Effect class

Effect class

The effect. A self contained description of a SHADER effect.

Inheritance: EffectColladaElement

The Effect type exposes the following members:


initConstructs a new instance of Effect


assetGets or sets the asset.
The effect element may contain an asset element.
annotateGets or sets the annotate.
The annotate element allows you to specify an annotation on this effect.
new_parameterGets or sets the new parameter.
The new parameter element allows you to create new effect parameters which can be shared by multiple profiles.
profile_commonGets or sets the profile common.
profile_bridgeGets or sets the profile bridge.
extraGets or sets the extra.
The extra element may appear any number of times.
idGets or sets the id.
The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of this element.
This value must be unique within the instance document.
Optional attribute.
nameGets or sets the name.
The name attribute is the text string name of this element.
Optional attribute.

See Also