Aspose::Cells::Charts::ChartType enum
]ChartType enum
Enumerates all chart types used in Excel.
enum class ChartType
Name | Value | Description |
Area | 0 | Represents Area Chart. |
AreaStacked | 1 | Represents Stacked Area Chart. |
Area100PercentStacked | 2 | Represents 100% Stacked Area Chart. |
Area3D | 3 | Represents 3D Area Chart. |
Area3DStacked | 4 | Represents 3D Stacked Area Chart. |
Area3D100PercentStacked | 5 | Represents 3D 100% Stacked Area Chart. |
Bar | 6 | Represents Bar Chart: Clustered Bar Chart. |
BarStacked | 7 | Represents Stacked Bar Chart. |
Bar100PercentStacked | 8 | Represents 100% Stacked Bar Chart. |
Bar3DClustered | 9 | Represents 3D Clustered Bar Chart. |
Bar3DStacked | 10 | Represents 3D Stacked Bar Chart. |
Bar3D100PercentStacked | 11 | Represents 3D 100% Stacked Bar Chart. |
Bubble | 12 | Represents Bubble Chart. |
Bubble3D | 13 | Represents 3D Bubble Chart. |
Column | 14 | Represents ColumnChart: Clustered ColumnChart. |
ColumnStacked | 15 | Represents Stacked ColumnChart. |
Column100PercentStacked | 16 | Represents 100% Stacked ColumnChart. |
Column3D | 17 | Represents 3D ColumnChart. |
Column3DClustered | 18 | Represents 3D Clustered ColumnChart. |
Column3DStacked | 19 | Represents 3D Stacked ColumnChart. |
Column3D100PercentStacked | 20 | Represents 3D 100% Stacked ColumnChart. |
Cone | 21 | Represents Cone Chart. |
ConeStacked | 22 | Represents Stacked Cone Chart. |
Cone100PercentStacked | 23 | Represents 100% Stacked Cone Chart. |
ConicalBar | 24 | Represents Conical Bar Chart. |
ConicalBarStacked | 25 | Represents Stacked Conical Bar Chart. |
ConicalBar100PercentStacked | 26 | Represents 100% Stacked Conical Bar Chart. |
ConicalColumn3D | 27 | Represents 3D Conical ColumnChart. |
Cylinder | 28 | Represents Cylinder Chart. |
CylinderStacked | 29 | Represents Stacked Cylinder Chart. |
Cylinder100PercentStacked | 30 | Represents 100% Stacked Cylinder Chart. |
CylindricalBar | 31 | Represents Cylindrical Bar Chart. |
CylindricalBarStacked | 32 | Represents Stacked Cylindrical Bar Chart. |
CylindricalBar100PercentStacked | 33 | Represents 100% Stacked Cylindrical Bar Chart. |
CylindricalColumn3D | 34 | Represents 3D Cylindrical ColumnChart. |
Doughnut | 35 | Represents Doughnut Chart. |
DoughnutExploded | 36 | Represents Exploded Doughnut Chart. |
Line | 37 | Represents Line Chart. |
LineStacked | 38 | Represents Stacked Line Chart. |
Line100PercentStacked | 39 | Represents 100% Stacked Line Chart. |
LineWithDataMarkers | 40 | Represents Line Chart with data markers. |
LineStackedWithDataMarkers | 41 | Represents Stacked Line Chart with data markers. |
Line100PercentStackedWithDataMarkers | 42 | Represents 100% Stacked Line Chart with data markers. |
Line3D | 43 | Represents 3D Line Chart. |
Pie | 44 | Represents Pie Chart. |
Pie3D | 45 | Represents 3D Pie Chart. |
PiePie | 46 | Represents Pie of Pie Chart. |
PieExploded | 47 | Represents Exploded Pie Chart. |
Pie3DExploded | 48 | Represents 3D Exploded Pie Chart. |
PieBar | 49 | Represents Bar of Pie Chart. |
Pyramid | 50 | Represents Pyramid Chart. |
PyramidStacked | 51 | Represents Stacked Pyramid Chart. |
Pyramid100PercentStacked | 52 | Represents 100% Stacked Pyramid Chart. |
PyramidBar | 53 | Represents Pyramid Bar Chart. |
PyramidBarStacked | 54 | Represents Stacked Pyramid Bar Chart. |
PyramidBar100PercentStacked | 55 | Represents 100% Stacked Pyramid Bar Chart. |
PyramidColumn3D | 56 | Represents 3D Pyramid ColumnChart. |
Radar | 57 | Represents Radar Chart. |
RadarWithDataMarkers | 58 | Represents Radar Chart with data markers. |
RadarFilled | 59 | Represents Filled Radar Chart. |
Scatter | 60 | Represents Scatter Chart. |
ScatterConnectedByCurvesWithDataMarker | 61 | Represents Scatter Chart connected by curves, with data markers. |
ScatterConnectedByCurvesWithoutDataMarker | 62 | Represents Scatter Chart connected by curves, without data markers. |
ScatterConnectedByLinesWithDataMarker | 63 | Represents Scatter Chart connected by lines, with data markers. |
ScatterConnectedByLinesWithoutDataMarker | 64 | Represents Scatter Chart connected by lines, without data markers. |
StockHighLowClose | 65 | Represents High-Low-Close Stock Chart. |
StockOpenHighLowClose | 66 | Represents Open-High-Low-Close Stock Chart. |
StockVolumeHighLowClose | 67 | Represents Volume-High-Low-Close Stock Chart. |
StockVolumeOpenHighLowClose | 68 | Represents Volume-Open-High-Low-Close Stock Chart. |
Surface3D | 69 | Represents Surface Chart: 3D Surface Chart. |
SurfaceWireframe3D | 70 | Represents Wireframe 3D Surface Chart. |
SurfaceContour | 71 | Represents Contour Chart. |
SurfaceContourWireframe | 72 | Represents Wireframe Contour Chart. |
BoxWhisker | 73 | The series is laid out as box and whisker. |
Funnel | 74 | The series is laid out as a funnel. |
ParetoLine | 75 | The series is laid out as pareto lines. |
Sunburst | 76 | The series is laid out as a sunburst. |
Treemap | 77 | The series is laid out as a treemap. |
Waterfall | 78 | The series is laid out as a waterfall. |
Histogram | 79 | The series is laid out as a histogram. |
Map | 80 | The series is laid out as a region map. |
RadialHistogram | 81 | The series is laid out as a radial historgram. It is used only for rendering. |
See Also
- Namespace Aspose::Cells::Charts
- Library Aspose.Cells for C++