


Class SvgOptions

  • public class SvgOptions
    extends ImageOptionsBase

    The SVG file format creation options.

    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • SvgOptions

        public SvgOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getColorType

        public final int getColorType()

        Gets or sets the color type for SVG image.

        The type of the color of SVG image.
      • setColorType

        public final void setColorType(int value)

        Gets or sets the color type for SVG image.

        value - The type of the color of SVG image.
      • getTextAsShapes

        public final boolean getTextAsShapes()

        Gets or sets a value indicating whether text must be converted as shapes. By default text will be converted as shapes.

        true if all text is turned into SVG shapes in the convertion; otherwise, false.
      • setTextAsShapes

        public final void setTextAsShapes(boolean value)

        Gets or sets a value indicating whether text must be converted as shapes. By default text will be converted as shapes.

        value - true if all text is turned into SVG shapes in the convertion; otherwise, false.
      • getCallback

        public final ISvgResourceKeeperCallback getCallback()

        Gets or sets the font store options.

        The font store options.
      • setCallback

        public final void setCallback(ISvgResourceKeeperCallback value)

        Gets or sets the font store options.

        value - The font store options.
      • getRescaleSubpixelLinewidths

        public final boolean getRescaleSubpixelLinewidths()

        Wether sub-pixel lindewidths should be rescaled

      • setRescaleSubpixelLinewidths

        public final void setRescaleSubpixelLinewidths(boolean value)

        Wether sub-pixel lindewidths should be rescaled

      • getUseAbsoluteRescaling

        public final boolean getUseAbsoluteRescaling()

        Wether minimum non-rescaled line widh should be defined relative to whole image size (if false) or in pixels (if true)

      • setUseAbsoluteRescaling

        public final void setUseAbsoluteRescaling(boolean value)

        Wether minimum non-rescaled line widh should be defined relative to whole image size (if false) or in pixels (if true)

      • getMinimumRelativeLinewidthRatio

        public final float getMinimumRelativeLinewidthRatio()

        Lines with width less than image's size\minimumRelativeLinewidthRatio will be rescaled if relative rescaling is used

      • setMinimumRelativeLinewidthRatio

        public final void setMinimumRelativeLinewidthRatio(float value)

        Lines with width less than image's size\minimumRelativeLinewidthRatio will be rescaled if relative rescaling is used

      • getMinimumAbsoluteNonscaledLinewidth

        public final float getMinimumAbsoluteNonscaledLinewidth()

        Lines with width in pixels less than this will be rescaled

      • setMinimumAbsoluteNonscaledLinewidth

        public final void setMinimumAbsoluteNonscaledLinewidth(float value)

        Lines with width in pixels less than this will be rescaled

      • getMinimumLinewidth

        public final float getMinimumLinewidth()

        Minumum width of the line (i.e. width of zero-width line) relative to minimum non-rescaled linewidth

      • setMinimumLinewidth

        public final void setMinimumLinewidth(float value)

        Minumum width of the line (i.e. width of zero-width line) relative to minimum non-rescaled linewidth