Class TransformationMatrix

TransformationMatrix class

Represents 3d transformation matrix

public class TransformationMatrix : ICloneable


TransformationMatrix()Initializes a new instance of the TransformationMatrix class
TransformationMatrix(double[], bool)Initializes a new instance of the TransformationMatrix class.


Matrix { get; set; }Gets or sets transformation matrix.


static Axonometric(double, double)Axonometric projection
static Copy(TransformationMatrix)Performs copy of one TransformationMatrix into other.
static FromAxis(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D)From the axis.
static FrontView()FrontView matrix
static GetWCS(Point3D)WCSs the specified normal vector.
static OCStoWCS(Point3D)Transforms OCS coordinates to WSC
static Perspective(double, double, double, double, double)Creates perspective matrix.
static RotateX(double)Rotation matrix around X
static RotateY(double)Rotation matrix around Y
static RotateZ(double)Rotation matrix around Z
static Scale(double, double, double)Scaling of a matrix
static SideView()SideView matrix
static TopView()TopView matrix
static Translate(double, double, double)Translation matrix
static Transpose(TransformationMatrix)Performs transposing of matrix.
static UcsToWcs(Point3D, Point3D)Ucses to WCS.
static VectorVectorRotate(Point3D, Point3D)Rotation matrix from vector 1 to vector 2
Clone()Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
Determinant()Estimates determinant of a matrix.
Invert()Given an nXn matrix A, solve n linear equations to find the inverse of A.
VectorMultiply(double[])Applies transformation to point
operator +Performs summation of two matrices.
operator *Multiplies matrix by value. (2 operators)

See Also