Class | Description |
Accessor |
The accessor.
Altitude |
The altitude.
Asset |
The COLLADA asset.
AssetUnit |
The asset unit.
Bind |
The bind.
BindMaterial |
The bind material.
BindVertexInput |
The bind vertex input.
BoolArray |
The boolean array.
Brep |
Camera |
The camera.
CameraOptics |
The camera optics.
CameraOpticsTechniqueCommon |
The camera optics technique common.
CameraOpticsTechniqueCommonOrthographic |
The camera optics technique common orthographic.
CameraOpticsTechniqueCommonPerspective |
The camera optics technique common perspective.
Circle |
The circle.
Collada |
The COLLADA element declares the root of the document that comprises some of the content in the COLLADA schema.
ColladaElement |
The base COLLADA element.
Cone |
The cone.
Contributor |
The contributor.
ControlVertices |
The control vertices.
ConvexMesh |
The convex mesh.
Coverage |
The coverage.
Curve |
The curve.
Curves |
The curves.
Cylinder |
The cylinder.
Edges |
The edges.
Effect |
The effect.
Ellipse |
The ellipse.
EnumAltitudeMode |
The altitude mode.
EnumChoiceSweptType |
The enumeration for choice swept type.
EnumFxOpaque |
The enumerator FX opaque.
EnumFxSamplerMagFilter |
The enumeration FX sampler mag filter.
EnumFxSamplerMinFilter |
The enumeration FX sampler min filter.
EnumFxSamplerMipFilter |
The enumeration FX sampler MIP filter.
EnumFxSamplerWrap |
The enumeration FX sampler wrap.
EnumNode |
The node type enumeration.
EnumUpAxis |
The up axis enumeration.
EvaluateScene |
The evaluate scene.
Extra |
The COLLADA asset extra.
Faces |
The faces.
FloatArray |
The float array.
FxCommonColorOrTexture |
The FX common color or texture.
FxCommonColorOrTextureColor |
The FX common color or texture color.
FxCommonColorOrTextureParam |
The FX common color or texture parameter.
FxCommonColorOrTextureTexture |
The FX common color or texture texture.
FxCommonFloatOrParameter |
The FX common float or parameter.
FxCommonFloatOrParameterFloat |
The FX common float or parameter float.
FxCommonFloatOrParameterParameter |
The FX common float or parameter parameter.
FxCommonTransparent |
The FX common transparent.
GeographicLocation |
The geographic location.
Geometry |
The geometry.
Hyperbola |
The hyperbola.
IdRefArray |
The id ref array.
InputLocal |
The input local.
InputLocalOffset |
The input local offset.
InstanceCamera |
The instance camera.
InstanceEffect |
The instance effect.
InstanceGeometry |
The instance geometry.
InstanceImage |
The instance image.
InstanceJoint |
The instance joint.
InstanceLight |
The instance light.
InstanceMaterialGeometry |
The instance material.
InstanceMaterialRendering |
The instance material rendering.
InstanceNode |
The instance node.
InstancePhysicsMaterial |
The instance physics material.
InstanceVisualScene |
The instance Visual Scene.
InstanceWithExtra |
The instance with extra.
IntArray |
The integer array.
LibraryCameras |
The library cameras.
LibraryEffects |
The library effects.
LibraryGeometries |
The library geometries.
LibraryMaterials |
The library materials.
LibraryVisualScenes |
The library of visual scenes.
Line |
The line.
Lines |
The lines.
Linestrips |
Lookat |
The look at.
Material |
The material.
Matrix |
The matrix.
Mesh |
The mesh.
NameArray |
The name array.
Node |
The node.
Nurbs |
NurbsSurface |
The NURBS surface.
Orient |
The orient.
Origin |
The origin.
Parabola |
The parabola.
Parameter |
The parameter.
ParametricCurves |
The parametric curves.
Plane |
The plane.
Polygons |
The polygons.
Polylist |
Primitives |
The primitives.
PrimitivesWithHoles |
The primitives with holes.
ProfileBridge |
The profile bridge.
ProfileCommon |
The profile common.
ProfileCommonTechnique |
The profile common technique.
Render |
The evaluate scene render.
Rotate |
The rotate.
Scale |
The scale.
Scene |
The scene.
Shells |
The shells.
SidRefArray |
The sid ref array.
Skew |
The skew.
Solids |
The solids.
Source |
The source.
Sphere |
The sphere.
Spline |
The spline.
Surface |
The surface.
SurfaceCurves |
The surface curves.
Surfaces |
The surfaces.
SweptSurface |
The swept surface.
TargetableFloat |
The targetable float.
TargetableFloat3 |
The target able float 3.
TargetableFloat4 |
The target able float 4.
Technique |
The technique.
TechniqueBlinn |
The technique BLINN.
TechniqueCommon |
The technique common.
TechniqueConstant |
The technique constant.
TechniqueHint |
The technique hint.
TechniqueLambert |
The technique lambert.
TechniqueOverride |
The technique override.
TechniquePhong |
The technique PHONG.
TokenArray |
The token array.
Torus |
The torus.
Translate |
The translate.
Triangles |
The triangles.
Trifans |
Tristrips |
Vertices |
The vertices.
VisualScene |
The visual scene.
Wires |
The wires.