Namespace Aspose.CAD.ImageOptions
- ApsGroupOptions
The CGM options.
- BmpOptions
The bmp file format creation options.
- CadRasterizationOptions
The Cad rasterization options.
- CadRenderResult
Represents result of rendering
- CgmOptions
The CGM options.
- DicomOptions
The DICOM file format creation options.
- DracoOptions
The Draco options.
- DwfOptions
The DWF options.
- DwgOptions
The DWG file format creation options.
- DxfOptions
Class for DXF format output creation options
- EmfOptions
The EMF file format creation options.
- FbxOptions
The Fbx options.
- GifOptions
The gif file format creation options.
- GlbOptions
The GLB options.
- GltfOptions
The GLTF options.
- GraphicsOptions
Represents graphics options for embedded bitmap.
- IfcOptions
The IFC options.
- ImageOptionsBase
The image base options.
- Jpeg2000Options
The Jpeg2000 file format options.
- JpegOptions
The jpeg file format create options.
- Margins
Margins class.
- MultiPageOptions
Base class for multiple pages supported formats
- ObjOptions
The OBJ options.
- PdfDigitalSignatureDetailsCore
Contains details for a PDF digital signature.
- PdfDocumentOptions
The PDF options.
- PdfOptions
The PDF options.
- PenOptions
Drawing pen options
- PngOptions
The png file format create options.
- PsdOptions
The psd file format create options.
- RasterizationQuality
RasterizationQuality class
- RdOptimizerSettings
RD optimizer settings class
- RenderResult
Represents information with results of rendering
- StlOptions
The STL options.
- StpOptions
The STP options.
- SvgOptions
The SVG file format creation options.
- ThreeDSOptions
The 3DS options.
- TiffOptions
The tiff file format options. Note that width and height tags will get overwritten on image creation by width and height parameters so there is no need to specify them directly. Note that many options return a default value but that does not mean that this option is set explicitly as a tag value. To verify the tag is present use Tags property or the corresponding IsTagPresent method.
- U3dOptions
The U3D options.
- VectorRasterizationOptions
The vector rasterization options.
- WebPOptions
WEBP image options
- WmfOptions
The wmf file format creation options.
- ITextAsLinesOptions
The TextAsLines options.
- ITextAsShapesOptions
The TextAsShapes options.
- DxfOutputVersion
Specifies version of DXF file
- MultiPageMode
Represents multipage mode
- PdfCompliance
Specifies the PDF compliance level to output file.
- PdfDigitalSignatureHashAlgorithmCore
Specifies digital hash algorithm used by digital signature.
- RasterizationQualityValue
Copy of RasterizationQualityValue enum for use in Aspose.SVG for avoiding of dependency from Aspose.CAD.ImageOptions namespace.
- RenderErrorCode
Represents possible missing sections in CAD file
- TiffOptionsError
The tiff options error codes.
- UnitType
Represents unit types.
- VisibilityMode
Defines entity visibility checking - CAD platforms typically allow separate entity visibilities for print and screen display
- CadRasterizationOptions.CadRenderHandler
Delegate to create handler to catch CadRenderResult