Aspose::Cells::Charts::SeriesLayoutProperties class

SeriesLayoutProperties class

Represents the properties of series layout.

class SeriesLayoutProperties


GetMapChartProjectionType()Gets and sets the projection type of the map.
GetMapChartRegionType()Gets and sets the region type of the map.
GetMapLabelLayout()Gets and sets the layout of map labels.
GetQuartileCalculation()Represents the statistical properties for the series.
GetShowConnectorLines()Indicates whether showing connector lines between data points.
GetShowInnerPoints()Indicates whether showing non-outlier data points.
GetShowMeanLine()Indicates whether showing the line connecting all mean points.
GetShowMeanMarker()Indicates whether showing markers denoting the mean.
GetShowOutlierPoints()Indicates whether showing outlier data points.
GetSubtotals()Represents the index of a subtotal data point.
IsIntervalLeftClosed()Indicates whether the interval is closed on the left side.
IsNull() constChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
explicit operator bool() constoperator bool()
operator=(const SeriesLayoutProperties& src)operator=
SeriesLayoutProperties()Default constructor.
SeriesLayoutProperties(SeriesLayoutProperties_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
SeriesLayoutProperties(const SeriesLayoutProperties& src)Copy constructor.
SetIsIntervalLeftClosed(bool value)Indicates whether the interval is closed on the left side.
SetMapChartProjectionType(MapChartProjectionType value)Gets and sets the projection type of the map.
SetMapChartRegionType(MapChartRegionType value)Gets and sets the region type of the map.
SetMapLabelLayout(MapChartLabelLayout value)Gets and sets the layout of map labels.
SetQuartileCalculation(QuartileCalculationType value)Represents the statistical properties for the series.
SetShowConnectorLines(bool value)Indicates whether showing connector lines between data points.
SetShowInnerPoints(bool value)Indicates whether showing non-outlier data points.
SetShowMeanLine(bool value)Indicates whether showing the line connecting all mean points.
SetShowMeanMarker(bool value)Indicates whether showing markers denoting the mean.
SetShowOutlierPoints(bool value)Indicates whether showing outlier data points.
SetSubtotals(const Vector <int32_t>& value)Represents the index of a subtotal data point.


_implThe implementation object.

See Also