TiffOptionsError enumeration

TiffOptionsError enumeration

The tiff options error codes.

The TiffOptionsError type exposes the following members:


NO_ERRORNo error code.
NO_COLOR_MAPThe color map is not defined.
COLOR_MAP_LENGTH_INVALIDThe color map length is invalid.
COMPRESSION_SPP_MISMATCHThe compression does not match the samples per pixel count.
PHOTOMETRIC_COMPRESSION_MISMATCHThe compression does not match the photometric settings.
PHOTOMETRIC_SPP_MISMATCHThe photometric does not match the samples per pixel count.
NOT_SUPPORTED_ALPHA_STORAGEThe alpha storage is not supported.
PHOTOMETRIC_BITS_PER_SAMPLE_MISMATCHThe photometric bits per sample is invalid
BASELINE_6_OPTIONS_MISMATCHThe specified TIFF options parameters don’t conform to TIFF Baseline 6.0 standard

See Also