Aspose::Cells::Drawing::Shape::UpdateSelectedValue method

Shape::UpdateSelectedValue method

Update the selected value by the value of the linked cell.

void Aspose::Cells::Drawing::Shape::UpdateSelectedValue()


for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
    Cell cell = book.GetWorksheets().Get(0).GetCells().Get(i, 0);
    cell.PutValue(i + 1);

//Create a ListBox object

//ActiveX Controls
//Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape listBox = book.GetWorksheets().Get(0).GetShapes().AddActiveXControl( Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlType::ListBox,2, 0, 2, 0, 130, 130);

//Form Controls
Shape listBox = book.GetWorksheets().Get(0).GetShapes().AddListBox(2, 0, 2, 0, 130, 130);

//Sets the range used to fill the control.
listBox.SetInputRange(u"$A$1:$A$6", false, false);

//Sets the range linked to the control's value.
listBox.SetLinkedCell(u"$A$12", false, true);

ListBox listbx = (ListBox)listBox;

//Set the value of cell A12
Cell cell = book.GetWorksheets().Get(0).GetCells().Get(11, 0);

//Update the selected value by the value of the linked cell.

//-1 default, no option selected
if (listbx.IsSelected(2))
    //Option 3 of the ListBox is selected

//Change the value of a linked cell

//Update the selected value by the value of the linked cell.
if (listbx.IsSelected(3))
    //Option 4 of the ListBox is selected

See Also