Aspose::Cells::Charts::SparklineGroupCollection::Add method

SparklineGroupCollection::Add(SparklineType) method

Adds an SparklineGroup with a Sparkline to the collection.

int32_t Aspose::Cells::Charts::SparklineGroupCollection::Add(SparklineType type)
typeSparklineTypeSpecifies the type of the Sparkline group.


SparklineGroup object index.

See Also

SparklineGroupCollection::Add(SparklineType, const U16String&, bool, const CellArea&) method

Adds an SparklineGroup with Sparkline to the collection.

int32_t Aspose::Cells::Charts::SparklineGroupCollection::Add(SparklineType type, const U16String &dataRange, bool isVertical, const CellArea &locationRange)
typeSparklineTypeSpecifies the type of the Sparkline group.
dataRangeconst U16String&Specifies the data range of the sparkline group.
isVerticalboolSpecifies whether to plot the sparklines from the data range by row or by column.
locationRangeconst CellArea&Specifies where the sparklines to be placed.


SparklineGroup object index.

See Also

SparklineGroupCollection::Add(SparklineType, const char16_t*, bool, const CellArea&) method

Adds an SparklineGroup with Sparkline to the collection.

int32_t Aspose::Cells::Charts::SparklineGroupCollection::Add(SparklineType type, const char16_t *dataRange, bool isVertical, const CellArea &locationRange)
typeSparklineTypeSpecifies the type of the Sparkline group.
dataRangeconst char16_t*Specifies the data range of the sparkline group.
isVerticalboolSpecifies whether to plot the sparklines from the data range by row or by column.
locationRangeconst CellArea&Specifies where the sparklines to be placed.


SparklineGroup object index.

See Also