Aspose::Cells::Charts::SeriesCollection::AddR1C1 method

SeriesCollection::AddR1C1(const U16String&, bool) method

Adds the Series collection to a chart.

int32_t Aspose::Cells::Charts::SeriesCollection::AddR1C1(const U16String &area, bool isVertical)
areaconst U16String&Specifies values from which to plot the data series
isVerticalboolSpecifies whether to plot the series from a range of cell values by row or by column.


Return the first index of the added ASeries in the NSeries.


If set data on contiguous cells, use colon to seperate them.For example, R[1]C[1]:R[3]C[2].

If set data on contiguous cells, use comma to seperate them.For example,(R[1]C[1],R[3]C[2]).

See Also

SeriesCollection::AddR1C1(const char16_t*, bool) method

Adds the Series collection to a chart.

int32_t Aspose::Cells::Charts::SeriesCollection::AddR1C1(const char16_t *area, bool isVertical)
areaconst char16_t*Specifies values from which to plot the data series
isVerticalboolSpecifies whether to plot the series from a range of cell values by row or by column.


Return the first index of the added ASeries in the NSeries.


If set data on contiguous cells, use colon to seperate them.For example, R[1]C[1]:R[3]C[2].

If set data on contiguous cells, use comma to seperate them.For example,(R[1]C[1],R[3]C[2]).

See Also