Collada class

Collada class

The COLLADA element declares the root of the document that comprises some of the content in the COLLADA schema.

Inheritance: ColladaColladaElement

The Collada type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the Collada class.


assetGets or sets the asset element.
itemsGets or sets the libraries items.
sceneGets or sets the scene.
The scene embodies the entire set of information that can be visualized from the contents of a COLLADA resource.
The scene element declares the base of the scene hierarchy or scene graph.
The scene contains elements that comprise much of the visual and transformational information content as created by the authoring tools.
extraGets or sets the extra.
versionGets or sets the version.
The version attribute is the COLLADA schema revision with which the instance document conforms.
Required Attribute.
baseGets or sets the base.
The base attribute allows you to define the base URI for this COLLADA document.

See Also