ColorantLab class

ColorantLab class

Represents LAB Colorant.

Inheritance: ColorantLabColorantBaseComplexTypeBaseXmpTypeBase

The ColorantLab type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the ColorantLab class.
initInitializes a new instance of the ColorantLab class.


prefixGets the prefix.
namespace_uriGets the default namespace URI.
modeGets ColorMode.
swatch_nameGets or sets the name of the swatch.
color_typeGets or sets the type of the color.
aGets or sets the A component.
bGets or sets the B component.
lGets or sets the L component.
MIN_AThe minimum A component value
MAX_AThe maximum A component value
MIN_BThe minimum B component value
MAX_BThe maximum A component value
MIN_LThe minimum L component value
MAX_LThe maximum A component value


get_xmp_representationGets the string contained value in XMP format.

See Also