ColorPaletteHelper class

ColorPaletteHelper class

Helper class for color palettes manipulation.

The ColorPaletteHelper type exposes the following members:


create_monochromeCreates a monochrome color palette containing 2 colors only.
create_4_bitCreates the 4 bit color palette.
create_4_bit_grayscaleCreates the 4 bit grayscale palette.
create_8_bitCreates the 8 bit color palette.
create_8_bit_grayscaleCreates the 8 bit grayscale palette.
get_close_image_paletteGets color palette from raster image (palletizes image) in case the image does not have one. In case palette exists it will be used instead performing calculations.
get_uniform_color_paletteGet uniform 256 color palette.
get_downscale_paletteGet 256 color palette, composed from upper bits of initial image color values.

See Also