Point3D class

Point3D class

Represents class to work with 3D point and special operations for it.

The Point3D type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the Point3D class
initInitializes a new instance of the Point3D class
initInitializes a new instance of the Point3D class
initInitializes a new instance of the Point3D class


xGets or sets X coordinate
yGets or sets Y coordinate
zGets or sets Z coordinate
wGets or sets W coordinate


distanceGets distance between points
sphericalGet point in spherical coordinates
cross_productGets cross-product of a points
dot_productGets dot product between two vectors.
normal_vectorGet normal vector of a plane.
transformApplies transformation to a point
transform_normalizeApplies transformation with normalization.
equals_softAllows to compare 3D points with specified threshold.
copyCreates copy of current point
normalizeNormalizes the specified origin.

See Also