Aspose::Cells::ExternalConnections::DBConnection::SetConnectionInfo method

DBConnection::SetConnectionInfo(const U16String&) method

The connection information string is used to make contact with an OLE DB or ODBC data source.


Use ExternalConnection.ConnectionString property instead.

void Aspose::Cells::ExternalConnections::DBConnection::SetConnectionInfo(const U16String &value)


NOTE: This property is now obsolete. Instead, please use ExternalConnection.ConnectionString property. This method will be removed 12 months later since October 2024. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.

See Also

DBConnection::SetConnectionInfo(const char16_t*) method

The connection information string is used to make contact with an OLE DB or ODBC data source.


Use ExternalConnection.ConnectionString property instead.

void Aspose::Cells::ExternalConnections::DBConnection::SetConnectionInfo(const char16_t *value)


NOTE: This property is now obsolete. Instead, please use ExternalConnection.ConnectionString property. This method will be removed 12 months later since October 2024. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.

See Also