Size class

Size class

Represents size.

The Size type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the Size structure from the specified Point.
initInitializes a new instance of the Size structure from the specified dimensions.
initConstructs a new instance of Size


emptyGets a new instance of the Size structure that has Size.width and Size.height values set to zero.
is_emptyGets a value indicating whether this Size has width and height of 0.
widthGets or sets the horizontal component of this Size.
heightGets or sets the vertical component of this Size.


addAdds the width and height of one Size structure to the width and height of another Size structure.
ceilingConverts the specified SizeF structure to a Size structure by rounding the values of the Size structure to the next higher integer values.
subtractSubtracts the width and height of one Size structure from the width and height of another Size structure.
truncateConverts the specified SizeF structure to a Size structure by truncating the values of the SizeF structure to the next lower integer values.
roundConverts the specified SizeF structure to a Size structure by rounding the values of the SizeF structure to the nearest integer values.

See Also