
ObjImage constructor

Initializes a new instance of the ObjImage class.

public ObjImage(ObjRoot objRoot)
objRootObjRootObjRoot object with vertices and shapes.


Creates new ObjRoot object, fills it with vertices and single face, exports into PNG format.

ObjRoot root = new ObjRoot(); 
root.Materials.Add(new ObjMaterial() { Diffuse = new Obj3Values(1, 0, 0) });

root.Vertices.Add(new ObjVertex(0, 0, 0));
root.Vertices.Add(new ObjVertex(100, 100, 100));
root.Vertices.Add(new ObjVertex(100, 200, 300));
ObjShape newShape = new ObjShape();
newShape.MaterialId = root.Materials.Count - 1;

ObjFace newFace = new ObjFace();
newFace.VertexTextureNormals.Add(new ObjVertexTextureNormalIndex() { VertexIndex = root.Vertices.Count - 3 });
newFace.VertexTextureNormals.Add(new ObjVertexTextureNormalIndex() { VertexIndex = root.Vertices.Count - 2 });
newFace.VertexTextureNormals.Add(new ObjVertexTextureNormalIndex() { VertexIndex = root.Vertices.Count - 1 });

using (ObjImage newImage = new ObjImage(root))
CadRasterizationOptions options = new CadRasterizationOptions();
options.PageHeight = 300;
options.PageWidth = 300;
options.DrawType = CadDrawTypeMode.UseObjectColor;
newImage.Save(outputPngFile, new PngOptions() { VectorRasterizationOptions = options});

See Also