Namespace Aspose.CAD.FileFormats.Cad.CadObjects.Hatch
- CadBoundaryPathCircularArc
The Cad boundary path circular arc.
- CadBoundaryPathCircularEllipse
The Cad boundary path circular ellipse.
- CadBoundaryPathLine
The Cad boundary path line.
- CadBoundaryPathSpline
The Cad boundary path spline.
- CadEdgeBoundaryPath
The Cad edge boundary path.
- CadHatch
The Cad hatch.
- CadHatchBoundaryPathContainer
Boundary for hatch
- CadHatchPatternData
Cad hatch pattern class
- CadPolylineBoundaryPath
The Cad polyline boundary path.
- CadReservedForFutureValues
The reserved for future values
- ICadBoundaryPath
The Cad boundary path.
- ICadBoundaryPathEntity
The Cad boundary path entity interface.