Aspose::Cells::Drawing::Texts::TextOptions class

TextOptions class

Represents the text options.

class TextOptions : public Aspose::Cells::Font


Equals(const Aspose::Cells::Font& font)Checks if two fonts are equals.
Font(Font_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
Font(const Aspose::Cells::Font& src)Copy constructor.
GetArgbColor()Gets and sets the color with a 32-bit ARGB value.
GetCapsType()Gets and sets the text caps type.
GetCharset()Represent the character set.
GetColor()Gets or sets the System.Drawing.Color of the font.
GetDoubleSize()Gets and sets the double size of the font.
GetFarEastName()Gets and sets the FarEast name.
GetFill()Represents the fill format of the text.
GetKerning()Specifies the minimum font size at which character kerning will occur for this text run.
GetLanguageCode()Gets and sets the user interface language.
GetLatinName()Gets and sets the latin name.
GetName()Gets and sets the name of the shape.
GetOutline()Represents the outline format of the text.
GetSchemeType()Gets and sets the scheme type of the font.
GetScriptOffset()Gets and sets the script offset,in unit of percentage.
GetShadow()Represents a ShadowEffect object that specifies shadow effect for the chart element or shape.
GetSize()Gets or sets the size of the font.
GetSpacing()Specifies the spacing between characters within a text run.
GetStrikeType()Gets the strike type of the text.
GetThemeColor()Gets and sets the theme color.
GetUnderline()Gets or sets the font underline type.
GetUnderlineColor()Gets or sets the color of underline.
IsBold()Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is bold.
IsItalic()Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is italic.
IsNormalizeHeights()Indicates whether the normalization of height that is to be applied to the text run.
IsNull() constChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
IsStrikeout()Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is single strikeout.
IsSubscript()Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is subscript.
IsSuperscript()Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is super script.
explicit operator bool() constoperator bool()
operator=(const TextOptions& src)operator=
operator=(const Aspose::Cells::Font& src)operator=
SetArgbColor(int32_t value)Gets and sets the color with a 32-bit ARGB value.
SetCapsType(TextCapsType value)Gets and sets the text caps type.
SetCharset(int32_t value)Represent the character set.
SetColor(const Aspose::Cells::Color& value)Gets or sets the System.Drawing.Color of the font.
SetDoubleSize(double value)Gets and sets the double size of the font.
SetFarEastName(const U16String& value)Gets and sets the FarEast name.
SetFarEastName(const char16_t* value)Gets and sets the FarEast name.
SetIsBold(bool value)Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is bold.
SetIsItalic(bool value)Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is italic.
SetIsNormalizeHeights(bool value)Indicates whether the normalization of height that is to be applied to the text run.
SetIsStrikeout(bool value)Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is single strikeout.
SetIsSubscript(bool value)Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is subscript.
SetIsSuperscript(bool value)Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is super script.
SetKerning(double value)Specifies the minimum font size at which character kerning will occur for this text run.
SetLanguageCode(CountryCode value)Gets and sets the user interface language.
SetLatinName(const U16String& value)Gets and sets the latin name.
SetLatinName(const char16_t* value)Gets and sets the latin name.
SetName(const U16String& value)Gets and sets the name of the shape.
SetName(const char16_t* value)Gets and sets the name of the shape.
SetSchemeType(FontSchemeType value)Gets and sets the scheme type of the font.
SetScriptOffset(double value)Gets and sets the script offset,in unit of percentage.
SetSize(int32_t value)Gets or sets the size of the font.
SetSpacing(double value)Specifies the spacing between characters within a text run.
SetStrikeType(TextStrikeType value)Gets the strike type of the text.
SetThemeColor(const ThemeColor& value)Gets and sets the theme color.
SetUnderline(FontUnderlineType value)Gets or sets the font underline type.
SetUnderlineColor(const CellsColor& value)Gets or sets the color of underline.
TextOptions(TextOptions_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
TextOptions(const TextOptions& src)Copy constructor.
TextOptions(const Font& src)Constructs from a parent object.
ToString()Returns a string represents the current Cell object.


_implThe implementation object.

See Also