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Enum BitmapCompression


Specifies different bitmap compression methods.

public enum BitmapCompression : uint


AlphaBitfields = 6

RGBA bit fields. Can be used only with 16 and 32-bit/pixel bitmaps.

Bitfields = 3

RGB bit fields. Can be used only with 16 and 32-bit/pixel bitmaps.

Dxt1 = 827611204

DXT1 compression. The bitmap contains a texture.

Jpeg = 4

JPEG compression. The bitmap contains a JPEG image.

Png = 5

PNG compression. The bitmap contains a PNG image.

Rgb = 0

No compression.

Rle4 = 2

RLE 4-bit/pixel compression. Can be used only with 4-bit/pixel bitmaps.

Rle8 = 1

RLE 8-bit/pixel compression. Can be used only with 8-bit/pixel bitmaps.