
DwfImage.GetElementCount method

Gets count of graphic elements from specified page. Provides the ability to determine the number of graphic elements on a specific image page. To get this value, you need to specify the page index in the array Pages, the number of elements of which you want to get.

public int GetElementCount(int pageNumber)
pageNumberInt32Index of page to get count of graphic elements from.

Return Value

Count of graphic elements in specified page.


Removes last graphic element from the first page of the image.

string fileName = "exampleFile";
string file = string.Format("{0}.dwf", fileName);
string outFile = string.Format("{0}.png", fileName);

using (FileStream inStream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open))
using (DwfImage image = (DwfImage) Image.Load(inStream))
using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(outFile, FileMode.Create))
    image.RemoveElement(0, image.GetElementCount(0)-1);

    ImageOptionsBase options = new PngOptions();
    options.VectorRasterizationOptions = new CadRasterizationOptions
                                                 DrawType = CadDrawTypeMode.UseObjectColor,

    image.Save(stream, options);

See Also