Class | Description |
BmpOptions |
The bmp file format creation options.
CadRasterizationOptions |
The Cad rasterization options.
CadRasterizationOptions.CadRenderHandler |
Delegate to create handler to catch CadRenderResult
CadRenderResult |
Represents result of rendering
DicomOptions |
The DICOM file format creation options.
DwfOptions |
The DWF options.
DxfOptions |
The SVG file format creation options.
DxfOutputVersion |
Specifies version of DXF file
EmfOptions |
The EMF file format creation options.
FbxOptions |
The Fbx options.
GifOptions |
The gif file format creation options.
Jpeg2000Options |
The Jpeg2000 file format options.
JpegOptions |
The jpeg file format create options.
Margins |
Margins class.
ObjOptions |
The OBJ options.
PdfCompliance |
Specifies the PDF compliance level to output file.
PdfDigitalSignatureDetailsCore |
Contains details for a PDF digital signature.
PdfDigitalSignatureHashAlgorithmCore |
Specifies digital hash algorithm used by digital signature.
PdfDocumentOptions |
The PDF options.
PdfOptions |
The PDF options.
PenOptions |
Drawing pen options
PngOptions |
The png file format create options.
PsdOptions |
The psd file format create options.
RasterizationQuality |
RasterizationQuality class
RasterizationQualityValue |
RenderErrorCode |
Represents possible missing sections in CAD file
RenderMode3D | |
RenderResult |
Represents information with results of rendering
StpOptions |
The STP options.
SvgOptions |
The SVG file format creation options.
ThreeDSOptions |
The 3DS options.
TiffOptions |
The tiff file format options.
UnitType |
Represents unit types.
VectorRasterizationOptions |
The vector rasterization options.
WebPOptions |
WEBP image options
WmfOptions |
The wmf file format creation options.