
DwfImage.Pages property

Gets the DWF pages. Returns an array of all DWF pages that are contained in the DWF image. Each DWF page defines all its available graphical parameters and all the objects that are drawn on it.

public DwfPage[] Pages { get; }


Retrieves image pages and changes it properties.

string fileName = "exampleFile";
string file = string.Format("{0}.dwf", fileName);
string outFile = string.Format("{0}.png", fileName);
using (FileStream inStream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open))
using (DwfImage image = (DwfImage) Image.Load(inStream))
using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(outFile, FileMode.Create))
    DwfWhipDrawable[] entities = image.Pages[0].Entities;
    foreach(DwfWhipDrawable drawable in entities)
        if(drawable is DwfWhipPolyline)
            ((DwfWhipPolyline) drawable).Points[0].X = -50;
            ((DwfWhipPolyline) drawable).Points[0].Y = -50;


    foreach (DwfWhipDrawable drawable in entities)
        if (drawable is DwfWhipText)
            ((DwfWhipText)drawable).Font.Name.Value.AsciiString = "Arial";

    ImageOptionsBase options = new PngOptions();
    options.VectorRasterizationOptions = new CadRasterizationOptions
                                                 PageWidth = (float)image.Pages[0].PaperWidth,
                                                 PageHeight = (float)image.Pages[0].PaperHeight,
                                                 DrawType = CadDrawTypeMode.UseObjectColor,

    image.Save(stream, options);

See Also