
const fs = require("fs");
const java = require('java');
const joint = require("./Joint");
const {Rectangle} = require("./Joint");

 * BarCodeReader encapsulates an image which may contain one or several barcodes, it then can perform ReadBarCodes operation to detect barcodes.
 * @example
 * //This sample shows how to detect Code39 and Code128 barcodes.
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128]);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *    console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeTypeName());
 *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 * });
class BarCodeReader extends joint.BaseJavaClass

    static get javaClassName()
        return "";

     * Initializes a new instance of the BarCodeReader<br>
     * @param image encoded as base64 string or path to image
     * @param rectangles array of object by type Rectangle
     * @param decodeTypes the array of objects by DecodeType
    constructor(image, areas, decodeTypes)
            let stringFormattedAreas = joint.convertAreasToStringFormattedAreas(areas);
            let decodeTypesArray = joint.convertDecodeTypeToFormattedDecodeType(decodeTypes);

            let base64Image = joint.convertImageResourceToBase64(image);

            let java_class_link = new java.import(BarCodeReader.javaClassName);
            let java_class = new java_class_link(base64Image, stringFormattedAreas, decodeTypesArray);
        catch (e)
            console.error("Invalid arguments");
            throw e;

    static construct(javaClass)
        let barcodeReader = new BarCodeReader(null, null, null);
        return barcodeReader;

     * Determines whether any of the given decode types is included into<br>
     * @param ...decodeTypes Types to verify.
     * @return bool Value is a true if any types are included into.
        for (let i = 0; i < decodeTypes.length; i++)
            decodeTypes[i] = decodeTypes[i] + "";
        return this.getJavaClass().containsAnySync(decodeTypes);

     * internal
    static convertToString(arg)
        if (is_int(arg))
            return strval(arg);
        else if (arg instanceof Rectangle)
            return "{[" + arg.toString() + "]}";
        else if (is_array(arg))
            let areasString = "{";

            for (let i = 0; i < sizeof(arg); i++)
                areasString += "[" + arg[i].toString() + "]";

            areasString += "}";

            return areasString;
            return arg;

        this.qualitySettings = new QualitySettings(this.getJavaClass().getQualitySettingsSync());
        this.barcodeSettings = new BarcodeSettings(this.getJavaClass().getBarcodeSettingsSync());

     * Gets the timeout of recognition process in milliseconds.<br>
     * @example
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null, null);
     * reader.setTimeout(5000);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * @return The timeout.
        return this.getJavaClass().getTimeoutSync();

     * Sets the timeout of recognition process in milliseconds.
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null, null);
     * reader.setTimeout(5000);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * @param value The timeout.


     * Gets recognized BarCodeResult array
     * @example
     * //This sample shows how to read barcodes with BarCodeReader
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
     * reader.readBarCodes();
     * for(let i = 0; reader.getFoundCount() > i; ++i)
     *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " +  reader.getFoundBarCodes()[i].getCodeText());
     * @return recognized BarCodeResult array
        return this.recognizedResults;

     * Gets recognized barcodes count
     * @example
     * //This sample shows how to read barcodes with BarCodeReader
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
     * reader.readBarCodes();
     * for(let i = 0; reader.getFoundCount() > i; ++i)
     *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + reader.getFoundBarCodes()[i].getCodeText());
     * Value: The recognized barcodes count
        return this.getJavaClass().getFoundCountSync();

     * Reads BarCodeResult from the image.
     * @example
     * //This sample shows how to read barcodes with BarCodeReader
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
     * reader.readBarCodes();
     * for(let i = 0; reader.getFoundCount() > i; ++i)
     *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + reader.getFoundBarCodes()[i].getCodeText());
     * @return Returns array of recognized {@code BarCodeResult}s on the image. If nothing is recognized, zero array is returned.
            this.recognizedResults = [];
            let javaReadBarcodes = this.getJavaClass().readBarCodesSync();
            for (let i = 0; i < javaReadBarcodes.length; i++)
                this.recognizedResults[i] = new BarCodeResult(javaReadBarcodes[i]);
            return this.recognizedResults;
        } catch (e)
            if ((e.toString().includes("RecognitionAbortedException")))
                throw new RecognitionAbortedException(e.toString(), null);
            throw e;

     * QualitySettings allows to configure recognition quality and speed manually.<br>
     * You can quickly set up QualitySettings by embedded presets: HighPerformance, NormalQuality,<br>
     * HighQuality, MaxBarCodes or you can manually configure separate options.<br>
     * Default value of QualitySettings is NormalQuality.<br>
     * @return QualitySettings to configure recognition quality and speed.
     * @example
     * //This sample shows how to use QualitySettings with BarCodeReader
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null, null);
     *  //set high performance mode
     * reader.setQualitySettings(QualitySettings.getHighPerformance());
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *   console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * @example
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
     * //normal quality mode is set by default
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *   console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * @example
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
     * //set high performance mode
     * reader.setQualitySettings(QualitySettings.getHighPerformance());
     * //set separate options
     * reader.getQualitySettings().setAllowMedianSmoothing(true);
     * reader.getQualitySettings().setMedianSmoothingWindowSize(5);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *   console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
        return this.qualitySettings;

     * QualitySettings allows to configure recognition quality and speed manually.<br>
     * You can quickly set up QualitySettings by embedded presets: HighPerformance, NormalQuality,<br>
     * HighQuality, MaxBarCodes or you can manually configure separate options.<br>
     * Default value of QualitySettings is NormalQuality.
     * @example
     * //This sample shows how to use QualitySettings with BarCodeReader
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
     * //set high performance mode
     * reader.setQualitySettings(QualitySettings.getHighPerformance());
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *   console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * @example
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
     * //normal quality mode is set by default
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *   console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * @example
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
     *  //set high performance mode
     * reader.setQualitySettings(QualitySettings.getHighPerformance());
     * //set separate options
     * reader.getQualitySettings().setAllowMedianSmoothing(true);
     * reader.getQualitySettings().setMedianSmoothingWindowSize(5);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *   console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * QualitySettings to configure recognition quality and speed.

     * The main BarCode decoding parameters. Contains parameters which make influence on recognized data.
     * @return The main BarCode decoding parameters
        return this.barcodeSettings;

     * Sets bitmap image and areas for recognition.<br>
     * Must be called before ReadBarCodes() method.
     * @example
     * //This sample shows how to detect Code39 and Code128 barcodes.
     * let bmp = "test.png";
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader();
     * reader.setBarCodeReadType([ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
     * var img = new Image();
     * img.src = 'path_to_image';
     * width = img.width;
     * height = img.height;
     * reader.setBarCodeImage(bmp, new Rectangle[] { new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height) });
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *    console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeTypeName());
     *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * @param imageResource The image for recognition.
     * @param areas areas list for recognition
     * @throws BarcodeException
    setBarCodeImage(imageResource, ...areas)
        let base64Image = joint.convertImageResourceToBase64(imageResource);
        let stringFormattedAreas = joint.convertAreasToStringFormattedAreas(areas);
        this.getJavaClass().setBarCodeImageSync(base64Image, stringFormattedAreas);

     * Sets SingleDecodeType type array for recognition.<br>
     * Must be called before readBarCodes() method.
     * @example
     * //This sample shows how to detect Code39 and Code128 barcodes.
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader();
     * reader.setBarCodeReadType([ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
     * reader.setBarCodeImage("test.png");
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *     console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeTypeName());
     *     console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * @param types The SingleDecodeType type array to read.
        for (let i = 0; i < types.length; i++)
            types[i] = types[i] + "";

     * Gets the decode type of the input barcode decoding
     * @returns {*}
        let barcodeTypesArray = [];
        let javaDecodeTypes = this.getJavaClass().getBarCodeDecodeTypeSync();
        for(let i = 0; i < javaDecodeTypes.sizeSync(); i++)

        return barcodeTypesArray;

     * Exports BarCode properties to the xml-file specified<br>
     * @param xmlFile The name of  the file<br>
     * @return Whether or not export completed successfully.<br>
     * Returns True in case of success; False Otherwise
            let xmlData = this.getJavaClass().exportToXmlSync();
            let isSaved = xmlData != null;
            if (isSaved)
                fs.writeFileSync(xmlFile, xmlData);
            return isSaved;
        } catch (ex)
            let barcode_exception = new joint.BarcodeException(ex);
            throw barcode_exception;

     * Exports BarCode properties to the xml-file specified<br>
     * @param xmlFile The name of  the file<br>
     * @return Whether or not export completed successfully. Returns True in case of success; False Otherwise
    static importFromXml(xmlFile)
            let xmlData = fs.readFileSync(xmlFile).toString();
            let java_class_link = new java.import(BarCodeReader.javaClassName);
            return BarCodeReader.construct(java_class_link.importFromXmlSync(xmlData.substring(3, xmlData.length)));
        } catch (ex)
            let barcode_exception = new joint.BarcodeException(ex);
            throw barcode_exception;

 * Stores a set of four Points that represent a Quadrangle region.
class Quadrangle extends joint.BaseJavaClass
    static get javaClassName()
        return "";


     * Represents a Quadrangle structure with its properties left uninitialized.Value: Quadrangle
    static get EMPTY()
        return new Quadrangle(new joint.Point(0, 0), new joint.Point(0, 0), new joint.Point(0, 0), new joint.Point(0, 0));

    static construct(...args)
        let quadrangle = Quadrangle.EMPTY;
        return quadrangle;

     * Initializes a new instance of the Quadrangle structure with the describing points.
     * @param leftTop A Point that represents the left-top corner of the Quadrangle.
     * @param rightTop A Point that represents the right-top corner of the Quadrangle.
     * @param rightBottom A Point that represents the right-bottom corner of the Quadrangle.
     * @param leftBottom A Point that represents the left-bottom corner of the Quadrangle.
    constructor(leftTop, rightTop, rightBottom, leftBottom)
        let java_link = java.import(Quadrangle.javaClassName);
        let javaClass = new java_link(leftTop.getJavaClass(), rightTop.getJavaClass(), rightBottom.getJavaClass(), leftBottom.getJavaClass());

        this.leftTop = joint.Point.construct(this.getJavaClass().getLeftTopSync());
        this.rightTop = joint.Point.construct(this.getJavaClass().getRightTopSync());
        this.rightBottom = joint.Point.construct(this.getJavaClass().getRightBottomSync());
        this.leftBottom = joint.Point.construct(this.getJavaClass().getLeftBottomSync());

     * Gets left-top corner Point of Quadrangle regionValue: A left-top corner Point of Quadrangle region
        return this.leftTop;

     * Sets left-top corner Point of Quadrangle regionValue: A left-top corner Point of Quadrangle region
        this.leftTop = value;

     * Gets right-top corner Point of Quadrangle regionValue: A right-top corner Point of Quadrangle region
        return this.rightTop;

     * Sets right-top corner Point of Quadrangle regionValue: A right-top corner Point of Quadrangle region
        this.rightTop = value;

     * Gets right-bottom corner Point of Quadrangle regionValue: A right-bottom corner Point of Quadrangle region
        return this.rightBottom;

     * Sets right-bottom corner Point of Quadrangle regionValue: A right-bottom corner Point of Quadrangle region
        this.rightBottom = value;

     * Gets left-bottom corner Point of Quadrangle regionValue: A left-bottom corner Point of Quadrangle region
        return this.leftBottom;

     * Sets left-bottom corner Point of Quadrangle regionValue: A left-bottom corner Point of Quadrangle region
        this.leftBottom = value;

     * Tests whether all Points of this Quadrangle have values of zero.Value: Returns true if all Points of this Quadrangle have values of zero; otherwise, false.
        return this.getJavaClass().isEmptySync();

     * Determines if the specified Point is contained within this Quadrangle structure.
     * @param pt The Point to test.
     * @return true if Point is contained within this Quadrangle structure; otherwise, false.
        return this.getJavaClass().containsSync(pt.getJavaClass());

     * Determines if the specified point is contained within this Quadrangle structure.
     * @param x The x point cordinate.
     * @param y The y point cordinate.
     * @return Returns true if point is contained within this Quadrangle structure; otherwise, false.
    containsPoint(x, y)
        return this.getJavaClass().containsSync(x, y);

     * Determines if the specified Quadrangle is contained or intersect this Quadrangle structure.
     * @param quad The Quadrangle to test.
     * @return Returns true if Quadrangle is contained or intersect this Quadrangle structure; otherwise, false.
        return this.getJavaClass().containsSync(quad.getJavaClass());

     * Determines if the specified Rectangle is contained or intersect this Quadrangle structure.
     * @param rect The Rectangle to test.
     * @return Returns true if Rectangle is contained or intersect this Quadrangle structure; otherwise, false.
        return this.getJavaClass().containsSync(rect.getJavaClass());

     * Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified Quadrangle value.
     * @param other An Quadrangle value to compare to this instance.
     * @return true if obj has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.
        return this.getJavaClass().equalsSync(other.getJavaClass());

     * Returns the hash code for this instance.
     * @return A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
        return this.getJavaClass().hashCodeSync();

     * Returns a human-readable string representation of this Quadrangle.
     * @return A string that represents this Quadrangle.
        return this.getJavaClass().toStringSync();

     * Creates Rectangle bounding this Quadrangle
     * @return returns Rectangle bounding this Quadrangle
        return joint.Rectangle.construct(this.getJavaClass().getBoundingRectangleSync());

 * Stores a QR Structured Append information of recognized barcode
 * @example
 * //This sample shows how to get QR Structured Append data
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  DecodeType.QR);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *    console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeTypeName());
 *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 *    console.log("QR Structured Append Quantity: " + result.getExtended().getQR().getQRStructuredAppendModeBarCodesQuantity());
 *    console.log("QR Structured Append Index: " + result.getExtended().getQR().getQRStructuredAppendModeBarCodeIndex());
 *    console.log("QR Structured Append ParityData: " + result.getExtended().getQR().getQRStructuredAppendModeParityData());
 * });
class QRExtendedParameters extends joint.BaseJavaClass


     * Gets the QR structured append mode barcodes quantity. Default value is -1.Value: The quantity of the QR structured append mode barcode.
        return this.getJavaClass().getQRStructuredAppendModeBarCodesQuantitySync();

     * Gets the index of the QR structured append mode barcode. Index starts from 0. Default value is -1.Value: The quantity of the QR structured append mode barcode.
        return this.getJavaClass().getQRStructuredAppendModeBarCodeIndexSync();

     * Gets the QR structured append mode parity data. Default value is -1.Value: The index of the QR structured append mode barcode.
        return this.getJavaClass().getQRStructuredAppendModeParityDataSync();
     * <p>Tests whether all parameters has only default values</p>Value
     * @returns <b>true</b> if all parameters has only default values; otherwise, {@code <b>false</b>}.
        return this.getJavaClass().isEmptySync();

     * Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified QRExtendedParameters value.
     * @param obj An object value to compare to this instance.
     * @return true if obj has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.
        return this.getJavaClass().equalsSync(obj.getJavaClass());

     * Returns the hash code for this instance.
     * @return A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
        return this.getJavaClass().hashCodeSync();

     * Returns a human-readable string representation of this QRExtendedParameters.
     * @return A string that represents this QRExtendedParameters.
        return this.getJavaClass().toStringSync();

 * Stores a MacroPdf417 metadata information of recognized barcode
 * @example
 * //This sample shows how to get Macro Pdf417 metadata
 * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.MacroPdf417, "12345");
 * generator.getParameters().getBarcode().getPdf417().setPdf417MacroFileID(10);
 * generator.getParameters().getBarcode().getPdf417().setPdf417MacroSegmentsCount(2);
 * generator.getParameters().getBarcode().getPdf417().setPdf417MacroSegmentID(1);
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  DecodeType.MACRO_PDF_417);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *     console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeTypeName());
 *     console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 *     console.log("Macro Pdf417 FileID: " + result.getExtended().getPdf417().getMacroPdf417FileID());
 *     console.log("Macro Pdf417 Segments: " + result.getExtended().getPdf417().getMacroPdf417SegmentsCount());
 *     console.log("Macro Pdf417 SegmentID: " + result.getExtended().getPdf417().getMacroPdf417SegmentID());
 * });
class Pdf417ExtendedParameters extends joint.BaseJavaClass


     * Gets the file ID of the barcode, only available with MacroPdf417.Value: The file ID for MacroPdf417
        return this.getJavaClass().getMacroPdf417FileIDSync();

     * Gets the segment ID of the barcode,only available with MacroPdf417.Value: The segment ID of the barcode.
        return this.getJavaClass().getMacroPdf417SegmentIDSync();

     * Gets macro pdf417 barcode segments count. Default value is -1.Value: Segments count.
        return this.getJavaClass().getMacroPdf417SegmentsCountSync();

     * Macro PDF417 file name (optional).
     * @return File name.
        return this.getJavaClass().getMacroPdf417FileNameSync();

     * Macro PDF417 file size (optional).
     * @return File size.
        return this.getJavaClass().getMacroPdf417FileSizeSync();

     * Macro PDF417 sender name (optional).
     * @return Sender name
        return this.getJavaClass().getMacroPdf417SenderSync();

     * Macro PDF417 addressee name (optional).
     * @return Addressee name.
        return this.getJavaClass().getMacroPdf417AddresseeSync();

     * Macro PDF417 time stamp (optional).
     * @return Time stamp.
        return new Date(this.getJavaClass().getMacroPdf417TimeStampSync() * 1000);

     * Macro PDF417 checksum (optional).
     * @return Checksum.
        return this.getJavaClass().getMacroPdf417ChecksumSync();

     * <p>Used to instruct the reader to interpret the data contained within the symbol as programming for reader initialization.</p>
     * @return Reader initialization flag
        return this.getJavaClass().getMacroPdf417TerminatorSync();

     * <p>
     * Used to instruct the reader to interpret the data contained within the symbol as programming for reader initialization.
     * </p>
     * @return Reader initialization flag
        return this.getJavaClass().isReaderInitializationSync();

     * <p>Flag that indicates that the barcode must be linked to 1D barcode.</p>Value: Linkage flag
        return this.getJavaClass().isLinkedSync();

     * Flag that indicates that the MicroPdf417 barcode encoded with 908, 909, 910 or 911 Code 128 emulation codewords.
     * @return Code 128 emulation flag
        return this.getJavaClass().isCode128EmulationSync();

     * Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified Pdf417ExtendedParameters value.
     * @param obj An System.Object value to compare to this instance.
     * @return true if obj has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.
        return this.getJavaClass().equalsSync(obj.getJavaClass());

     * Returns the hash code for this instance.
     * @return A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
        return this.getJavaClass().hashCodeSync();

     * Returns a human-readable string representation of this Pdf417ExtendedParameters.
     * @return A string that represents this Pdf417ExtendedParameters.
        return this.getJavaClass().toStringSync();

 * Stores special data of 1D recognized barcode like separate codetext and checksum
 * @example
 * //This sample shows how to get 1D barcode value and checksum
 * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.EAN_13, "1234567890128");
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  DecodeType.EAN_13);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *    console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeTypeName());
 *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 *    console.log("BarCode Value: " + result.getExtended().getOneD().getValue());
 *    console.log("BarCode Checksum: " + result.getExtended().getOneD().getCheckSum());
 * });
class OneDExtendedParameters extends joint.BaseJavaClass


     * Gets the codetext of 1D barcodes without checksum. Value: The codetext of 1D barcodes without checksum.
        return this.getJavaClass().getValueSync();

     * Gets the checksum for 1D barcodes. Value: The checksum for 1D barcode.
        return this.getJavaClass().getCheckSumSync();

     * Tests whether all parameters has only default values
     * Value: Returns {@code <b>true</b>} if all parameters has only default values; otherwise, {@code <b>false</b>}.
        return this.getJavaClass().isEmptySync();

     * Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified OneDExtendedParameters value.
     * @param obj An System.Object value to compare to this instance.
     * @return true if obj has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.
        return this.getJavaClass().equalsSync(obj.getJavaClass());

     * Returns the hash code for this instance.
     * @return A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
        return this.getJavaClass().hashCodeSync();

     * Returns a human-readable string representation of this OneDExtendedParameters.
     * @return A string that represents this OneDExtendedParameters.
        return this.getJavaClass().toStringSync();

 * Stores special data of Code128 recognized barcode<br>
 * Represents the recognized barcode's region and barcode angle
 * @example
 * //This sample shows how to get code128 raw values
 * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.Code128, "12345");
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  DecodeType.CODE_128);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *    console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeTypeName());
 *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 *    console.log("Code128 Data Portions: " + result.getExtended().getCode128());
 * });
class Code128ExtendedParameters extends joint.BaseJavaClass


        this.code128DataPortions = Code128ExtendedParameters.convertCode128DataPortions(this.getJavaClass().getCode128DataPortionsSync());

    static convertCode128DataPortions(javaCode128DataPortions)
        let code128DataPortionsValues = javaCode128DataPortions;
        let code128DataPortions = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < code128DataPortionsValues.length; i++)
            code128DataPortions.push(new Code128DataPortion(code128DataPortionsValues[i]));
        return code128DataPortions;

     *  Gets Code128DataPortion array of recognized Code128 barcode Value of the Code128DataPortion.
        return this.code128DataPortions;

        return this.getJavaClass().isEmptySync();

     * Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified Code128ExtendedParameters value.
     * @param obj An System.Object value to compare to this instance.
     * @return true if obj has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.
        return this.getJavaClass().equalsSync(obj.getJavaClass());

     * Returns the hash code for this instance.
     * @return A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
        return this.getJavaClass().hashCodeSync();

     * Returns a human-readable string representation of this Code128ExtendedParameters.
     * @return A string that represents this Code128ExtendedParameters.
        return this.getJavaClass().toStringSync();

 * Stores recognized barcode data like SingleDecodeType type, {@code string} codetext,<br>
 * BarCodeRegionParameters region and other parameters
 * @example
 * //This sample shows how to obtain BarCodeResult.
 * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.Code128, "12345");
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *     console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeTypeName());
 *     console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 *     console.log("BarCode Confidence: " + result.getConfidence());
 *     console.log("BarCode ReadingQuality: " + result.getReadingQuality());
 *     console.log("BarCode Angle: " + result.getRegion().getAngle());
 * });
class BarCodeResult extends joint.BaseJavaClass


        this.region = new BarCodeRegionParameters(this.getJavaClass().getRegionSync());
        this.extended = new BarCodeExtendedParameters(this.getJavaClass().getExtendedSync());

     *  Gets the reading quality. Works for 1D and postal barcodes. Value: The reading quality percent
        return this.getJavaClass().getReadingQualitySync();

     *  Gets recognition confidence level of the recognized barcode Value: <br>
     *  BarCodeConfidence.Strong does not have fakes or misrecognitions, BarCodeConfidence.Moderate<br>
     * could sometimes have fakes or incorrect codetext because this confidence level for barcodews with weak cheksum or even without it,<br>
     * BarCodeConfidence.NONE always has incorrect codetext and could be fake recognitions
        return this.getJavaClass().getConfidenceSync();

     *  Gets the code text Value: The code text of the barcode
        return this.getJavaClass().getCodeTextSync();

     *  Gets the encoded code bytes Value: The code bytes of the barcode
        let str = this.getJavaClass().getCodeBytesSync();
        return str.split(",");

     *  Gets the barcode type Value: The type information of the recognized barcode
        return this.getJavaClass().getCodeTypeSync();

     *  Gets the name of the barcode type Value: The type name of the recognized barcode
        return this.getJavaClass().getCodeTypeNameSync();

     *  Gets the barcode region Value: The region of the recognized barcode
        return this.region;

     *  Gets extended parameters of recognized barcode Value: The extended parameters of recognized barcode
        return this.extended;

     * Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified BarCodeResult value.
     * @param other An BarCodeResult value to compare to this instance.
     * @return true if obj has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.
        return this.getJavaClass().equalsSync(other.getJavaClass());

     * Returns the hash code for this instance.
     * @return A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
        return this.getJavaClass().hashCodeSync();

     * Returns a human-readable string representation of this BarCodeResult.
     * @return A string that represents this BarCodeResult.
        return this.getJavaClass().toStringSync();

     * Creates a copy of BarCodeResult class.
     * @return Returns copy of BarCodeResult class.
        return new BarCodeResult(this);

 * Represents the recognized barcode's region and barcode angle
 * @example
 * //This sample shows how to get barcode Angle and bounding quadrangle values
 * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.Code128, "12345");
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 *    console.log("BarCode Angle: " + result.getRegion().getAngle());
 *    console.log("BarCode Quadrangle: " + result.getRegion().getQuadrangle());
 * });
class BarCodeRegionParameters extends joint.BaseJavaClass


        this.quad = Quadrangle.construct(this.getJavaClass().getQuadrangleSync());
        this.rect = joint.Rectangle.construct(this.getJavaClass().getRectangleSync());
        this.points = BarCodeRegionParameters.convertJavaPoints(this.getJavaClass().getPointsSync());

    static convertJavaPoints(javaPoints)
        let points = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < javaPoints.length; i++)
            points[i] = new joint.Point(javaPoints[i].getXSync(), javaPoints[i].getYSync());

        return points;

     *  Gets Quadrangle bounding barcode region Value: Returns Quadrangle bounding barcode region
        return this.quad;

     *  Gets the angle of the barcode (0-360). Value: The angle for barcode (0-360).
        return this.getJavaClass().getAngleSync();

     *  Gets Points array bounding barcode region Value: Returns Points array bounding barcode region
        return this.points;

     *  Gets Rectangle bounding barcode region Value: Returns Rectangle bounding barcode region
        return this.rect;

     * Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified BarCodeRegionParameters value.<br>
     * @param obj An System.Object value to compare to this instance.<br>
     * @return true if obj has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.
        return this.getJavaClass().equalsSync(obj.getJavaClass());

     * Returns the hash code for this instance.<br>
     * @return A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
        return this.getJavaClass().hashCodeSync();

     * Returns a human-readable string representation of this BarCodeRegionParameters.<br>
     * @return A string that represents this BarCodeRegionParameters.
        return this.getJavaClass().toStringSync();

 * Stores extended parameters of recognized barcode
class BarCodeExtendedParameters extends joint.BaseJavaClass


        this._oneDParameters = new OneDExtendedParameters(this.getJavaClass().getOneDSync());
        this._code128Parameters = new Code128ExtendedParameters(this.getJavaClass().getCode128Sync());
        this._qrParameters = new QRExtendedParameters(this.getJavaClass().getQRSync());
        this._pdf417Parameters = new Pdf417ExtendedParameters(this.getJavaClass().getPdf417Sync());
        this._dataBarParameters = new DataBarExtendedParameters(this.getJavaClass().getDataBarSync());
        this._maxiCodeParameters = new MaxiCodeExtendedParameters(this.getJavaClass().getMaxiCodeSync());
        this._dotCodeExtendedParameters = new DotCodeExtendedParameters(this.getJavaClass().getDotCodeSync());
        this._dataMatrixExtendedParameters = new DataMatrixExtendedParameters(this.getJavaClass().getDataMatrixSync());
        this._aztecExtendedParameters = new AztecExtendedParameters(this.getJavaClass().getAztecSync());
        this._gs1CompositeBarExtendedParameters = new GS1CompositeBarExtendedParameters(this.getJavaClass().getGS1CompositeBarSync());
        this._codabarExtendedParameters = new CodabarExtendedParameters(this.getJavaClass().getCodabarSync());

     * Gets a DataBar additional information DataBarExtendedParameters  of recognized barcode<br>
     * @return mixed A DataBar additional information DataBarExtendedParameters of recognized barcode
        return this._dataBarParameters;

     * Gets a MaxiCode additional information<see cref="MaxiCodeExtendedParameters"/> of recognized barcode
     * @return A MaxiCode additional information<see cref="MaxiCodeExtendedParameters"/> of recognized barcode
        return this._maxiCodeParameters;

     *  Gets a special data OneDExtendedParameters of 1D recognized barcode Value: A special data OneDExtendedParameters of 1D recognized barcode
        return this._oneDParameters;

     * <p>Gets a DotCode additional information{@code DotCodeExtendedParameters} of recognized barcode</p>Value: A DotCode additional information{@code DotCodeExtendedParameters} of recognized barcode
        return this._dotCodeExtendedParameters;

     * <p>Gets a DotCode additional information{@code DotCodeExtendedParameters} of recognized barcode</p>Value: A DotCode additional information{@code DotCodeExtendedParameters} of recognized barcode
        return this._dataMatrixExtendedParameters;

     * <p>Gets a Aztec additional information{@code AztecExtendedParameters} of recognized barcode</p>Value: A Aztec additional information{@code AztecExtendedParameters} of recognized barcode
        return this._aztecExtendedParameters;

     * <p>Gets a GS1CompositeBar additional information{@code GS1CompositeBarExtendedParameters} of recognized barcode</p>Value: A GS1CompositeBar additional information{@code GS1CompositeBarExtendedParameters} of recognized barcode
        return this._gs1CompositeBarExtendedParameters;

     * Gets a Codabar additional information{@code CodabarExtendedParameters} of recognized barcode
     * @return A Codabar additional information{@code CodabarExtendedParameters} of recognized barcode
        return this._codabarExtendedParameters;

     *  Gets a special data Code128ExtendedParameters of Code128 recognized barcode Value: A special data Code128ExtendedParameters of Code128 recognized barcode
        return this._code128Parameters;

     *  Gets a QR Structured Append information QRExtendedParameters of recognized barcode Value: A QR Structured Append information QRExtendedParameters of recognized barcode
        return this._qrParameters;

     *  Gets a MacroPdf417 metadata information Pdf417ExtendedParameters of recognized barcode Value: A MacroPdf417 metadata information Pdf417ExtendedParameters of recognized barcode
        return this._pdf417Parameters;

     * Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified BarCodeExtendedParameters value.<br>
     * @param obj An System.Object value to compare to this instance.
     * @return true if obj has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.
        return this.getJavaClass().equalsSync(obj.getJavaClass());

     * Returns the hash code for this instance.
     * @return A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
        return this.getJavaClass().hashCodeSync();

     * Returns a human-readable string representation of this BarCodeExtendedParameters.
     * @return A string that represents this BarCodeExtendedParameters.
        return this.getJavaClass().toStringSync();

 * QualitySettings allows to configure recognition quality and speed manually.<br>
 * You can quickly set up QualitySettings by embedded presets: HighPerformance, NormalQuality,<br>
 * HighQuality, MaxBarCodes or you can manually configure separate options.<br>
 * Default value of QualitySettings is NormalQuality.
 * @example
 * //This sample shows how to use QualitySettings with BarCodeReader
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
 * //set high performance mode
 * reader.setQualitySettings(QualitySettings.getHighPerformance());
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 * });
 * @example
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
 * //normal quality mode is set by default
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *   console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 * });
 * @example
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
 * //set high quality mode with low speed recognition
 * reader.setQualitySettings(QualitySettings.getHighQuality());
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *   console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 * });
 * @example
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
 * //set max barcodes mode, which tries to find all possible barcodes, even incorrect. The slowest recognition mode
 * reader.setQualitySettings(QualitySettings.getMaxBarCodes());
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *   console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 * });
 * @example
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
 * //set high performance mode
 * reader.setQualitySettings(QualitySettings.getHighPerformance());
 * //set separate options
 * reader.getQualitySettings().setAllowMedianSmoothing(true);
 * reader.getQualitySettings().setMedianSmoothingWindowSize(5);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *     console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 * });
 * @example
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
 * //default mode is NormalQuality
 * //set separate options
 * reader.getQualitySettings().setAllowMedianSmoothing(true);
 * reader.getQualitySettings().setMedianSmoothingWindowSize(5);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *   console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 * });
class QualitySettings extends joint.BaseJavaClass


    static initQualitySettings()
        let javaClassName = "";
        let QualitySettings = java.import(javaClassName);
        return QualitySettings;


     * HighPerformance recognition quality preset. High quality barcodes are recognized well in this mode.<br>
     * @example
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png");
     * reader.setQualitySettings(QualitySettings.getHighPerformance());
    static getHighPerformance()
        let JavaQualitySettings = QualitySettings.initQualitySettings();
        return new QualitySettings(JavaQualitySettings.getHighPerformanceSync());

     * NormalQuality recognition quality preset. Suitable for the most of barcodes
     * @example
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png");
     * reader.setQualitySettings(QualitySettings.getNormalQuality());

    static getNormalQuality()
        let JavaQualitySettings = QualitySettings.initQualitySettings();
        return new QualitySettings(JavaQualitySettings.getNormalQualitySync());

     * HighQuality recognition quality preset. This preset is developed for low quality barcodes.
     * @example
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png");
     * reader.setQualitySettings(QualitySettings.getHighQuality());
    static getHighQuality()
        let JavaQualitySettings = QualitySettings.initQualitySettings();
        return new QualitySettings(JavaQualitySettings.getHighQualitySync());

     * <p>
     *  MaxQuality recognition quality preset. This preset is developed to recognize all possible barcodes, even incorrect barcodes.
     *  </p><p><hr><blockquote><pre>
     *  This sample shows how to use MaxQuality mode
     *  <pre>
     *  reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png"null, null, DecodeType.CODE_39_EXTENDED, DecodeType.CODE_128);
     *  {
     *      reader.setQualitySettings(QualitySettings.getMaxQuality());
     *      for(let i = 0; i < reader.readBarCodes().length; i++)
     *          echo (reader.getFoundBarcodes()[i].getCodeText());
     *  }
     * 	</pre>
     *  </pre></blockquote></hr></p>Value:
     *  MaxQuality recognition quality preset.
    static getMaxQuality()
        let JavaQualitySettings = QualitySettings.initQualitySettings();
        return new QualitySettings(JavaQualitySettings.getMaxQualitySync());

     * Recognition mode which sets size (from 1 to infinity) of barcode minimal element: matrix cell or bar.
     * @return size (from 1 to infinity) of barcode minimal element: matrix cell or bar.
        return this.getJavaClass().getXDimensionSync();
     * Recognition mode which sets size (from 1 to infinity) of barcode minimal element: matrix cell or bar.
     * @param value (from 1 to infinity) of barcode minimal element: matrix cell or bar.

     * Minimal size of XDimension in pixels which is used with UseMinimalXDimension.
     * @return Minimal size of XDimension in pixels which is used with UseMinimalXDimension.
        return this.getJavaClass().getMinimalXDimensionSync();

     * Minimal size of XDimension in pixels which is used with UseMinimalXDimension.
     * @param value Minimal size of XDimension in pixels which is used with UseMinimalXDimension.

     * Mode which enables methods to recognize barcode elements with the selected quality. Barcode element with lower quality requires more hard methods which slows the recognition.
     * @return Mode which enables methods to recognize barcode elements with the selected quality.
        return this.getJavaClass().getBarcodeQualitySync();
     * Mode which enables methods to recognize barcode elements with the selected quality. Barcode element with lower quality requires more hard methods which slows the recognition.
     * @param value Mode which enables methods to recognize barcode elements with the selected quality.

     * <p>
     * Deconvolution (image restorations) mode which defines level of image degradation. Originally deconvolution is a function which can restore image degraded
     * (convoluted) by any natural function like blur, during obtaining image by camera. Because we cannot detect image function which corrupt the image,
     * we have to check most well know functions like sharp or mathematical morphology.
     * @return Deconvolution mode which defines level of image degradation.
        return this.getJavaClass().getDeconvolutionSync();
     * Deconvolution (image restorations) mode which defines level of image degradation. Originally deconvolution is a function which can restore image degraded
     * (convoluted) by any natural function like blur, during obtaining image by camera. Because we cannot detect image function which corrupt the image,
     * we have to check most well know functions like sharp or mathematical morphology.
     * @param value Deconvolution mode which defines level of image degradation.

     * <p>
     * Mode which enables or disables additional recognition of barcodes on images with inverted colors (luminance).
     * @return Additional recognition of barcodes on images with inverse colors
        return this.getJavaClass().getInverseImageSync();
     * Mode which enables or disables additional recognition of barcodes on images with inverted colors (luminance).
     * @param value Additional recognition of barcodes on images with inverse colors

     * Mode which enables or disables additional recognition of color barcodes on color images.
     * @return Additional recognition of color barcodes on color images.
        return this.getJavaClass().getComplexBackgroundSync();

     * Mode which enables or disables additional recognition of color barcodes on color images.
     * @param value Additional recognition of color barcodes on color images.

     * <p>
     * Allows engine to recognize barcodes which has incorrect checksumm or incorrect values. Mode can be used to recognize damaged barcodes with incorrect text.
     * @return Allows engine to recognize incorrect barcodes.
        return this.getJavaClass().getAllowIncorrectBarcodesSync();
     * <p>
     * Allows engine to recognize barcodes which has incorrect checksumm or incorrect values. Mode can be used to recognize damaged barcodes with incorrect text.
     * @param value Allows engine to recognize incorrect barcodes.

 * Contains the data of subtype for Code128 type barcode
class Code128DataPortion extends joint.BaseJavaClass
     * Creates a new instance of the {@code Code128DataPortion} class with start code symbol and decoded codetext.


     * Gets the part of code text related to subtype.
     * @return The part of code text related to subtype
        return this.getJavaClass().getDataSync();

     * Gets the type of Code128 subset
     * @return The type of Code128 subset
        return this.getJavaClass().getCode128SubTypeSync();

     * Returns a human-readable string representation of this {@code Code128DataPortion}.
     * @return A string that represents this {@code Code128DataPortion}.
        return this.getJavaClass().toStringSync();

 * Stores a DataBar additional information of recognized barcode
 *  let reader = new BarCodeReader("c:\\test.png", DecodeType.DATABAR_OMNI_DIRECTIONAL);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *    console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeTypeName());
 *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 *    console.log("QR Structured Append Quantity: " + result.getExtended().getQR().getQRStructuredAppendModeBarCodesQuantity());
 * });
class DataBarExtendedParameters extends joint.BaseJavaClass


     * Gets the DataBar 2D composite component flag. Default value is false.
     * @return The DataBar 2D composite component flag.
        return this.getJavaClass().is2DCompositeComponentSync();

     * Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified DataBarExtendedParameters value.<br>
     * @param obj DataBarExtendedParameters value to compare to this instance.<br>
     * @return true if obj has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false<br>.
        return this.getJavaClass().equalsSync(obj.getJavaClass());

     * Returns the hash code for this instance.
     * @return A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
        return this.getJavaClass().hashcodeSync();

     * Returns a human-readable string representation of this <see cref="DataBarExtendedParameters"/>.
     * @return A string that represents this <see cref="DataBarExtendedParameters"/>.
        return this.getJavaClass().toStringSync();

 * AustraliaPost decoding parameters. Contains parameters which make influence on recognized data of AustraliaPost symbology.
class AustraliaPostSettings extends joint.BaseJavaClass

     * AustraliaPostSettings constructor


     * Gets the Interpreting Type for the Customer Information of AustralianPost BarCode.DEFAULT is CustomerInformationInterpretingType.OTHER.
     * @return The interpreting type (CTable, NTable or Other) of customer information for AustralianPost BarCode
        return this.getJavaClass().getCustomerInformationInterpretingTypeSync();

     * Sets the Interpreting Type for the Customer Information of AustralianPost BarCode.DEFAULT is CustomerInformationInterpretingType.OTHER.<br>
     * @param value The interpreting type (CTable, NTable or Other) of customer information for AustralianPost BarCode

     * The flag which force AustraliaPost decoder to ignore last filling patterns in Customer Information Field during decoding as CTable method.<br>
     * CTable encoding method does not have any gaps in encoding table and sequnce "333" of filling paterns is decoded as letter "z".
     * @example
     * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.AUSTRALIA_POST, "5912345678AB");
     * generator.getParameters().getBarcode().getAustralianPost().setAustralianPostEncodingTable(CustomerInformationInterpretingType.C_TABLE);
     * let image = generator.generateBarCodeImage(BarcodeImageFormat.PNG);
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader(image, null, DecodeType.AUSTRALIA_POST);
     * reader.getBarcodeSettings().getAustraliaPost().setCustomerInformationInterpretingType(CustomerInformationInterpretingType.C_TABLE);
     * reader.getBarcodeSettings().getAustraliaPost().setIgnoreEndingFillingPatternsForCTable(true);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *     console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeType());
     *     console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * @return The flag which force AustraliaPost decoder to ignore last filling patterns during CTable method decoding
        return this.getJavaClass().getIgnoreEndingFillingPatternsForCTableSync();

     * The flag which force AustraliaPost decoder to ignore last filling patterns in Customer Information Field during decoding as CTable method.<br>
     * CTable encoding method does not have any gaps in encoding table and sequnce "333" of filling paterns is decoded as letter "z".
     * @example
     * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.AUSTRALIA_POST, "5912345678AB");
     * generator.getParameters().getBarcode().getAustralianPost().setAustralianPostEncodingTable(CustomerInformationInterpretingType.C_TABLE);
     * let image = generator.generateBarCodeImage(BarcodeImageFormat.PNG);
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader(image, null, DecodeType.AUSTRALIA_POST);
     * reader.getBarcodeSettings().getAustraliaPost().setCustomerInformationInterpretingType(CustomerInformationInterpretingType.C_TABLE);
     * reader.getBarcodeSettings().getAustraliaPost().setIgnoreEndingFillingPatternsForCTable(true);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *     console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeType());
     *     console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * @return The flag which force AustraliaPost decoder to ignore last filling patterns during CTable method decoding

 * The main BarCode decoding parameters. Contains parameters which make influence on recognized data.
class BarcodeSettings extends joint.BaseJavaClass

     * BarcodeSettings copy constructor
     * @param settings The source of the data

        this._australiaPost = new AustraliaPostSettings(this.getJavaClass().getAustraliaPostSync());

     * Enable checksum validation during recognition for 1D and Postal barcodes.<br>
     * Default is treated as Yes for symbologies which must contain checksum, as No where checksum only possible.<br>
     * Checksum never used: Codabar, PatchCode, Pharmacode, DataLogic2of5<br>
     * Checksum is possible: Code39 Standard/Extended, Standard2of5, Interleaved2of5, ItalianPost25, Matrix2of5, MSI, ItalianPost25, DeutschePostIdentcode, DeutschePostLeitcode, VIN<br>
     * Checksum always used: Rest symbologies<br>
     * @example
     * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.EAN_13, "1234567890128");
     *"c:/test.png", BarcodeImageFormat.PNG);
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("c:/test.png", DecodeType.EAN_13);
     * //checksum disabled
     * reader.getBarcodeSettings().setChecksumValidation(ChecksumValidation.OFF);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *      console.log ("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     *      console.log ("BarCode Value: " + result.getExtended().getOneD().getValue());
     *      console.log ("BarCode Checksum: " + result.getExtended().getOneD().getCheckSum());
     * });
     * @example
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("c:/test.png", DecodeType.EAN_13);
     * //checksum enabled
     * reader.getBarcodeSettings().setChecksumValidation(ChecksumValidation.ON);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *      console.log ("BarCode CodeText: " + result.CodeText);
     *      console.log ("BarCode Value: " + result.getExtended().getOneD().getValue());
     *      console.log ("BarCode Checksum: " + result.getExtended().getOneD().getCheckSum());
     * });
     * @return Enable checksum validation during recognition for 1D and Postal barcodes.
        return this.getJavaClass().getChecksumValidationSync();

     * Enable checksum validation during recognition for 1D and Postal barcodes.<br>
     * Default is treated as Yes for symbologies which must contain checksum, as No where checksum only possible.<br>
     * Checksum never used: Codabar, PatchCode, Pharmacode, DataLogic2of5<br>
     * Checksum is possible: Code39 Standard/Extended, Standard2of5, Interleaved2of5, ItalianPost25, Matrix2of5, MSI, ItalianPost25, DeutschePostIdentcode, DeutschePostLeitcode, VIN<br>
     * Checksum always used: Rest symbologies<br>
     * @example
     * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.EAN_13, "1234567890128");
     *"c:/test.png", BarcodeImageFormat.PNG);
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("c:/test.png", DecodeType.EAN_13);
     * //checksum disabled
     * reader.getBarcodeSettings().setChecksumValidation(ChecksumValidation.OFF);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *      console.log ("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     *      console.log ("BarCode Value: " + result.getExtended().getOneD().getValue());
     *      console.log ("BarCode Checksum: " + result.getExtended().getOneD().getCheckSum());
     * });
     * @example
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("c:/test.png", DecodeType.EAN_13);
     * //checksum enabled
     * reader.getBarcodeSettings().setChecksumValidation(ChecksumValidation.ON);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *      console.log ("BarCode CodeText: " + result.CodeText);
     *      console.log ("BarCode Value: " + result.getExtended().getOneD().getValue());
     *      console.log ("BarCode Checksum: " + result.getExtended().getOneD().getCheckSum());
     * });
     * @param value  Enable checksum validation during recognition for 1D and Postal barcodes.

     * Strip FNC1, FNC2, FNC3 characters from codetext. Default value is false.
     * @example
     * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.GS_1_CODE_128, "(02)04006664241007(37)1(400)7019590754");
     *"c:/test.png", BarcodeImageFormat.PNG);
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("c:/test.png", DecodeType.CODE_128);
     * //StripFNC disabled
     * reader.getBarcodeSettings().setStripFNC(false);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *     console.log ("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * @example
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("c:/test.png", DecodeType.CODE_128);
     * //StripFNC enabled
     * reader.getBarcodeSettings().setStripFNC(true);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *     console.log ("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * @return Strip FNC1, FNC2, FNC3 characters from codetext. Default value is false.
        return this.getJavaClass().getStripFNCSync();

     * Strip FNC1, FNC2, FNC3 characters from codetext. Default value is false.
     * @example
     * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.GS_1_CODE_128, "(02)04006664241007(37)1(400)7019590754");
     *"c:/test.png", BarcodeImageFormat.PNG);
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("c:/test.png", DecodeType.CODE_128);
     * //StripFNC disabled
     * reader.getBarcodeSettings().setStripFNC(false);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *     console.log ("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * @example
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader("c:/test.png", DecodeType.CODE_128);
     * //StripFNC enabled
     * reader.getBarcodeSettings().setStripFNC(true);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *     console.log ("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * @param value  Strip FNC1, FNC2, FNC3 characters from codetext. Default value is false.

     * The flag which force engine to detect codetext encoding for Unicode codesets. Default value is true.
     * @example
     * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.QR, "Слово"))
     * im = generator.generateBarcodeImage(BarcodeImageFormat.PNG);
     * //detects encoding for Unicode codesets is enabled
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader(im, DecodeType.QR);
     * reader.getBarcodeSettings().setDetectEncoding(true);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *     console.log ("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * @example
     * //detect encoding is disabled
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader(im, DecodeType.QR);
     * reader.getBarcodeSettings().setDetectEncoding(false);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * console.log ("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * @return The flag which force engine to detect codetext encoding for Unicode codesets
        return this.getJavaClass().getDetectEncodingSync();

     * The flag which force engine to detect codetext encoding for Unicode codesets. Default value is true.
     * @example
     * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.QR, "Слово"))
     * im = generator.generateBarcodeImage(BarcodeImageFormat.PNG);
     * //detects encoding for Unicode codesets is enabled
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader(im, DecodeType.QR);
     * reader.getBarcodeSettings().setDetectEncoding(true);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * {
     *     console.log ("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * });
     * @example
     * //detect encoding is disabled
     * let reader = new BarCodeReader(im, DecodeType.QR);
     * reader.getBarcodeSettings().setDetectEncoding(false);
     * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
     * console.log ("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
     * @return The flag which force engine to detect codetext encoding for Unicode codesets

     * Gets AustraliaPost decoding parameters
     * @return The AustraliaPost decoding parameters which make influence on recognized data of AustraliaPost symbology
        return this._australiaPost;

 * Represents recognition abort exception which is thrown in timeout exceeding during recognition with BarCodeReader.
class RecognitionAbortedException extends Error

    static get javaClassName()
        return "";

     * Gets the execution time of current recognition session
     * @return The execution time of current recognition session
        return this.javaClass.getExecutionTimeSync();

     * Sets the execution time of current recognition session
     * @param value The execution time of current recognition session

     * Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RecognitionAbortedException" /> class with specified recognition abort message.
     * @param message The error message of the exception.
     * @param executionTime The execution time of current recognition session.
    constructor(message, executionTime)
        let java_class_link = new java.import(RecognitionAbortedException.javaClassName);
        if (message != null && executionTime != null)
            this.javaClass = new java_class_link(message, executionTime);
        else if (executionTime != null)
            this.javaClass = new java_class_link(executionTime);
            this.javaClass = new java_class_link();

    static construct(javaClass)
        let exception = new RecognitionAbortedException(null, null);
        exception.javaClass = javaClass;
        return exception;



 * Stores a MaxiCode additional information of recognized barcode
class MaxiCodeExtendedParameters extends joint.BaseJavaClass



     * Gets a MaxiCode encode mode.
     *  Default value: Mode4
        return this.getJavaClass().getMaxiCodeModeSync();

     * Sets a MaxiCode encode mode.
     *  Default value: Mode4

     * Gets a MaxiCode barcode id in structured append mode.
     * Default value: 0
        return this.getJavaClass().getMaxiCodeStructuredAppendModeBarcodeIdSync();

     * Sets a MaxiCode barcode id in structured append mode.
     * Default value: 0

     * Gets a MaxiCode barcodes count in structured append mode.
     * Default value: -1
        return this.getJavaClass().getMaxiCodeStructuredAppendModeBarcodesCountSync();

     * Sets a MaxiCode barcodes count in structured append mode.
     * Default value: -1

     * Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified <see cref="MaxiCodeExtendedParameters"/> value.
     * @param obj An Object value to compare to this instance.
     * @return <b>true</b> if obj has the same value as this instance; otherwise, <b>false</b>.
        return this.getJavaClass().equalsSync(obj.getJavaClass());

     * Returns the hash code for this instance.
     * @return A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
        return this.getJavaClass().getHashCodeSync();

     * Returns a human-readable string representation of this <see cref="MaxiCodeExtendedParameters"/>.
     * @return A string that represents this <see cref="MaxiCodeExtendedParameters"/>.
        return this.getJavaClass().toStringSync();

 * <p>
 * Stores special data of DotCode recognized barcode
 * </p>
 * This sample shows how to get DotCode raw values<br>
 * @example
 * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.DOT_CODE, "12345");
 *"c:\\test.png", BarCodeImageFormat.PNG);
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("c:\\test.png", null, DecodeType.DOT_CODE);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *     print("BarCode type: " + result.getCodeTypeName());
 *     print("BarCode codetext: " + result.getCodeText());
 *     print("DotCode barcode ID: " + result.getExtended().getDotCode().getDotCodeStructuredAppendModeBarcodeId());
 *     print("DotCode barcodes count: " + result.getExtended().getDotCode().getDotCodeStructuredAppendModeBarcodesCount());
 * });
class DotCodeExtendedParameters extends joint.BaseJavaClass

     * <p>Gets the DotCode structured append mode barcodes count. Default value is -1. Count must be a value from 1 to 35.</p>Value: The count of the DotCode structured append mode barcode.
    { return this.getJavaClass().getDotCodeStructuredAppendModeBarcodesCountSync(); }

     * <p>Gets the ID of the DotCode structured append mode barcode. ID starts from 1 and must be less or equal to barcodes count. Default value is -1.</p>Value: The ID of the DotCode structured append mode barcode.
    { return this.getJavaClass().getDotCodeStructuredAppendModeBarcodeIdSync(); }

     * <p>
     * Indicates whether code is used for instruct reader to interpret the following data as instructions for initialization or reprogramming of the bar code reader.
     * Default value is false.
     * </p>
    { return this.getJavaClass().getDotCodeIsReaderInitializationSync(); }

     * <p>
     * Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified {@code DotCodeExtendedParameters} value.
     * </p>
     * @return {@code <b>true</b>} if obj has the same value as this instance; otherwise, {@code <b>false</b>}.
     * @param obj An System.Object value to compare to this instance.
        return this.getJavaClass().equalsSync(obj.getJavaClass());

     * <p>
     * Returns the hash code for this instance.
     * </p>
     * @return A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
        return this.getJavaClass().hashCodeSync();

     * <p>
     * Returns a human-readable string representation of this {@code DotCodeExtendedParameters}.
     * </p>
     * @return A string that represents this {@code DotCodeExtendedParameters}.
        return this.getJavaClass().toStringSync();


 * <p>
 * Stores special data of DataMatrix recognized barcode
 * </p><p><hr><blockquote><pre>
 * This sample shows how to get DataMatrix raw values
 * <pre>
 * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.DATA_MATRIX, "12345"))
 *"c:\\test.png", BarcodeImageFormat.PNG);
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("c:\\test.png", null, DecodeType.DATA_MATRIX))
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *    console.log("BarCode type: " + result.getCodeTypeName());
 *    console.log("BarCode codetext: " + result.getCodeText());
 *    console.log("DataMatrix barcode ID: " + result.getExtended().getDataMatrix().getStructuredAppendBarcodeId());
 *    console.log("DataMatrix barcodes count: " + result.getExtended().getDataMatrix().getStructuredAppendBarcodesCount());
 *    console.log("DataMatrix file ID: " + result.getExtended().getDataMatrix().getStructuredAppendFileId());
 *    console.log("DataMatrix is reader programming: " + result.getExtended().getDataMatrix().isReaderProgramming());
 * });
 * </pre>
 * </pre></blockquote></hr></p>
class DataMatrixExtendedParameters extends joint.BaseJavaClass


     * <p>Gets the DataMatrix structured append mode barcodes count. Default value is -1. Count must be a value from 1 to 35.</p>Value: The count of the DataMatrix structured append mode barcode.
        return this.getJavaClass().getStructuredAppendBarcodesCountSync();

     * <p>Gets the ID of the DataMatrix structured append mode barcode. ID starts from 1 and must be less or equal to barcodes count. Default value is -1.</p>Value: The ID of the DataMatrix structured append mode barcode.
        return this.getJavaClass().getStructuredAppendBarcodeIdSync();

     * <p>Gets the ID of the DataMatrix structured append mode barcode. ID starts from 1 and must be less or equal to barcodes count. Default value is -1.</p>Value: The ID of the DataMatrix structured append mode barcode.
        return this.getJavaClass().getStructuredAppendFileIdSync();

     * <p>
     * Indicates whether code is used for instruct reader to interpret the following data as instructions for initialization or reprogramming of the bar code reader.
     * Default value is false.
     * </p>
        return this.getJavaClass().isReaderProgrammingSync();

     * <p>
     * Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified {@code DataMatrixExtendedParameters} value.
     * </p>
     * @return {@code <b>true</b>} if obj has the same value as this instance; otherwise, {@code <b>false</b>}.
     * @param obj An System.Object value to compare to this instance.
        return this.getJavaClass().equalsSync(obj.getJavaClass());

     * <p>
     * Returns the hash code for this instance.
     * </p>
     * @return A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
        return this.getJavaClass().hashCodeSync();

     * <p>
     * Returns a human-readable string representation of this {@code DataMatrixExtendedParameters}.
     * </p>
     * @return A string that represents this {@code DataMatrixExtendedParameters}.
        return this.getJavaClass().toStringSync();

 * <p>
 * Stores special data of {@code <b>GS1 Composite Bar</b>} recognized barcode
 * </p>
class GS1CompositeBarExtendedParameters extends joint.BaseJavaClass


     * <p>Gets the 1D (linear) barcode type of GS1 Composite</p>Value: 2D barcode type
        return this.getJavaClass().getOneDTypeSync();

     * <p>Gets the 1D (linear) barcode value of GS1 Composite</p>Value: 1D barcode value
        return this.getJavaClass().getOneDCodeTextSync();

     * <p>Gets the 2D barcode type of GS1 Composite</p>Value: 2D barcode type
        return this.getJavaClass().getTwoDTypeSync();

     * <p>Gets the 2D barcode value of GS1 Composite</p>Value: 2D barcode value
        return this.getJavaClass().getTwoDCodeTextSync();

     * <p>
     * Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified {@code GS1CompositeBarExtendedParameters} value.
     * </p>
     * @return {@code <b>true</b>} if obj has the same value as this instance; otherwise, {@code <b>false</b>}.
     * @param obj An System.Object value to compare to this instance.
        return this.getJavaClass().equalsSync(obj.getJavaClass());

     * <p>
     * Returns the hash code for this instance.
     * </p>
     * @return A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
        return this.getJavaClass().hashCodeSync();

     * <p>
     * Returns a human-readable string representation of this {@code GS1CompositeBarExtendedParameters}.
     * </p>
     * @return A string that represents this {@code GS1CompositeBarExtendedParameters}.
        return this.getJavaClass().toStringSync();

 * <p>
 * Stores special data of Aztec recognized barcode
 * </p><p><hr><blockquote><pre>
 * This sample shows how to get Aztec raw values
 * <pre>
 * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.AZTEC, "12345");
 *"test.png", BarcodeImageFormat.PNG);
 * @example
 * BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null, DecodeType.AZTEC);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *     console.log("BarCode type: " + result.getCodeTypeName());
 *     console.log("BarCode codetext: " + result.getCodeText());
 *     console.log("Aztec barcode ID: " + result.getExtended().getAztec().getStructuredAppendBarcodeId());
 *     console.log("Aztec barcodes count: " + result.getExtended().getAztec().getStructuredAppendBarcodesCount());
 *     console.log("Aztec file ID: " + result.getExtended().getAztec().getStructuredAppendFileId());
 *     console.log("Aztec is reader initialization: " + result.getExtended().getAztec().isReaderInitialization());
 * });
 * </pre>
 * </pre></blockquote></hr></p>
class AztecExtendedParameters extends joint.BaseJavaClass


     * <p>Gets the Aztec structured append mode barcodes count. Default value is 0. Count must be a value from 1 to 26.</p>Value: The barcodes count of the Aztec structured append mode.
        return this.getJavaClass().getStructuredAppendBarcodesCountSync();

     * <p>Gets the ID of the Aztec structured append mode barcode. ID starts from 1 and must be less or equal to barcodes count. Default value is 0.</p>Value: The barcode ID of the Aztec structured append mode.
        return this.getJavaClass().getStructuredAppendBarcodeIdSync();

     * <p>Gets the File ID of the Aztec structured append mode. Default value is empty string</p>Value: The File ID of the Aztec structured append mode.
        return this.getJavaClass().getStructuredAppendFileIdSync();

     * <p>
     * Indicates whether code is used for instruct reader to interpret the following data as instructions for initialization or reprogramming of the bar code reader.
     * Default value is false.
     * </p>
        return this.getJavaClass().isReaderInitializationSync();

     * <p>
     * Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified {@code AztecExtendedParameters} value.
     * </p>
     * @return {@code <b>true</b>} if obj has the same value as this instance; otherwise, {@code <b>false</b>}.
     * @param obj An System.Object value to compare to this instance.
        return this.getJavaClass().equalsSync(obj.getJavaClass());

     * <p>
     * Returns the hash code for this instance.
     * </p>
     * @return 32-bit signed integer hash code.
        return this.getJavaClass().hashCodeSync();

     * <p>
     * Returns a human-readable string representation of this {@code AztecExtendedParameters}.
     * </p>
     * @return A string that represents this {@code AztecExtendedParameters}.
        return this.getJavaClass().toStringSync();

 * <p>
 * Stores a Codabar additional information of recognized barcode
 * </p>
class CodabarExtendedParameters extends joint.BaseJavaClass


     * <p>
     * Gets or sets a Codabar start symbol.
     * Default value: CodabarSymbol.A
     * </p>
        return this.getJavaClass().getCodabarStartSymbolSync();

     * <p>
     * Gets or sets a Codabar start symbol.
     * Default value: CodabarSymbol.A
     * </p>

     * <p>
     * Gets or sets a Codabar stop symbol.
     * Default value: CodabarSymbol.A
     * </p>
        return this.getJavaClass().getCodabarStopSymbolSync();

     * <p>
     * Gets or sets a Codabar stop symbol.
     * Default value: CodabarSymbol.A
     * </p>

     * <p>
     * Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified {@code CodabarExtendedParameters} value.
     * </p>
     * @return {@code <b>true</b>} if obj has the same value as this instance; otherwise, {@code <b>false</b>}.
     * @param obj An System.Object value to compare to this instance.
        return this.getJavaClass().equalsSync(obj.getJavaClass());

     * <p>
     * Returns the hash code for this instance.
     * </p>
     * @return A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
        return this.getJavaClass().hashCodeSync();

     * <p>
     * Returns a human-readable string representation of this {@code CodabarExtendedParameters}.
     * </p>
     * @return A string that represents this {@code CodabarExtendedParameters}.
        return this.getJavaClass().toStringSync();

 * Specify the type of barcode to read.
 * @example
 * //This sample shows how to detect Code39 and Code128 barcodes.
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [ DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128 ]);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *    console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeTypeName());
 *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 * });
 * @enum
DecodeType =
         * Unspecified decode type.
        NONE: -1,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>CODABAR</b>} barcode specification
        CODABAR: 0,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>CODE 11</b>} barcode specification
        CODE_11: 1,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Standard CODE 39</b>} barcode specification
        CODE_39_STANDARD: 2,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Extended CODE 39</b>} barcode specification
        CODE_39_EXTENDED: 3,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Standard CODE 93</b>} barcode specification
        CODE_93_STANDARD: 4,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Extended CODE 93</b>} barcode specification
        CODE_93_EXTENDED: 5,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>CODE 128</b>} barcode specification
        CODE_128: 6,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>GS1 CODE 128</b>} barcode specification
        GS_1_CODE_128: 7,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>EAN-8</b>} barcode specification
        EAN_8: 8,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>EAN-13</b>} barcode specification
        EAN_13: 9,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>EAN14</b>} barcode specification
        EAN_14: 10,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>SCC14</b>} barcode specification
        SCC_14: 11,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>SSCC18</b>} barcode specification
        SSCC_18: 12,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>UPC-A</b>} barcode specification
        UPCA: 13,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>UPC-E</b>} barcode specification
        UPCE: 14,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>ISBN</b>} barcode specification
        ISBN: 15,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Standard 2 of 5</b>} barcode specification
        STANDARD_2_OF_5: 16,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>INTERLEAVED 2 of 5</b>} barcode specification
        INTERLEAVED_2_OF_5: 17,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Matrix 2 of 5</b>} barcode specification
        MATRIX_2_OF_5: 18,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Italian Post 25</b>} barcode specification
        ITALIAN_POST_25: 19,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>IATA 2 of 5</b>} barcode specification. IATA (International Air Transport Association) uses this barcode for the management of air cargo.
        IATA_2_OF_5: 20,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>ITF14</b>} barcode specification
        ITF_14: 21,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>ITF6</b>} barcode specification
        ITF_6: 22,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>MSI Plessey</b>} barcode specification
        MSI: 23,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>VIN</b>} (Vehicle Identification Number) barcode specification
        VIN: 24,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>DeutschePost Ident code</b>} barcode specification

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>DeutschePost Leit code</b>} barcode specification

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>OPC</b>} barcode specification
        OPC: 27,

         *  Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>PZN</b>} barcode specification. This symbology is also known as Pharma Zentral Nummer
        PZN: 28,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Pharmacode</b>} barcode. This symbology is also known as Pharmaceutical BINARY Code
        PHARMACODE: 29,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>DataMatrix</b>} barcode symbology
        DATA_MATRIX: 30,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>GS1DataMatrix</b>} barcode symbology
        GS_1_DATA_MATRIX: 31,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>QR Code</b>} barcode specification
        QR: 32,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Aztec</b>} barcode specification
        AZTEC: 33,

         * <p>
         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>GS1 Aztec</b>} barcode specification
         * </p>
        GS_1_AZTEC: 81,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Pdf417</b>} barcode symbology
        PDF_417: 34,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>MacroPdf417</b>} barcode specification
        MACRO_PDF_417: 35,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>MicroPdf417</b>} barcode specification
        MICRO_PDF_417: 36,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with <b>MicroPdf417</b> barcode specification
        GS_1_MICRO_PDF_417: 82,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>CodablockF</b>} barcode specification
        CODABLOCK_F: 65,
         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with <b>Royal Mail Mailmark</b> barcode specification.
        MAILMARK: 66,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Australia Post</b>} barcode specification
        AUSTRALIA_POST: 37,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Postnet</b>} barcode specification
        POSTNET: 38,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Planet</b>} barcode specification
        PLANET: 39,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with USPS {@code <b>OneCode</b>} barcode specification
        ONE_CODE: 40,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>RM4SCC</b>} barcode specification. RM4SCC (Royal Mail 4-state Customer Code) is used for automated mail sort process in UK.
        RM_4_SCC: 41,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>GS1 DATABAR omni-directional</b>} barcode specification

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>GS1 DATABAR truncated</b>} barcode specification

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>GS1 DATABAR limited</b>} barcode specification
        DATABAR_LIMITED: 44,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>GS1 DATABAR expanded</b>} barcode specification

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>GS1 DATABAR stacked omni-directional</b>} barcode specification

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>GS1 DATABAR stacked</b>} barcode specification
        DATABAR_STACKED: 54,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>GS1 DATABAR expanded stacked</b>} barcode specification

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Patch code</b>} barcode specification. Barcode symbology is used for automated scanning
        PATCH_CODE: 46,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>ISSN</b>} barcode specification
        ISSN: 47,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>ISMN</b>} barcode specification
        ISMN: 48,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Supplement(EAN2, EAN5)</b>} barcode specification
        SUPPLEMENT: 49,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Australian Post Domestic eParcel Barcode</b>} barcode specification

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Swiss Post Parcel Barcode</b>} barcode specification
        SWISS_POST_PARCEL: 51,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>SCode16K</b>} barcode specification
        CODE_16_K: 52,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>MicroQR Code</b>} barcode specification
        MICRO_QR: 56,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with <b>RectMicroQR (rMQR) Code</b> barcode specification
        RECT_MICRO_QR: 83,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>CompactPdf417</b>} (Pdf417Truncated) barcode specification
        COMPACT_PDF_417: 57,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>GS1 QR</b>} barcode specification
        GS_1_QR: 58,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>MaxiCode</b>} barcode specification
        MAXI_CODE: 59,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>MICR E-13B</b>} blank specification
        MICR_E_13_B: 60,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>Code32</b>} blank specification
        CODE_32: 61,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>DataLogic 2 of 5</b>} blank specification
        DATA_LOGIC_2_OF_5: 62,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>DotCode</b>} blank specification
        DOT_CODE: 63,

         * <p>
         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>GS1 DotCode</b>} blank specification
         * </p>
        GS_1_DOT_CODE: 77,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>DotCode</b>} blank specification
        DUTCH_KIX: 64,

         * <p>
         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>HIBC LIC Code39</b>} blank specification
         * </p>
        HIBC_CODE_39_LIC: 67,

         * <p>
         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>HIBC LIC Code128</b>} blank specification
         * </p>
        HIBC_CODE_128_LIC: 68,

         * <p>
         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>HIBC LIC Aztec</b>} blank specification
         * </p>
        HIBC_AZTEC_LIC: 69,

         * <p>
         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>HIBC LIC DataMatrix</b>} blank specification
         * </p>

         * <p>
         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>HIBC LIC QR</b>} blank specification
         * </p>
        HIBCQRLIC: 71,

         * <p>
         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>HIBC PAS Code39</b>} blank specification
         * </p>
        HIBC_CODE_39_PAS: 72,

         * <p>
         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>HIBC PAS Code128</b>} blank specification
         * </p>
        HIBC_CODE_128_PAS: 73,

         * <p>
         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>HIBC PAS Aztec</b>} blank specification
         * </p>
        HIBC_AZTEC_PAS: 74,

         * <p>
         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>HIBC PAS DataMatrix</b>} blank specification
         * </p>

         * <p>
         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>HIBC PAS QR</b>} blank specification
         * </p>
        HIBCQRPAS: 76,

         *  Specifies that the data should be decoded with <b>Han Xin Code</b> blank specification
        HAN_XIN: 78,

         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with <b>Han Xin Code</b> blank specification
        GS_1_HAN_XIN: 79,

         * <p>
         * Specifies that the data should be decoded with {@code <b>GS1 Composite Bar</b>} barcode specification
         * </p>
        GS_1_COMPOSITE_BAR: 80,

         * Specifies that data will be checked with all of  1D  barcode symbologies
        TYPES_1D: 97,

         * Specifies that data will be checked with all of  1.5D POSTAL  barcode symbologies, like  Planet, Postnet, AustraliaPost, OneCode, RM4SCC, DutchKIX
        POSTAL_TYPES: 95,

         * Specifies that data will be checked with most commonly used symbologies
        MOST_COMMON_TYPES: 96,

         * Specifies that data will be checked with all of <b>2D</b> barcode symbologies
        TYPES_2D: 98,

         * Specifies that data will be checked with all available symbologies

        javaClassName: "",

         * Determines if the specified BaseDecodeType contains any 1D barcode symbology
         * @param symbology
         * @return true if BaseDecodeType contains any 1D barcode symbology; otherwise, returns false
            let javaClass = new java(DecodeType.javaClassName);
            return javaClass.is1DSync(symbology);

         * Determines if the specified BaseDecodeType contains any Postal barcode symbology
         * @param symbology BaseDecodeType to test
         * @return true if BaseDecodeType contains any Postal barcode symbology; otherwise, returns false
            let javaClass = new java(DecodeType.javaClassName);
            return javaClass.isPostalSync(symbology);

         * Determines if the specified BaseDecodeType contains any 2D barcode symbology
         * @param symbology BaseDecodeType to test.
         * @return true if BaseDecodeType contains any 2D barcode symbology; otherwise, returns false
            let javaClass = new java(DecodeType.javaClassName);
            return javaClass.is2DSync(symbology);

        containsAny(decodeType, ...decodeTypes)
            let javaClass = new java(DecodeType.javaClassName);
            return javaClass.containsAnySync(...decodeTypes);

 * Contains types of Code128 subset
 * @enum
Code128SubType =
         * ASCII characters 00 to 95 (0–9, A–Z and control codes), special characters, and FNC 1–4 ///
        CODE_SET_A: 1,

         * ASCII characters 32 to 127 (0–9, A–Z, a–z), special characters, and FNC 1–4 ///
        CODE_SET_B: 2,

         * 00–99 (encodes two digits with a single code point) and FNC1 ///
        CODE_SET_C: 3,

 * Defines the interpreting type(C_TABLE or N_TABLE) of customer information for AustralianPost BarCode.
 * @example
 * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.AUSTRALIA_POST, "5912345678ABCde");
 * generator.getParameters().getBarcode().getAustralianPost().setAustralianPostEncodingTable(CustomerInformationInterpretingType.C_TABLE);
 * image = generator.generateBarCodeImage();
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader(image, DecodeType.AUSTRALIA_POST);
 * reader.setCustomerInformationInterpretingType(CustomerInformationInterpretingType.C_TABLE);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *     console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeType());
 *     console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 * });
 *  generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.AUSTRALIA_POST, "59123456781234567");
 *  generator.getParameters().getBarcode().getAustralianPost().setAustralianPostEncodingTable(CustomerInformationInterpretingType.N_TABLE);
 *  image = generator.generateBarCodeImage();
 *  reader = new BarCodeReader(image, DecodeType.AUSTRALIA_POST);
 *  reader.setCustomerInformationInterpretingType(CustomerInformationInterpretingType.N_TABLE);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *     console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeType());
 *     console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 * });
 * @example
 * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.AUSTRALIA_POST, "59123456780123012301230123");
 * generator.getParameters().getBarcode().getAustralianPost().setAustralianPostEncodingTable(CustomerInformationInterpretingType.OTHER);
 * image = generator.generateBarCodeImage();
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader(image, DecodeType.AUSTRALIA_POST);
 * reader.CustomerInformationInterpretingType = CustomerInformationInterpretingType.OTHER);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *    console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeType());
 *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 * });
 * @enum
CustomerInformationInterpretingType =

         * Use C_TABLE to interpret the customer information. Allows A..Z, a..z, 1..9, space and # sing.
         * @example
         * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.AUSTRALIA_POST, "5912345678ABCde");
         * generator.getParameters().getBarcode().getAustralianPost().setAustralianPostEncodingTable(CustomerInformationInterpretingType.C_TABLE);
         * let image = generator.generateBarcodeImage(BarcodeImageFormat.PNG);
         * let reader = new BarCodeReader(image, DecodeType.AUSTRALIA_POST);
         * reader.setCustomerInformationInterpretingType(CustomerInformationInterpretingType.C_TABLE);
         * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
         * {
         *     console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeType());
         *     console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
         * });
        C_TABLE: 0,

         * Use N_TABLE to interpret the customer information. Allows digits.
         * @example
         *  let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.AUSTRALIA_POST, "59123456781234567");
         *  generator.getParameters().getBarcode().getAustralianPost().setAustralianPostEncodingTable(CustomerInformationInterpretingType.N_TABLE);
         *  let image = generator.generateBarcodeImage(BarcodeImageFormat.PNG);
         *  let reader = new BarCodeReader(image, DecodeType.AUSTRALIA_POST);
         *  reader.setCustomerInformationInterpretingType(CustomerInformationInterpretingType.N_TABLE);
         *  reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
         *  {
         *     console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeType());
         *     console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
         *  });
        N_TABLE: 1,
         * Do not interpret the customer information. Allows 0, 1, 2 or 3 symbol only.
         * @example
         * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.AUSTRALIA_POST, "59123456780123012301230123");
         * generator.getParameters().getBarcode().getAustralianPost().setAustralianPostEncodingTable(CustomerInformationInterpretingType.OTHER);
         * let image = generator.generateBarcodeImage(BarcodeImageFormat.PNG);
         * let reader = new BarCodeReader(image, DecodeType.AUSTRALIA_POST);
         * reader.setCustomerInformationInterpretingType(CustomerInformationInterpretingType.OTHER));
         * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
         * {
         *    console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeType());
         *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
         * });
        OTHER: 2,

 * Contains recognition confidence level
 * @example
 * //This sample shows how BarCodeConfidence changed, depending on barcode type
 * //Moderate confidence
 * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.CODE_128, "12345");
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.CODE_128]);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *    console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeTypeName());
 *    console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 *    console.log("BarCode Confidence: " + result.getConfidence());
 *    console.log("BarCode ReadingQuality: " + result.getReadingQuality());
 * });
 * @example
 * //Strong confidence
 * let generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.QR, "12345");
 * let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null,  [DecodeType.CODE_39_STANDARD, DecodeType.QR]);
 * reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 * {
 *     console.log("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeTypeName());
 *     console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 *     console.log("BarCode Confidence: " + result.getConfidence());
 *     console.log("BarCode ReadingQuality: " + result.getReadingQuality());
 * });
 * @enum
BarCodeConfidence =
         * Recognition confidence of barcode where codetext was not recognized correctly or barcode was detected as posible fake
        NONE: 0,

         * Recognition confidence of barcode (mostly 1D barcodes) with weak checksumm or even without it. Could contains some misrecognitions in codetext<br>
         * or even fake recognitions if  is low
         * @see BarCodeResult.ReadingQuality
        MODERATE: 80,

         * Recognition confidence which was confirmed with BCH codes like Reed–Solomon. There must not be errors in read codetext or fake recognitions
        STRONG: 100

 * Enable checksum validation during recognition for 1D barcodes.
 *     Default is treated as Yes for symbologies which must contain checksum, as No where checksum only possible.
 *     Checksum never used: Codabar
 * Checksum is possible: Code39 Standard/Extended, Standard2of5, Interleaved2of5, Matrix2of5, ItalianPost25, DeutschePostIdentcode, DeutschePostLeitcode, VIN
 * Checksum always used: Rest symbologies
 * This sample shows influence of ChecksumValidation on recognition quality and results
 *       \code
 * generator = BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.EAN_13, "1234567890128")
 *"test.png", BarCodeImageFormat.PNG)
 * reader = Recognition.BarCodeReader("test.png", None, DecodeType.EAN_13)
 * #checksum disabled
 * reader.setChecksumValidation(ChecksumValidation.OFF)
 * for result in reader.readBarCodes():
 * print("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText())
 * print("BarCode Value: " + result.getExtended().getOneD().getValue())
 * print("BarCode Checksum: " + result.getExtended().getOneD().getCheckSum())
 *       \endcode
 *       \code
 * reader = Recognition.BarCodeReader("test.png", None, DecodeType.EAN_13)
 * #checksum enabled
 * reader.setChecksumValidation(ChecksumValidation.ON)
 * for result in reader.readBarCodes():
 * print("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText())
 * print("BarCode Value: " + result.getExtended().getOneD().getValue())
 * print("BarCode Checksum: " + result.getExtended().getOneD().getCheckSum())
 *      \endcode
ChecksumValidation =

     * If checksum is required by the specification - it will be validated.

    DEFAULT: 0,

    * Always validate checksum if possible.
    ON: 1,

    * Do not validate checksum
    OFF: 2

 * <p>
 *  <p>
 *  Deconvolution (image restorations) mode which defines level of image degradation. Originally deconvolution is a function which can restore image degraded
 *  (convoluted) by any natural function like blur, during obtaining image by camera. Because we cannot detect image function which corrupt the image,
 *  we have to check most well know functions like sharp or mathematical morphology.
 *  </p>
 *  </p><p><hr><blockquote><pre>
 *  This sample shows how to use Deconvolution mode
 *  <pre>
 *  let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null, [DecodeType.CODE_39_EXTENDED, DecodeType.CODE_128]);
 *  reader.getQualitySettings().setDeconvolution(DeconvolutionMode.SLOW);
 *  reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 *  {
 *     console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 *  });
 * 	</pre>
 *  </pre></blockquote></hr></p>
DeconvolutionMode =
     * <p>Enables fast deconvolution methods for high quality images.</p>
    FAST: 0,
     * <p>Enables normal deconvolution methods for common images.</p>
    NORMAL: 1,
     * <p>Enables slow deconvolution methods for low quality images.</p>
    SLOW: 2
 * <p>
 * <p>
 * Mode which enables or disables additional recognition of barcodes on images with inverted colors (luminance).
 * </p>
 * </p><p><hr><blockquote><pre>
 *  This sample shows how to use InverseImage mode
 *  <pre>
 *  let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null, [DecodeType.CODE_39_EXTENDED, DecodeType.CODE_128]);
 *  reader.getQualitySettings().setInverseImage(InverseImageMode.ENABLED);
 *  reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 *  {
 *     console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 *  });
 * 	</pre>
 *  </pre></blockquote></hr></p>
InverseImageMode =
     * <p>At this time the same as Disabled. Disables additional recognition of barcodes on inverse images.</p>
    AUTO: 0,
     * <p>Disables additional recognition of barcodes on inverse images.</p>
    DISABLED: 1,
     * <p>Enables additional recognition of barcodes on inverse images</p>
    ENABLED: 2

 * <p>
 *  <p>
 *  Recognition mode which sets size (from 1 to infinity) of barcode minimal element: matrix cell or bar.
 *  </p>
 *  </p><p><hr><blockquote><pre>
 *  This sample shows how to use XDimension mode
 *  <pre>
 *  let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null, [DecodeType.CODE_39_EXTENDED, DecodeType.CODE_128]);
 *  reader.getQualitySettings().setXDimension(XDimensionMode.SMALL);
 *  reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 *  {
 *     console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 *  });
 * 	</pre>
 *  </pre></blockquote></hr></p>
XDimensionMode =
     * <p>Value of XDimension is detected by AI (SVM). At this time the same as Normal</p>
    AUTO: 0,
     * <p>Detects barcodes with small XDimension in 1 pixel or more with quality from BarcodeQuality</p>
    SMALL: 1,
     * <p>Detects barcodes with classic XDimension in 2 pixels or more with quality from BarcodeQuality or high quality barcodes.</p>
    NORMAL: 2,
     * <p>Detects barcodes with large XDimension with quality from BarcodeQuality captured with high-resolution cameras.</p>
    LARGE: 3,
     * <p>Detects barcodes from size set in MinimalXDimension with quality from BarcodeQuality</p>

 * <p>
 *  <p>
 *  Mode which enables or disables additional recognition of color barcodes on color images.
 *  </p>
 *  </p><p><hr><blockquote><pre>
 *  This sample shows how to use ComplexBackground mode
 *  <pre>
 *  let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null, [DecodeType.CODE_39_EXTENDED, DecodeType.CODE_128]);
 *  reader.getQualitySettings().setComplexBackground(ComplexBackgroundMode.ENABLED);
 *  reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 *  {
 *     console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 *  });
 * 	</pre>
 *  </pre></blockquote></hr></p>
ComplexBackgroundMode =
     * <p>At this time the same as Disabled. Disables additional recognition of color barcodes on color images.</p>
    AUTO: 0,
     * <p>Disables additional recognition of color barcodes on color images.</p>
    DISABLED: 1,
     * <p>Enables additional recognition of color barcodes on color images.</p>
    ENABLED: 2


 * <p>
 *  <p>
 *  Mode which enables methods to recognize barcode elements with the selected quality. Barcode element with lower quality requires more hard methods which slows the recognition.
 *  </p>
 *  </p><p><hr><blockquote><pre>
 *  This sample shows how to use BarcodeQuality mode
 *  <pre>
 *  let reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", null, [DecodeType.CODE_39_EXTENDED, DecodeType.CODE_128]);
 *  reader.getQualitySettings().setBarcodeQuality(BarcodeQualityMode.LOW);
 *  reader.readBarCodes().forEach(function(result, i, results)
 *  {
 *     console.log("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText());
 *  });
 * 	</pre>
 *  </pre></blockquote></hr></p>
BarcodeQualityMode =
     * <p>Enables recognition methods for High quality barcodes.</p>
    HIGH: 0,
     * <p>Enables recognition methods for Common(Normal) quality barcodes.</p>
    NORMAL: 1,
     * <p>Enables recognition methods for Low quality barcodes.</p>
    LOW: 2

module.exports = {