DgnRootElement class

DgnRootElement class

Represents root element of a DGN file

Inheritance: DgnRootElementDgnElement

The DgnRootElement type exposes the following members:


metadataGets element metadata
is_3dGets a value indicating whether the file is 3D model
scaleGets global scale factor
origin_pointGets global origin point
axis_lock_angelGets axis lock angel
axis_lock_originGets axis lock origin
active_cellGets active cell
active_pattering_scaleGets active pattering scale
active_pattering_cellGets active pattering cell
active_pattering_row_spacingGets active pattering row spacing
active_pattering_angleGets active pattering angle
active_pattering_angle2Gets second active pattering angle
active_pattering_column_spacingGets active pattering column spacing
active_pointGets active point
active_line_terminator_scaleGets active line terminator scale
active_line_terminatorGets active line terminator
key_point_snap_flagGets key point snap flag
key_point_snap_divisorGets key point snap divisor
unit_typeGets or sets unit type of design file
sub_unit_typeGets or sets sub-unit type of design file

See Also