BitmapCompression compression
Bitmap Compression type.
int bitsPerPixel
The bits per pixel value.
ASBmpExportConfigurationImpl exportConfiguration
BaseExportConfigurationImpl baseExportConfiguration
boolean auto_FullFrame
Value indicating whether [full frame]
com.aspose.cad.IColorPalette palette
Color palette
com.aspose.cad.ResolutionSetting resolutionSettings
The resolution settings.
SmoothingMode smoothingMode
The anti aliasing
boolean centerDrawing
The center drawing.
TextRenderingHintEnum textRenderingHintEnum
The text rendering hint
ImageExportConfigurationImpl exportConfiguration
boolean compress
MetafileExportConfigurationImpl exportConfiguration
int version
int rotation
ASDxfExportConfigurationImpl exportConfiguration
boolean hasTrailer
A value which indicates whether trailer is set.
byte backgroundColorIndex
Index of the background color.
byte pixelAspectRatio
The pixel aspect ratio.
boolean isPaletteSorted
True if palette is sorted.
byte colorResolution
The color resolution.
boolean interlaced
True if image should be interlaced.
boolean doPaletteCorrection
True if palette will be corrected.
int maxDiff
The maximum allowed pixel difference. If greater than zero, lossy compression will be used. Recommended value for optimal lossy compression is 80. 30 is very light compression, 200 is heavy.
ASGifExportConfigurationImpl exportConfiguration
int quality
The quality.
JpegCompressionMode compressionType
The compression type.
com.aspose.cad.sources.StreamSource rgbColorProfile
The rgb color profile.
com.aspose.cad.sources.StreamSource cmykColorProfile
The cmyk color profile.
JpegCompressionColorMode colorMode
The color mode.
String comment
The comment.
com.aspose.imaging.exif.JpegExifData exifData
Exif data of image.
com.aspose.cad.fileformats.jpeg.JFIFData jfif
The jfif.
byte bitsPerChannel
The number of bits per channel.
int jpegLsAllowedLossyError
Gets or sets the JPEG-LS difference bound for near-lossless coding (NEAR parameter from the JPEG-LS specification).
JpegLsInterleaveMode jpegLsInterleaveMode
Gets or sets the JPEG-LS interleave mode.
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.jpeg.JpegLsPresetCodingParameters jpegLsPreset
Gets or sets the JPEG-LS preset parameters.
byte[] horizontalSampling
The horizontal subsamplings for each component.
byte[] verticalSampling
The vertical subsamplings for each component.
SampleRoundingMode sampleRoundingMode
The sample rounding mode to fit an 8-bit value to an n-bit value.
boolean preblendAlphaIfPresent
The value indicating whether red, green and blue components should be mixed with a background color, if alpha channel is present.
ResolutionUnit resolutionUnit
The resolution unit.
com.aspose.cad.xmp.XmpPacketWrapper xmpData
com.aspose.cad.imageoptions.RdOptimizerSettings auto_RdOptSettings
ASJpegExportConfigurationImpl exportConfiguration
Jpeg2000CodecEnum codec
The codec
boolean irreversible
The flag indicating whether use the irreversible DWT 9-7 (true) or use lossless DWT 5-3 compression (default).
String[] comments
int[] compressionRatios
ASJpeg2000ExportConfigurationImpl exportConfiguration
PdfComplianceEnum pdfCompliance
TextCompressionEnum textCompression
boolean applyImageTransparent
ImageCompressionEnum imageCompression
long tabSize
int bookmarksOutlineLevel
int expandedOutlineLevels
FontEmbeddingRuleEnum fontEmbeddingRuleEnum
boolean RenderMetafileAsBitmap
int headingsOutlineLevels
Color ImageTransparentColor
EncryptionDetails encryptionDetails
int jpegQuality
String author
Sets author of the document.
String title
Sets title of the document.
String subject
Sets subject of the document.
String keywords
Sets keywords of the document.
ASPdfExportConfigurationImpl exportConfiguration
int compressionLevel
PngFilterType filterType
PngColorType colorType
boolean progressive
byte bitDepth
ASPngExportConfigurationImpl exportConfiguration
int version
The psd file version.
CompressionMethodEnum compressionMethod
The psd compression method.
ColorModesEnum colorMode
The psd color mode.
short channelBitsCount
The number of bits per channel.
short channelsCount
The number of psd channels.
boolean removeGlobalTextEngineResource
The remove global text engine resource
boolean refreshImagePreviewData
The refresh image preview data
PsdVersionEnum psdVersion
The file format version
ASPsdExportConfigurationImpl exportConfiguration
SvgColorModeEnum colorMode
The color mode.
boolean textAsShapes
Indicates whether text must be converted as shapes.
boolean isPdfEmbeddedAlias
boolean embedFonts
boolean compress
ASSvgExportConfigurationImpl exportConfiguration<ValueType> propertiesToTagsHash
Hash table that holds set propertied and related tags
List<E> tags
The list of tags.<ValueType> cache
The cache
TiffByteOrderEnum tiffByteOrder
The byte order.
boolean useCompactPalette
Use compact palette.
boolean premultiplyColors
Indicates whether components should be premultiplied.
com.aspose.cad.Color backgroundColor
The background color.
TiffFileStandardsEnum tiffFileStandard
The TIFF file standard. Use TiffFileStandards.Extended standard by default.
TiffExpectedFormatEnum expectedFormat
The expected tiff file format.
ASTiffExportConfigurationImpl tiffExportConfiguration