Namespace Aspose.CAD.FileFormats.Tiff.TiffTagTypes
- TiffASCIIType
The tiff ascii type.
- TiffByteType
The tiff byte type.
- TiffCommonArrayType
The tiff common array type.
- TiffDoubleType
The tiff double type.
- TiffFloatType
The tiff float type.
- TiffIfdType
Represents the TIFF Exif image file directory type class.
- TiffLongType
The tiff long type.
- TiffRationalType
The tiff rational type.
- TiffSByteType
The tiff signed byte type.
- TiffSLongType
The tiff signed long type.
- TiffSRationalType
The tiff signed rational type.
- TiffSShortType
The tiff signed short type.
- TiffShortType
The tiff short type.
- TiffUndefinedType
The tiff undefined type.
- TiffUnknownType
The unknown tiff type. In case the tiff tag cannot be recognized this type is instantinated.