Class TextDrawable

TextDrawable class

Provides intermediate Drawable representation of a text in a drawing

public class TextDrawable : IgesDrawableBase


TextDrawable(string, Point3D, double, double, double, IDrawableProperties)Creates text Drawable and determines its text boundaries


AllPoints { get; }Array of all points defining geometry
Childs { get; }
EndBottomLine { get; }Right bottom point of text boundary, maps to AllPoints[3]
EntityUID { get; set; }
Id { get; }
Mirrioring { get; }Mirroring of text
Orientation { get; }Horizontal or vertical text
Origin { get; }Left bottom point of text boundary, used as origin point of primitive,maps to AllPoints[0]
Properties { get; }Non-geometric properties for geometry
Text { get; }Text
UpperLeft { get; }Left upper point of text boundary, maps to AllPoints[1]
UpperRight { get; }Right upper point of text boundary, maps to AllPoints[2]


override GetNewPropsDrawable(IDrawableProperties)Creates a new Text drawable using geometry of current Text drawable and provided non-geometric properties
override GetTransformedDrawable(Point3D[])Creates a new Text drawable using provided points and non-geometric properties of current Text drawable

See Also