Class RasterImage
Represents a raster image supporting raster graphics operations.
public abstract class RasterImage : Image, IDisposable, IObjectWithBounds, IRasterImageArgb32PixelLoader, IRasterImageRawDataLoader
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Derived
- Inherited Members
- RasterImage()
Initializes a new instance of the RasterImage class.
- RasterImage(IColorPalette)
Initializes a new instance of the RasterImage class.
- BitsPerPixel
Gets the image bits per pixel count.
- DataLoader
Gets or sets the data loader.
- HasAlpha
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has alpha.
- HasTransparentColor
Gets a value indicating whether image has transparent color.
- HorizontalResolution
Gets or sets the horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch, of this RasterImage.
- IsRawDataAvailable
Gets a value indicating whether raw data loading is available.
- RawCustomColorConverter
Gets or sets the custom color converter
- RawDataFormat
Gets the raw data format.
- RawDataSettings
Gets the current raw data settings. Note when using these settings the data loads without conversion.
- RawFallbackIndex
Gets or sets the fallback index to use when palette index is out of bounds
- RawIndexedColorConverter
Gets or sets the indexed color converter
- RawLineSize
Gets the raw line size in bytes.
- TransparentColor
Gets the image transparent color.
- VerticalResolution
Gets or sets the vertical resolution, in pixels per inch, of this RasterImage.
- AdjustBrightness(int)
Adjust of a brightness for image.
- AdjustContrast(float)
Image contrasting
- AdjustGamma(float)
Gamma-correction of an image.
- AdjustGamma(float, float, float)
Gamma-correction of an image.
- BinarizeBradley(double)
Binarization of an image using Bradley's adaptive thresholding algorithm using the integral image thresholding
- BinarizeFixed(byte)
Binarization of an image with predefined threshold
- BinarizeOtsu()
Binarization of an image with Otsu thresholding
- Crop(Rectangle)
Cropping the image.
- Crop(int, int, int, int)
Crop image with shifts.
- Dither(DitheringMethod, int)
Performs dithering on the current image.
- Dither(DitheringMethod, int, IColorPalette)
Performs dithering on the current image.
- GetArgb32Pixel(int, int)
Gets an image 32-bit ARGB pixel.
- GetDefaultArgb32Pixels(Rectangle)
Gets the default 32-bit ARGB pixels array.
- GetDefaultPixels(Rectangle, IPartialArgb32PixelLoader)
Gets the default pixels array using partial pixel loader.
- GetDefaultRawData(Rectangle, IPartialRawDataLoader, RawDataSettings)
Gets the default raw data array using partial pixel loader.
- GetDefaultRawData(Rectangle, RawDataSettings)
Gets the default raw data array.
- GetPixel(int, int)
Gets an image pixel.
- Grayscale()
Transformation of an image to its grayscale representation
- LoadArgb32Pixels(Rectangle)
Loads 32-bit ARGB pixels.
- LoadCmykPixels(Rectangle)
Loads pixels in CMYK format.
- LoadPartialArgb32Pixels(Rectangle, IPartialArgb32PixelLoader)
Loads 32-bit ARGB pixels partially by packs.
- LoadPartialPixels(Rectangle, IPartialPixelLoader)
Loads pixels partially by packs.
- LoadPixels(Rectangle)
Loads pixels.
- LoadPixelsInternal(Rectangle, IPartialArgb32PixelLoader)
Loads pixels (format specific method).
- LoadRawData(Rectangle, RawDataSettings, IPartialRawDataLoader)
Loads raw data.
- ReadScanLine(int)
Reads the whole scan line by the specified scan line index.
- ReadScanLineArgb(int)
Reads the whole scan line by the specified scan line index.
- ReleaseManagedResources()
Releases the managed resources. Make sure no unmanaged resources are released here, since they may have been already released.
- Resize(int, int, ImageResizeSettings)
Resizes the image.
- Resize(int, int, ResizeType)
Resizes the image.
- Rotate(float, bool, Color)
Rotate image around the center.
- SaveArgb32Pixels(Rectangle, int[])
Saves the 32-bit ARGB pixels.
- SaveCmykPixels(Rectangle, CmykColor[])
Saves the pixels.
- SavePixels(Rectangle, Color[])
Saves the pixels.
- SavePixelsInternal(Rectangle, int[])
Saves pixels (format specific method).
- SaveRawData(byte[], int, Rectangle, RawDataSettings)
Saves the raw data.
- SetArgb32Pixel(int, int, int)
Sets an image 32-bit ARGB pixel for the specified position.
- SetPalette(IColorPalette, bool)
Sets the image palette.
- SetPixel(int, int, Color)
Sets an image pixel for the specified position.
- SetResolution(double, double)
Sets the resolution for this RasterImage.
- WriteScanLine(int, Color[])
Writes the whole scan line to the specified scan line index.
- WriteScanLine(int, int[])
Writes the whole scan line to the specified scan line index.