




Class CameraOpticsTechniqueCommonOrthographic

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.aspose.cad.fileformats.collada.fileparser.elements.CameraOpticsTechniqueCommonOrthographic

  • public class CameraOpticsTechniqueCommonOrthographic
    extends Object

    The camera optics technique common orthographic. Describes the field of view of an orthographic camera.

    • Constructor Detail

      • CameraOpticsTechniqueCommonOrthographic

        public CameraOpticsTechniqueCommonOrthographic()
    • Method Detail

      • getAspectratio

        public final TargetableFloat getAspectratio()

        Gets or sets the items.

      • setAspectratio

        public final void setAspectratio(TargetableFloat value)

        Gets or sets the items.

      • setXmag

        public final void setXmag(TargetableFloat value)

        Gets or sets the items.

      • setYmag

        public final void setYmag(TargetableFloat value)

        Gets or sets the items.

      • getZnear

        public final TargetableFloat getZnear()

        Gets or sets the z near. Contains a floating-point number that describes the distance to the near clipping plane.

      • setZnear

        public final void setZnear(TargetableFloat value)

        Gets or sets the z near. Contains a floating-point number that describes the distance to the near clipping plane.

      • getZfar

        public final TargetableFloat getZfar()

        Gets or sets the z far. Contains a floating-point number that describes the distance to the far clipping plane.

      • setZfar

        public final void setZfar(TargetableFloat value)

        Gets or sets the z far. Contains a floating-point number that describes the distance to the far clipping plane.