in pixels. |
QRAspectRatio { get; set; } | Aspect ratio. |
QRECIEncoding { get; set; } | ECI encoding. |
QREncodeMode { get; set; } | Encode mode. |
QREncodeType { get; set; } | Encode type. |
QRErrorLevel { get; set; } | Error level. |
QRVersion { get; set; } | QR version. |
RectMicroQRVersion { get; set; } | RectMicroQR version. |
Resolution { get; set; } | Gets or sets the resolution of the BarCode image. One value for both dimensions. |
SupplementSupplementData { get; set; } | Supplement codetext. |
SupplementSupplementSpace { get; set; } | Space between barcode and supplement in pixels. |
ThrowExceptionWhenCodeTextIncorrect { get; set; } | Only for 1D barcodes. If codetext is incorrect and value set to true - exception will be thrown. Otherwise codetext will be corrected to match barcode’s specification. |
UseAntiAlias { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value indicating whether is used anti-aliasing mode to render image. |
WideNarrowRatio { get; set; } | Wide bars to Narrow bars ratio. |
XDimension { get; set; } | x-dimension is the smallest width of the unit of BarCode bars or spaces. Ignored in AutoSizeMode.Nearest and AutoSizeMode.Interpolation modes. |